Return to the craft !!! Evo 13.5 Reef start up !!!


Tom Does Disney

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Finally back to reefing after a 10 year hiatus !!! And jumping in strong with a the 13.5 Fluval Evo Reef Ready all in one system.

After multiple trips to my LFS (I live in Orlando so yea that's WWC and Top Shelf Aquatics) but for me, its Crabbi Pattis !!! Cute little place that is totally overshadowed by the two giants around the corner. I was drawn immediately to thier 6 year old frag tank, which is commendable !!! Zoas, Shroms, Acans, Leathers, SPS, LPS, and everything in between !!! Great selection of fish and inverts as well.

I grabbed about 17 lbs of PRIMO Live Rock, it had just come out of a 7 years old system that the owner broke down, and its packeddd with life. So I grabbed the classic Arga Alive Carribsea Figi pink (10lb) and aquascaped the tank with 4 solid pieces. The flow around the rock is amazing and provides every level of light and flow I could ask for, along with an insane amount of future homes for the inevitable 6 line wrasse who will be one of the 3 fish in this tank permanently.

I used turbo start, my first time with that. I tested for ammonia positively only one day, the 3rd, and after that have had 0 levels acoss the board. A bit of a nightmare when I finally check my salt and realized the store had given me about 1.35, so i did a huge water change and got it down to 1.26 with perfect 8.3 pH.

For equipment I bought the additonal protien skimmer designed for the first chamber of the overflow, i grabbed the InTank 2nd chamber media filter with filter floss and carbon in top (when needed), Bio media in middle, and chemi pure in the bottom. I bought a standard digital 50 watt heater for the return chamber and stuck with the standard pump and return head. My wave maker is by Hygger, its rated 1350 max and ive got it programmed down to a perfect rate for each of the 5 sessions in the small system. I added the NiCrew timer to the stock light with a nice ramp up and down for sunrise/sunset, and added an additonal 13 watt light next to the main system using suction cups to the lid.

I've added some photos of the stock so far, and yes the BTA is happy and planted, much easier to add now with perfect husbandry instead of later when the system is more stable and it can run across my coral lol. Zoas are basic and just moved so all closed, mushrooms are single cap frags brand new, and settling in. Blue ricordia has expelled guts because of my trying to stuff him in that rock space. The ricordia is super baby and opening up a bit more each day. GSP are GSP lol. Emerald Crab is the only critter in here currently to clean the very small amounts of algae starting to bloom.

Happy to be back, and look forward to sharing the progession and answering any questions !!! Happy Reefing.

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Top Shelf Aquatics
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Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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How much media did you add? In a media bag or loose?
Chemi pure in the standard 10 oz bag, the bio media was the stock little bag that came with the fluval and also some Biomax by aquapure. Its all bagged not loose. Thinking if the skimmer doesnt work well with the tank I'll switch to the InTank chamber 1 basket with a ton of crushed up Live Rock.
Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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Looks great! Can’t wait to see it grow in!
Careful with the 6 line - those can be evil!
Thanks !!! I will post an update every few weeks here for sure !!! The 6 line is a little tiny guy (for now) so I'm hoping he wont pick on the clowns especially when they host the anemone !!!
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Thanks !!! I will post an update every few weeks here for sure !!! The 6 line is a little tiny guy (for now) so I'm hoping he wont pick on the clowns especially when they host the anemone !!!
Ah, with clowns there shouldn’t be a huge issue - they are a match for aggression. Two forces of evil going against each other lol
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Tom Does Disney

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UPDATE 4/15/22

Wow, what a week for the bioload !!!

I ditched the zoas, didnt like the colors. Mushrooms are all settled in, as is the GSP, and BTA. The two emerald crabs have been great since day 1, powerful eaters.

Added ALL the fish this week, and the CUC, plus a great little free Kenya Tree from the LFS that was stuck under their frag display. It's looking WAY better after only 3 days in my tank.

Two Black Clownfish, One Sixline Wrasse, One Yellow Watchmen/Pistol Shrimp, One Skunk Cleaner, Four Blue Knuckle Hermit, One Turbo Snail, One Nas Snail.

I've started running the skimmer all day and night plus running a new UV bulb I've added to chamber 3. Liking the amount of algea for now, especially with Nitrates still reading only around 2-4.

Happy with the SUPER RUSH on this tank just because I'm hearing there is a method to the madness as far as adding your entire livestock at once with all this new tech.

The clowns are hosting the nem, and all are happier for it....the Goby/Pistol were a MUCH greater challenge. Almost an hour and a half of coaxing the smalles Yellow Watchmen of all time into the front of the tank where I used a glass petrie dish and placed it over the top of him then dragged it over to the hole the pistol was making. Luckily the shrimp smelled out the Goby and was able to dig him out which provided the perfect moment for a connection to be made and they have been inseperable since. I removed the glass petrie and I'm offically not sticking my hand in here for the next month lol. Water changes and cleaning as needed but its time to let everyone settle.

I added all the fish at once, because in a 13.5 gallon tank the last thing you want is anyone bully fish to feel like he owns the place, and so far its working like a charm.

Anyway, ready for REEFAPALOZA in Orlando next weekend !!! Have a great weekend ya'll.

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Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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The best part of this hobby is the ever changing "idea" of what your tank is going to be. I have changed up some important things over the past few weeks !!!

First up, the Fluval mini skimmer is OUT !!! THAT THING SUCKED !!! Loud and useless. I decided to upgrade the first chamber to a mini refugium with Miracle Mud, a few mangroves, and a grow light.

Had to finally pick up an RO/DI system and I love it. Along with my giant bucket of Coral Pro salt, I have been doing weekly 10-20% water changes and the coral are loving it.

Chamber 2 is still the carbon, bio media, and Chemi Pure in the InTank media basket. Chamber 3 has the UV bulb running 12 hours at night and doing a great job IMO cleaning up the crap.

Reefapalooza was DOPE !!! I was amazed at the corals, and picked up some absolute gems, including this bounce mushroom which is the new pride of my tank. The mushroom garden count is up to 10 species with 17 heads, and the zoa garden is at 8 species with about 20 ish heads.

The anemone moved to its final resting place about 2 weeks ago, the clowns are starting to become visibly different sizes so I think they are sorting themselves out and the female is currently hosting the Nem solo.

The little Rose BTA is dope and I LOVE these little cups, genius seeing so many people at the show using them to keep these little guys put for easy feeding and growth.

Bumped the lighting up an extra hour at night and other than that, the tank is doing fantastic.


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Top Shelf Aquatics
Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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Update 5/14

Small update here, just to check in and say everything is going great. Added 3 little gold and dark grey Chromis to the tank for some life and since the bio load seemed like it could handle a bit more. Def maxed out now in this little tank and the upgrade will be imminent lol.

one picture and one video of the bravest little pistol shrimp you ever did see just chilling like Spider-Man on the rocks while Goby watches like a mom at the playground lol.


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Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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UPDATE 11/2/2022

wow where the hell have I been !?! BUSY that’s where and really just enjoying the process !!!

BUT the reef has exploded in life !!! Coraline just everywhere all the time. The EVO 13 is covered lol.

I’ve really nailed down the current stock and things continue to propagate and grow. Some corals and fish did better than others, and have either gone back to the LFS or into other tanks.

So enjoy the pictures!!! You’ll see the mushrooms are splitting like wild, the clam and anemone are beyond happy, and the fish are also all doing well.

The final and permanent livestock for fish are: The two black clowns, the 6 line wrasse, and Yellow watchmen goby. They are the original 4 fish and all so happy together.

the mangroves have also grown a tremendous amount, and I’ve also got a 3 gallon pico and 20 gallon long buildout working, I’ll share pictures of those if anyone is interested !!!

thanks guys happy reefing


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Welcome Back! I came back a little over a year ago myself. My how things have changed! I come from the days of power compact lights, T5's & metal halides and protein skimmers that barely worked. When I came back I fired up a 40 breeder just because of budget. Normally back in the early 90's I had a couple 120 gallon mixed reef tanks so a 40 was easy to me. Needless to say I crashed it by dosing trying out "Todays Reefing Methods" of dosing. Needless to say I've gone back to my old school thinking and just do water changes 1st and things do fine. The bottle stuff in my opinion doesn't take the place of time and patients. Anyways, A couple things I wanted to comment since after crashing the 40 a few months back, I fired up an available EVO 13.5 and love it. Small BUT a cool tank. I did upgrade the stock pump (Sicce 1.0) and added a Hygger Mini Wave Maker. Replaced the stock light with A Kessel W160. Used live rock from an established tank as well. And my mixed reef in there is doing great. Years ago the ESV Bionic 2-Part was out and I returned to that when levels need a little help but other than that its an easy system to maintain and I think Fluval did a good job on these little tanks with an ok price point. I just got another one on sale using a Petco membership and current sale for 140 bucks! The next setup I want to do all zoa's.
Happy Reefing.


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Welcome Back! I came back a little over a year ago myself. My how things have changed! I come from the days of power compact lights, T5's & metal halides and protein skimmers that barely worked. When I came back I fired up a 40 breeder just because of budget. Normally back in the early 90's I had a couple 120 gallon mixed reef tanks so a 40 was easy to me. Needless to say I crashed it by dosing trying out "Todays Reefing Methods" of dosing. Needless to say I've gone back to my old school thinking and just do water changes 1st and things do fine. The bottle stuff in my opinion doesn't take the place of time and patients. Anyways, A couple things I wanted to comment since after crashing the 40 a few months back, I fired up an available EVO 13.5 and love it. Small BUT a cool tank. I did upgrade the stock pump (Sicce 1.0) and added a Hygger Mini Wave Maker. Replaced the stock light with A Kessel W160. Used live rock from an established tank as well. And my mixed reef in there is doing great. Years ago the ESV Bionic 2-Part was out and I returned to that when levels need a little help but other than that its an easy system to maintain and I think Fluval did a good job on these little tanks with an ok price point. I just got another one on sale using a Petco membership and current sale for 140 bucks! The next setup I want to do all zoa's.
Happy Reefing.
The Hygger mini wave maker is awesome - I think it's much better than the competition. For one it's quite compact and works great with the digital control panel.

I thought of the Sicce 1.0 pump - but thought it might be too strong - you don't think that's the case?

2nd EVO: Yeah, I'm on the outlook for one - more so as a backup (quarantine) tank.
World Wide Corals
Tom Does Disney

Tom Does Disney

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Super cheap from Amazon. 3 watt nothing burger. Idk why this reply has 3 responses, shows I’m not as good as forums as I once was lol
Thanks for sharing! Your setup looks awesome - kudos.

What UV light are you using in Chamber
Thanks for sharing! Your setup looks awesome - kudos.

What UV light are you using in Chamber 3
Thanks for sharing! Your setup looks awesome - kudos.

What UV light are you using in Chamber 3?


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The Hygger mini wave maker is awesome - I think it's much better than the competition. For one it's quite compact and works great with the digital control panel.

I thought of the Sicce 1.0 pump - but thought it might be too strong - you don't think that's the case?

2nd EVO: Yeah, I'm on the outlook for one - more so as a backup (quarantine) tank.
Your concern about the Sicce 1.0 being too strong is valid but these pumps have a flow dial on the side that if you back it off a hair its perfect. Especially if your going to use the dual outlet tubes that it comes with. They are nice and quiet also.
World Wide Corals

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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