*** R2R Secret Santa 2021 is HERE!! Get registered!! ***

Santa Claus

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Nov 15, 2018
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North Pole
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Ho! Ho! Ho!! Let's get this party started!! It's our 2021 Secret Santa for Reef2Reef!!

Those of you who've joined us before know how much fun this will be, and for those of you joining us for the first time, you're in for a treat! This is going to be a great time to spread Christmas joy!!

I mean lots of us have family and friends who just don't get this crazy hobby of ours, and let's face it, they're probably more likely to get you another pair of socks than that thing you really want for your reef hobby... ;) But this gift exchange will be different because it's FOR REEFERS BY REEFERS! This will be lots of fun for everyone!!

Here is how it will work:
  • Requirements to participate:
    • At least 18 years of age (only exceptions to this will be participants who have been part of our Secret Santa before)
    • At least 14 days as a member of R2R
    • At least 10 posts on R2R
  • Gift requirement: AT LEAST $25 value and a splash of Christmas joy! (more on this below)
  • As you sign up, you'll get a link to the gift exchange on Elfster (it's the Secret Santa exchange website/app that we use to organize the gift exchange) where you'll need to register and create your own wishlist for your Secret Santa.*
  • Secret Santas will be assigned in batches of 75 (so we'll be monitoring this number as you guys sign up). The final matchup will take place on November 21st for those who aren't matched before then.
  • Sign up will be open until November 21, 2021
  • Buy or make gifts and ship them by December 4, 2021.
  • Delivery tracking is mandatory and will need to be sent to @Santa Claus and/or updated in Elfster.
  • International Participation: This year's Secret Santa will have 3 groups for those outside the US: 1) Canadian participants, 2) European participants, and 3) other international participants. While we wish that we had enough international participation to allow all participants to only send to members within their own country, that simply isn't feasible, so please be aware of the possibility that you may need to ship internationally to participate outside the US or Canada.
Here are a few guidelines for this year:
  1. Please, PLEASE, be sure your R2R username is entered on your Elfster profile as your nickname. This really does help your Secret Santa to find you on Reef2Reef and get better gift giving ideas.
  2. This is an event that is meant to spread Christmas joy, so we're asking all participants to try to make this special for whoever you receive. While we realize that this may look different for everyone, we're asking participants to avoid sending $25 e-gift cards as your only gift.
  3. All participants MUST make a post or send a message acknowledging their gift and thanking whoever their Secret Santa is. Most of you do this anyway, so I don't think it's a problem to ask. However, due to some situations we've run into before, we're making this a requirement this year. We'll start a Thank You thread specifically for this and link it here.
  4. About Elfster wishlists: We ask that you be conscious of the fact that the minimum gift amount of $25 should be the "expected" amount for your gift. Therefore, put at least 5 or 6 items that fall into that amount. No Secret Santa should feel obligated to give more than the $25 amount (though you are certainly welcome to give more). More about wishlists is included below.
  5. Your gift MUST be sent by December 4th. Now, we realize things can happen, and we're always willing to work with participants. However, if your gift has not been shipped and confirmation/tracking info sent to Santa by December 11, 2021, you may be banned from participating in future Secret Santa exchanges on Reef2Reef.
  6. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in not being allowed future participation in Secret Santa gift exchanges. (We're really not expecting to remove anyone, but we do reserve the right to do so if a participant does not engage in the spirit of this gift exchange.)
All R2R Secret Santa participants will receive a special Secret Santa banner under their username.

To sign up, you will need to do these 2 things (PLEASE DO BOTH):
  1. PM @Santa Claus with your contact information (name, email, and country you're located in so that we can PM you the link to sign up on Elfster and join the gift exchange).
  2. Post in this thread with your answers to the questionnaire (see below) IN THIS THREAD (this is our official registration thread).
Secret Santa Questionnaire:
  1. What country are you located in?
  2. What is one thing you always need more of?
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends?
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests?
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work?
  6. Do you collect anything?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again?
  9. What type of music do you listen to?
  10. Do you follow any sports teams?
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank?
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby?
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in?
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*
At this time, we are unable to guarantee matching users based on a preference for shipping coral. If shipping coral we ask that you notify @Santa Claus via PM when you would like 2 ship so we can notify recipient and make sure they will be able to receive it. If recipient can't be there we will ask them for 2 other days and work out with sender. (We don't mind playing the go between here to keep it more a secret.)

*A note on creating your Elfster wish list. Our minimum gift amount is $25, and you shouldn't expect more than that to be spent on a gift. HOWEVER, please feel free to throw anything you'd like on that list. I find it's fun for folks to list out even those crazy expensive things they'd like, so put that new 300-gallon custom tank on there! LOL No harm in dreaming! Go wild! Also, as you look at the wish list created by your recipient, don't be alarmed if there are items on there you won't be able to buy them. Please don't feel obligated to spend more than you planned. Remember, it's a "wish list," and there's no harm in their wishing. :) While it's great to be generous, your recipient isn't expecting you to give more than the minimum. From experience, I know that your gift (whatever it may be) will bring joy because of the thought and kindness that goes into it.

Also, notice that we have a special Secret Santa forum going on! Feel free to start other threads in here to talk about everything Secret Santa related, holiday related, or just anything you want to talk with all of us other SS peeps!

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Jan 11, 2020
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Well I'll be first!

  1. What country are you located in? Usa
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Coralsnow +
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Wild hockey, water changes
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Minnesota Wild, my 90lb stberdoodle
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Zone out in front of my tank, have a Middleton and opus x
  6. Do you collect anything? Vintage lighters
  7. What is your favorite color? Yellow
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Casino
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Anything
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? MN Wild, the noisy neighbors
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Clowns and anemones
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Clowns and anemones symbiotic relationship
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Depends
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* depends.


unfriendly local swamp witch
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Oct 1, 2018
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Secret Santa Questionnaire:
What country are you located in? US
What is one thing you always need more of? Ati-icp test kits, dark chocolate
What do you like to do on the weekends? Read books, pretend I don't exist
What are your other hobbies/interests? Books, my dog
How do you relax after a long day at work? Read a book, drink a glass of wine, hang out with my dog & husband
Do you collect anything? Bones, tattoos
What is your favorite color? Gray
What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Fringe
What type of music do you listen to? Old school Punk rock
Do you follow any sports teams? No
What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Everything during feeding
What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Progress
Would you be interested in receiving livestock? No, gift cards sound safer tbh
If yes, what would you be interested in?
Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* would rather do gc so they can order once temps & shipping are sorted
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Nutramar Foods


Well known Member and monster tank lover
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Aug 11, 2013
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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
  1. What country are you located in? UNITED STATES
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? MONEY BUT FOR THIS SS, IODINE, coral putty AND PHYTO
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? NO CHOICE- CUT GRASS, CHANGE FILTERS, LAUNDRY
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? COOKING, GARDENING AND CATCHING UP TO dvr
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? RELAX- WHATS THAT ?
  6. Do you collect anything? COINS, PHONE NUMBERS (LOL) Star wars
  7. What is your favorite color? BLUE
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? STAR WARS
  9. What type of music do you listen to? REGGAE all the way
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? PACKERS
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? WATCH THEM EAT
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? COLORS, NO ISSUES AND COMPLIMENTS
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? PERHAPS ALTHOUGH TEMPERATURES ARE RISKY
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* DUE TO RISKS- PERHAPS NOT
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Apr 29, 2019
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Secret Santa Questionnaire:
  1. What country are you located in? US
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Money! Brightwell Microbacter 7, NoPo4
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Wine, dinner, concerts
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Concert photography
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Retired
  6. Do you collect anything? not really except corals
  7. What is your favorite color? purple
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Wizard of OZ
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Smooth jazz, rock n roll
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? No
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Tie: Torches/Gonis
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Having a piece of the ocean at home
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Glitter Goni or Torch
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Willing to receive- I live close to AquaSD-so easy pick up for me.


Figuring out the hobby one coral at a time.
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Apr 24, 2018
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Way upstate NY
I'm in again this year! Excited to see this starting!..

  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Rox Carbon, and GFO
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Like? I work weekends. lol
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Not really "into" anything else.
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Stare at my tank
  6. Do you collect anything? Nope, unless you count empty fish food containers?
  7. What is your favorite color? Black
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? None really, don't watch a lot of TV
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Anything from country to heavy metal.
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Nope
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? My fish swim. It's so relaxing
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Currently really getting into SPS
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? No
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* NO
Odd questions this year? Sorry I'm just kind of boring. lol
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Jul 22, 2019
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Fort Lee
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Amino Acids
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Disc Golf, Airsoft or homework
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Disc Golf, Car Audio, Airsoft
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Spend an hour or so in my office at home, where my tank happens to be.
  6. Do you collect anything? Not Really
  7. What is your favorite color? Red
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Halloween, or Stranger Things
  9. What type of music do you listen to? All
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Crimson Tide
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Euphyllias
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Watching my tank grow over time.
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? If I didn't live in an area that gets cold, but since I do I will pass.
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Sure, but really depends on the recipients location.


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Nov 26, 2018
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Secret Santa Questionnaire:
  1. What country are you located in?
    1. USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of?
    1. Test reagents, rodi refills
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends?
    1. Water changes, watch sports, Netflix
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests?
    1. Video Games maybe a lego set
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work?
    1. Go for a walk/sleep
  6. Do you collect anything?
    1. Pens?, Lego Sets?
  7. What is your favorite color?
    1. Orange or Red
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again?
    1. Game of Thrones
  9. What type of music do you listen to?
    1. What ever is on the Radio usually the top hits
  10. Do you follow any sports teams?
    1. Notre Dame, Alabama, Texas Rangers
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank?
    1. Corals
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby?
    1. New ways to automated tanks
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in?
    1. No.
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)?
    1. Yes.


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Nov 10, 2019
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  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? GFO, Carbon, the liquid that helps raise pH
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Work
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Arts and crafts, singing
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Playing video games
  6. Do you collect anything? Anime figures and Funko pops
  7. What is your favorite color? Purple
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Luca and any other Disney movie
  9. What type of music do you listen to? All types. Lately it’s been pop and musicals
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? No
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? My fish
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Corals and fish
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes please! I’d love more corals
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes I am!


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Nov 10, 2019
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  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? GFO, Carbon, the liquid that helps raise pH
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Work
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Arts and crafts, singing
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Playing video games
  6. Do you collect anything? Anime figures and Funko pops
  7. What is your favorite color? Purple
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Luca and any other Disney movie
  9. What type of music do you listen to? All types. Lately it’s been pop and musicals
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? No
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? My fish
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Corals and fish
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes please! I’d love more corals
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes I am!


So many pedestrians so little time
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Jun 19, 2016
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What country are you located in?
What is one thing you always need more of?
Frag plugs, carbon,
What do you like to do on the weekends?
Hang with family and friends
What are your other hobbies/interests?

How do you relax after a long day at work?
Do you collect anything?
Michigan wolverine items
What is your favorite color?
What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again?
star wars, mash, big bang theory
What type of music do you listen to?
Music zz top, Chuck berry, smashing pumpkins, led zeppelin, eagles, Tom petty
Do you follow any sports teams?
Michigan Wolverine, Chicago Bears,
What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank?
My clown in her anemones
What gets you excited in the reef hobby?
Watching the tank mature and enjoying others tank
Would you be interested in receiving livestock?
If yes, what would you be interested in?
Too much risk c winter and all shipping delays
Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock*


Just a goofy Reefer
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Jan 21, 2021
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  1. What country are you located in? US
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Test kits !
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends?I usually work all weekand but sushi !
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Videos games/hiking
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Staring at my fish tank with a beer
  6. Do you collect anything? Retro games
  7. What is your favorite color? Blue
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Supernatural
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Hip-hop
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? No
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? My Duncan coral
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Growth of new corals/fish
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Hammer corals !
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? Yes
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Oct 4, 2020
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  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? GFO, Carbon, test reagents.
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Hockey and water changes lol
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Ice hockey, cars, airsoft
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Video games or tank gazing
  6. Do you collect anything? Frags
  7. What is your favorite color? Blue
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Rick and Morty
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Everything but mostly hip hop and country
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Philadelphia Flyers
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Storm clowns
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Seeing my frags grow
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes. Any
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* yes


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Aug 23, 2019
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  1. What country are you located in? United States (Tennessee)
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Does time in the day count? Lol
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Shooting guns. I am a pistol marksmanship instructor
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Michigan football, guns, or breeding peacock cichlids
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Watching and taking care of aquariums. I have over 200 baby peacock cichlids from breeding
  6. Do you collect anything? Guns/gun accessories
  7. What is your favorite color? Orange
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Not a big tv guy
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Mainly country but a little of everything
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Michigan or Detroit anything
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Just started my reef hobby so dont have any corals yet so currently i love watching the baby peacock cichlids grow
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? The challenge and the beauty of it
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes. I have no corals yet so anything lol. I have a 10 gallon tank
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* yes


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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Fontana, California
Woot!! Excited to join in again!!

  1. What country are you located in? US of A
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Time, money, sausages, chocolate chip cookies, coral glue, new board/card games
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Tinker with the reef, watch movies, time with family, church
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Grilling, reading, music, travel, movies
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Watch a movie, go out to eat with the family, grill
  6. Do you collect anything? Marvel, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings stuff
  7. What is your favorite color? Black
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Star Wars, Marvel movies, Lord of the Rings, Friends
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Alternative Rock (early 2000's) and worship music
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? New Orleans Saints
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? I enjoy watching the personalities of my fish and watching coral growth and behaviors. Anything unusual going on in there.
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Tech advancements and advances in sustainability
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? Sure
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Jul 21, 2021
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  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? lights, fish, t-shirts
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Aquarium maintenance, watch movies
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? This is my only hobby
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Have a glass of wine with the wife and look at my fish
  6. Do you collect anything? fish
  7. What is your favorite color? Blue
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? 30 Rock
  9. What type of music do you listen to? a little bit of everything.
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Pittsburgh Penguins
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? The fish interact when no one is near the tank.
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Watching a fishy's personality form in your home tank.
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? No
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock) No


The Cat's Pajamas
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Aug 18, 2021
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Rocky Mountains
  1. What country are you located in? United States
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Energy, Red Sea filter socks, Coke Zero, ricordeas and torches ;)
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? As little as humanly possible
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Guitar, houseplants, movies, cooking, washing my car
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Watch my tanks, watch TV/movies, do crossword puzzles, order DoorDash
  6. Do you collect anything? Rocks, books, wooden boxes, rhinoceros stuff, corals, tarot decks, anything dinosaur or isopod related, houseplants, lost souls
  7. What is your favorite color? Grey
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Law and Order: SVU
  9. What type of music do you listen to? Singer-songwriter, early-mid 90s rock/grunge/punk, country, 90s rap, 80s industrial, Janis Joplin, James Taylor, Staind, Debussy, The Beatles
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Liverpool Football Club
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? I love watching my corals, fish, and CUC equally
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? The challenge and progress, both in skill/knowledge, and growth
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Sure, although I'm not necessarily in need
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Maybe
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Mar 18, 2018
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1) What country are you located in? USA
2) What is one thing you always need more of? Reefroids.
3) What do you like to do on weekends?
Go fishing, watch sports, maintain
4) Other hobbies/interests? Golf, fishing,
Bird watching
5) How do you relax after a long day of
work? Recently retired
6) Do you collect anything? No
7) What is your favorite color? Blue
8) One tv show or movie you can watch
Over and over? Harry Potter movies
9) What type of music? Singer/Songwriter
10) Do you follow any sports teams?
Steelers, Penguins, Penn State
11) Favorite thing to watch in your tank?
12) What gets you excited in the reef
Hobby? Challenge of keeping
parameters stable so that corals
13) Interested in receiving livestock? No
14) Willing to ship livestock? Not myself
but would purchase and have vendor
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar


5000 Club Member
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Jan 5, 2020
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Gainesville, Ga
• What country are you located in? US

• What is one thing you always need more of? CO2 Media

• What do you like to do on the weekends? Clean Tank

• What are your other hobbies/interests? Boating

• How do you relax after a long day at work? Different every day

• Do you collect anything? No

• What is your favorite color? Red

• What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Big Bang Theory

• What type of music do you listen to? All

• Do you follow any sports teams? UGA

• What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? Clowns

• What gets you excited in the reef hobby? New Tech

• Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? No

• Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* yes


Active Member
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Oct 29, 2020
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+0 /0 /-0
  1. What country are you located in? USA
  2. What is one thing you always need more of? Hanna reagents
  3. What do you like to do on the weekends? Tank maintenance, hike, photography
  4. What are your other hobbies/interests? Photography, Console/PC gaming
  5. How do you relax after a long day at work? Watch tank -TV
  6. Do you collect anything? Junk
  7. What is your favorite color? Blue
  8. What is one TV show or movie you can watch over and over again? Futurama, V for Vendetta, Marvel
  9. What type of music do you listen to? 80's/90's Metal
  10. Do you follow any sports teams? Washington Caps, Nats, WFT.
  11. What's your favorite thing to watch in your tank? YWG and pistol shrimp
  12. What gets you excited in the reef hobby? Growth
  13. Would you be interested in receiving livestock? If yes, what would you be interested in? Yes, any softies or LPS.
  14. Are you willing to ship livestock (could be either by sending it yourself or by purchasing from a vendor and having it sent)? *disclaimer due to the busy holiday season we recommend not shipping livestock* Yes

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%