I have another thread where everyone has been trying to help solve my pH problem.
I think we might have just hit upon something strange contributing to it.
I bought Red Sea Salt (switching over from Reef Crystals slowly, as I was out of salt anyway) and mixed 9 gallons with water from our RODI unit. Since Red Sea is supposed to mix up at 8.1-8.3 I thought this would be a good move.After mixing and bring up to 77degress, I tested the ph and it still read 7.1 - as it did before adding the salt.
Salinity was perfect 1.026.
I tested the pH meter in my high alkaline bottled water (9.5+) it read 9.7
My husband did a few tests, he mixed some with tap water, same results. 7.1
Bottled water, started 6.9, after mixing with salt 8.1
Distilled water, started at 8.1, after salt 8.4.
It seems to me the problem is with our water supply.
We are on a community well.
What about our water would keep the pH from going up?
Before we had the RODI I bought water at the LFS, but that was a 36 gal tank, not 75.