Please help: My tank's temperature is going up and down without my heater turning on. I'm baffled


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Sep 6, 2021
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TLDR version: I recently saw on my Apex that my tank temperature was hitting 80 degrees. My Apex thermometer, the heater controller built in thermometer, and a third thermometer I have on the tank all confirm the accuracy of these readings. My heater is set to 77 degrees and has been doing fine for a good year now. I checked its voltage usage on my apex app and it is at 3-4 volts, meaning it's just powering the display but the heater itself has not been turning on at all. Nonetheless, my tank swings from 77 degrees at roughly 10:30 am to 80.5 at roughly 7:30 pm. I have absolutely no idea how or why.

Tank (Cade peninsula, 210 total volume) is almost exactly a year old. The heater in question is a 300W Aqua Top with a controller built in, basically an ink bird. Here are screenshots from my APEX, showing the temperature swing, the overall electricity usage of everything on my APEX (see equipment list below), and the usage of my main and backup heater in particular.


Some of my observations:
1. The curve for temp is smooth and changes over many hours, not jagged like you'd see if a heater was going on and off. This to me means it isn't a heater issue
2. The coolest point is approximately 10:30 am, and the hottest time is 7:30 pm. This, to me, rules out the rations being the culprit
3. The time of the day the tank is warming is from 10:30 am to 7:30 pm, and the cooling period is vice versa. This means the huge light can't be the culprit either, since it's turning on corresponds with the tank cooling. I'd originally wondered if me putting it closer to the water surface would have caused this, but seemingly not
4. Everything on my APEX bar has a pretty constant usage of electricity. To me this suggests the problem is coming from something on the CADE board, which is analog and thus is always getting power.

As I go through my list of equipment, nothing is programmed to go on and off in line with this temp fluctuation. Hence me being baffled by this.

My only remotely plausible theory at the moment is that it's somehow related to the UV, which I recently installed. As an experiment I have turned off the UV and will see if the temperature gets back into that 77-78 range overnight. The logical problem with this theory is that the unit and its pump are on 24/7, so why would I see a slow shift in temperature throughout the day? Not sure myself, but I'm running out of ideas

The equipment being used are as follows:
Wired to my APEX control panel:
Main Heater
Backup Heater (switched to off, verified it has stayed off)
UV Sterilizer (newly installed, approximately 10 days ago, stays on 24/7)
Pump for UV sterilizer (also stays on 24/7)
Fuge light

Wired to my CADE panel and thus stays connected to power 24/7. Note that all pumps stay on 24/7 and don't have a shift in settings during that time:
2x MP 40's
Return Pump-
Sicce Mini for my PLANK autofeeder station
4x Radion Gen 6's- on roughly 2 pm to 11 pm

I realize that this post is giant but I'm just trying to get all the possible information out there to see what the issue might be. Really appreciate any and all thoughts


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Equipment is adding heat. So lights, pumps, UV etc. I just discovered that an Axis 90 in a 5 gallon bucket at 100% will heat the water to 88 degrees. I knew it would add heat but never thought it would be that high. Not in a million years.