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Nov 6, 2022
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Hello everyone I have a Green Bubble tip Anemone in a fully cycled quarantine tank and it looks like it’s doing excellent. But I Do have some questions?? I ordered an apogee MQ 510 and checked the par in the quarantine tank where the anemone is currently at and it was only about 30 par and 60 par in some of the spots he was stretched out to. There are spots in the tank of 250 par that are easy for it to get to but it moved to this spot the day after i bought it and has stayed there sense. So I have a couple questions about this quarantine process as I am in day 3 of quarantine.

1. How long should I wait to feed the anemone in the quarantine tank? I really need to know this because I keep reading that u shouldn’t feed for the first week?

2. should I turn my lights up to force the anemone to a higher par of lighting or let it move to an area in the tank of higher par on its own?
(Also he was in under very low par lighting at the LFS for about a month; I currently have the lighting set up brighter on one half of the tank so the anemone can move to brighter lighting if it wants to I just can’t see how it can be doing so well at 30 to 60 par?



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Nov 6, 2022
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Well I haven’t heard back yet from anyone with experience to answer my questions and this Morning I was forced to learn on my own. I woke up this morning (day 4 quarantine) and noticed the GBTA shriveled up. I have seen it it expel water and shrivel up before but not like this.
The tentacles were skinny and kinda laying there not moving as the light came on I noticed it open up but the tentacles didn’t grow at all and the mouth was wide open and it’s never wide open. So I had to take it upon myself and decided that I was going to give him a very small slice of scallop soaked in vitachem and selcon that I feed my puffer and eel with. The GBTA held onto the scallop for about 10 minutes and then pulled it in. Within 5 minutes the tentacles flashed and got full and started reaching for the light. This is my first Bubble Tip Anemone so it was a very cool experience for me to see. I also upped the light today to 105-140 par and his tentacles have now got their bulbs back. Here is a picture now after the feeding and upping the light.

so I guess I had to answer my questions from the thread I posted above yesterday. The reason I asked about feed the anemone is because the LFS says they don’t feed the anemone’ in their store but their system has clowns in it that are fed and as well feed the anemone so to be fair yes they do feed the anemone. I also read many posts on here that say not to feed BTA for the first week but I Didn’t know if that was in a display tank or in QT tank where it’s alone with absolutely no access to food? When I saw it that way this morning I knew I had to act quick. I knew it was low on energy because of the lack of light being around 30-60 par for the first 3 days and I wasn’t feeding as well. I figured the BTA would move to the lighter side of the tank on its own when it wanted more light but if anyone can help me should I continue to up the light slowly to 250 par or leave it at 105-140 par.

by the way I never mentioned my water parameters in the 10 gallon QT
Salinity 1.026
Temperature 82 degrees
Ammonia- 0
Nitrates-15ppm - stable
PH -8.1
Alkalinity - 4 meq/l
Phosphates- .1 ppm
Iron- .01

I cycled my 10 gallon QT tank with tank water and rock out of my sump of my 120gal Display tank that has been cycled for close to a year now. I also used some live sand out of my DT and put it in a bowl in the qt tank that u can’t see in the pics off to the right and had a few of my small healthy fish cycling this tank for a couple months prior to adding the anemone. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! Thanks
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%