Has anyone else noticed the difference in the amount of salt in the 5 gallon buckets of Reef Crystals verses Instant Ocean? I have a bucket of Instant Ocean Sea Salt that I've been using. Since I'm adding more coral to my aquarium, I thought Reef Crystals would be best. I bought a bucket of Reef Crystals and when it was opened, I noticed that the salt level was much lower at about 3 1/2" down. It was a significant and obvious lower level compared to the regular Instant Ocean bucket when it was opened. Both buckets indicate they make 160 gallons of salt water. Both buckets indicate that 1/2 cup of mix is needed to make 1 gallon of water. The Instant Ocean bucket weighs 48lbs and the Reef Crystals bucket weighs 44.8lbs. How can there be a difference in weight and quantity, but both buckets still produce 160 gallons of saltwater. Can this be explained, kind of. I continued reading the label and for the Reef Crystals it takes 1.4lb of salt to make a salinity of 1.021 and Instant Ocean takes 1.5lb of salt to make a salinity of 1.022. This shortage of salt seemed quite deceiving when I popped the lid off of the Reef Crystals. Why doesn't the manufacturer make Reef Crystals 48lbs and a salinity of 1.022. Maybe I'm missing something, just curious.