Hello, recently I made a post about the sea goblin and zebra lionfish I got. They had arrived yesterday and I think the trip had taken a toll on the zebra lion (the goblin was fine), he was upside down and his gills were red. The seller said that it was due to a lack of oxygen and when I placed the lion into my tank it started to do well, today it swam more and more but I'm concerned about flukes. Yesterday it seemed to open its mouth much larger and inhale more water like every 3-5 minutes, he doesn't do it today but he did yawn once and seems to be only hanging around the substrate (he doesn't swim much), the goblin ate 2 mollies today but the lion didn't eat any. The goblin is also swimming currently although he isn't breathing heavily and I don't see that the lion is breathing heavily yet could flukes be a problem? Below are the pictures of the zebra lion, the first 3 are taken today while the last was taken yesterday. Forgive the purple marks those are do to my damaged camera. Is there some cloud on his eye or is that how their eye usually is? I kept lionfish in the past but they were the "freshwater lionfish" which was actually a brackish species, so this is my first actual lionfish.