reef octopus regal 250 ext General question


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Feb 8, 2020
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Hi all

Looking to get some secondary opinions on this question better find tune my reef octopus. As I was combing through the manuals and website I saw that the recommendations that don’t mathematically add up so just wondering how other would interpret it. When looking at the website for this skimmer it’s rated for 600 gallon light bio load 500 gallon medium and 300 gallon high. My tank is currently 350 gallons. When looking at the webpage, recommends a 1.5 x 2 time tank volume which would explain why the GPH suggest 900 to 1200 GPH, which aligns to light bio load and max size says 600 gallons

My question now is let’s just say assuming a high bio load should I be adjusting my GPH to 900 to 1200 range regardless just because that aligned to the webpage, GPH suggestion or should I be adhering to just the calculation of recommended flow which in my case would 525 to 700 gph regardless of min or max bio because I’m pairing the skimmer to my tank with the expectations of running a higher bio load. So either it’s to be interpret as

1) run away between 900 and1200 GPH and only pair the skimmer to your tank size based on the bio load you planned to run or

2) pair the skimmer to your bio load based on what you plan to run but still adjust the GPH based on your tank volume


From coral vue site

Recommended feed rate of 1.5-2x system volume. Suggested 900-1200gph


  • Heavy
  • Medium
  • Light
  • 300 gallons
  • 500 gallons
  • 600 gallons


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Don’t overthink it. The skimmer will be great on your tank. Feed it anywhere in that range, use a DC pump so that you can dial back a bit if desired.