Plan changed from 75 - 125 Gal HELP


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Nov 26, 2021
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Myrtle Beach
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I found a 125 cheep on fb market and now i'm looking a maybe doing a sump it's not drilled and my husband is against drilling glass (farm horror stories here) so i'm looking at hob overflow options and a separate refugium (reusing the 38 gal that has my clowns in it now) i think i want to plumb the water from tank to refugium then sump with media and skimmer and such? this would be my first tank with sump so advice is welcome {please}
Going to have sand and lots of dry rock may add the live rock from 38 gallon after i get rid of pests on rock

Opinions on this stocking list are welcome
kids want a rainbow of fish so we're looking at: this is my planned order too (please tell me if there are any problems)
the 5 clownfish (2from 10 gal and 3 from 38 gal) (orange) (i plan on moving the pair first and the others after the pair have settled if they have problems i will rehome fish)
2 goby and pistol pair ( 1 yellow watchman and 1 pink spot watchman) ( yellow and pink)
1 lawnmower blenny (BRS recommendation utility fish)
1 blue eye bristletooth tang (BRS recommendation utility fish)
2 Blue Gudgeon Dartfish ( blue)
1 flame hawkfish ( red)
a school of (6?) green reef chromis ( green)
1 Royal Gramma or purple/orchid dottyback ( purple)
1 six line wrasse (BRS recommendation utility fish)
1 mandarin goby
not sure if we can have more fish or if that's too many if we can have more we'd like
a school ( 6-8?) of pajama & banggai cardinal fish
coral beauty angelfish
maybe a yellow tang?
My son would like a Marine Betta not sure it will work with all the small fish

clean up crew
1 star fish (Tiger striped brittle) do i want more then 1 with the bigger tank?
1 tuxedo urchin
a variety of snails ( turbo, cowrie, trochus, cerith, nassarius)
maybe hermit crabs too

we're going to add a couple of anemone after 6 months i heard if you have different types of anemone more the clowns are more likely to get along but i'm not sure what types other then bubble tips i can have. would anemone that live on sand be bothered by my sand sifters?

we're planning on having coral adding after the anemone
corals we're looking at getting include : i'm looking for color and movement plan on having softy and lps
maybe an island of pulsing xenia
branching hammer coral
maybe bubble coral
maybe duncan
maybe candy cane
World Wide Corals


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Nov 11, 2019
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That seems like a lot of fish for a 125 IMO. But that's just me.
With the wrasse and the mandarin, you're going to have to likely dose pods frequently, or raise them so you can keep the DT stocked.
I'm not a fan of HOB overflows. Too much of a chance of losing the siphon. Drilling can be scary, but there's lots of videos on how to do it. Just make sure the glass isn't tempered.
Anemones and corals can be tricky. Nems can/will move and can cause lots of issues. Ask me how I know! I had to get rid of a bubble tip due to this. Yes, I currently have a large (huge) carpet nem, but it hasn't moved since the day I placed it in the tank. It has eaten a few of my fish though.

Snoopy 67

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Jan 11, 2019
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Long Island
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Let's start with the overflow, only ONE option & that's Lifereef, as long as the water flow through the tube pulls out any bubbles all the way you will not have a problem. I have seen the ones with an airline stop all together, plus that pump is not made any more. There is supposed to be a substitute but you will have to search for it.
Chromis usually have a way of ending up as ONE, Six lines are notoriously nasty. Crabs eat snails .

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%