Past perfect? Future Fantastic!


Scott Fellman

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Re-thinking the past…and using it to shape the future. Not a bad thing, right?

One of the coolest things about our hobby is the amazing progression over the years in both the state of the art and the technology that we embrace. Improvements that have enabled us to do things previously thought incredibly difficult or even impossible, unfold daily on social media. And the progression seems to be accelerating constantly. What an awesome time to be a fish geek!

Now, granted, we’ve been talking about some not-so-new ideas, like mud and refugiums and sand…but these are things that we are talking about incorporating into more modern iterations. It's not us pining away for the "good old days" of 2003 or whatever. Now, we do have some preconceptions based upon how things were when they first came to prominence, yet it’s literally a new era in the reef world since, say 2005 or so. It pays to look back at some of the “old” thinking, tempered with new approaches, technologies, and ideas- not to mention, the new “body of work” we as the reef community have accumulated in the last decade or so, right?

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I was talking with a really pessimistic guy a while back, who basically trashed or dismissed every single development or change in the hobby over the last decade or so. According to him, nothing new or significant has happened, and pretty much everything new in the hobby is a "ripoff" of something that was “around before”… I think maybe he was jealous or something, but it was an attitude I’ve seen before in the hobby. Kind of a stupid attitude, really. After reading about and discussing some new product or evolved technique, you’ll often see these pessimists unleash comments on forums and other social media outlets like “That’s nothing new, really. ___________ had something like that a few years ago.” or “All that guy did was add______. It’s not really new.”

Reminds me of when people boast that they, “...Thought of the idea for Twitter” or whatever, years ago; just never got around to building it. Right.

Attitude. Jealousy, maybe?

Comments and attitudes like this seem to overlook a few simple facts, and the workings of aquarium hobby progress is kind of interesting, so let’s look at this a bit closer. Did you ever think about how the technology and practices we routinely utilize in the hobby even came into being? Much of it-but certainly not all of it- is built upon achievements and developments from the past. This is not some high-concept..I mean, it all started with a goldfish bowl, right? Sure, there are brand new technologies that trickle into the hobby all the time, yet many of the hottest new products and techniques of today arose as a result of someone looking at something that was already in existence and saying, “I can do better than that.” It’s the “better mousetrap” theory-solving a pain point with something that works better. Things evolve over time, often borrowing from existing technology or technique.

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“Oh, he’s using that term “evolve” again…Sheesh, what is it with this guy?”

We don’t need to look too far back into the aquarium hobby’s past to see a prime example of this evolution, either:

Remember the “trickle filter?” Derived from sewage treatment technology, this venerable invention powered the reef systems of the mid eighties, placing the promise of the “miniature reef” into the grasp of almost every marine hobbyist. George Smit’s landmark series of articles in FAMA magazine in 1986, extolling this technology, literally helped launch the modern mass-market reef aquarium craze as we know it. By 1988, it seemed like the marine sector of the hobby exploded in popularity, with dozens of new filter manufacturers arriving on the scene almost monthly.

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As the decade wore on, however, hobbyists and manufacturers saw fit to improve the trickle filters that were available at the time, creating new models with features like greater media capacity, more baffles to break up flow, and compartments to hold equipment like protein skimmers and reactors. Little improvements that provided increased performance. Nothing revolutionary, mind you- just “tweaks.” Yet, “tweaks” that represented significant improvements in performance from earlier iterations, promising better results for hobbyists. Eventually, it was determined that trickle filters were great at removing ammonia and nitrite, yet tended to allow nitrate to accumulate rapidly. In the nineties, many reefers embraced the belief that any accumulating nitrate could be a potential detriment to coral growth and long-term fish health, and almost overnight,“conventional” trickle filtration began to fall out of favor. Hobbyists everywhere began yanking the plastic filter media (bioballs, etc.) from their trickle filters.

(I laugh now, because most of the best reefs I know of have detectable nitrate levels…And from personal experience, I have found that corals always look better with some nitrate and phosphate detectible…)

With this little adjustment, the “trickle filter” became the “sump”, and was primarily the nexus for water treatment (mechanical and chemical) for the aquarium. (would have sucked to be in the plastic filter media manufacturing business about that time, huh? A definite candidate for the proverbial “buggy whip” of the 20th century, for sure!)

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(Marc Levenson is my sump design hero!)

With no use for biological “towers” within this new school of thought, this feature began to disappear from filters. Calcium hydroxide (“Kalkwasser”) dosing was utilized to increase alkalinity and calcium and to precipitate phosphates… The “Berlin Method” of reef keeping had arrived, and a variation of this method has been more-or-less the state of the art ever since, with some adjustments and tweaks here and there. Once again, existing technology had “morphed” to accommodate the prevailing school of thought. The state of the art evolved, and so did the equipment. An idea from the past was improved upon to accommodate the needs of the present.

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(More love for Mr. Poletti!)

In my opinion, some of us in the hobby are often too quick to chide such evolutionary steps as “copying” or “ripping off” existing ideas, when in reality, they are simply improving and building upon what was already there. I mean, you need a pump to move water, so why not use the latest DC technology instead of 1970’s-vintage motors, right? Duh. This is the necessary progression of things in many cases. We didn’t make the leap from under-gravel filters to high-capacity sumps and hyper-efficient protein skimmers with electronic DC pumps, or from normal output fluorescent to programmable LED lighting, overnight. Hobbyists, manufacturers, and product designers looked at the prevailing technology of the day, assessed the needs of the hobby, and attempted to improve upon these existing technologies.

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Remember, many of these improvements are done to gain a market advantage over competitors. For example, if I make an easier to maintain filter, hobbyists are more likely to purchase my product. Further refinements take place all the time. Sometimes, aftermarket businesses spring up around improvements to existing mass-market products. Technology like 3D printing will further “democratize” this process, making it possible for small businesses to offer incremental improvements to established equipment…This is cool! This is how the hobby progresses.

It’s not just limited to the aquarium hobby, obviously. Think about everyday technologies, such as telephones. When the cord on the phone was cut, it changed the way we communicate as a species. Improvements in technology revolutionized the way we could quickly interact with others and gave us the “smart phones” that pretty much run our lives. They allow us to talk, write, text, send photos, stream video and shop effortlessly and instantaneously with others, creating true global communication once though impossible. We take it for granted.

And we sometimes do in the aquarium world, too.

Need more proof that change and progression in our hobby are often the result of evolution? Look no further than one of my longstanding favorite hobby topics- reef aquarium aquascaping! Those of you familiar with my rants from the saltwater world know that I am no lover of the ever pervasive “wall of rock”, which is essentially a large quantity of live rock, more or less stacked end-to-end in the aquarium. It’s been utilized as the “default” aquascaping configuration since the beginning of the reef aquarium hobby. In my opinion, it’s outdated, uninspired, functionally detrimental- and just unnecessary. I feel so strongly about this because, among other reasons, I understand its history.

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Back in the 80’s, “live rock” was a breakthrough in aquarium management. Biological “filtration” and diversity of life were considered revolutionary concepts in aquaria. It was widely believed that you needed “x” number of pound per gallon of aquarium capacity to achieve these results, so when we set up our tanks, we dutifully dumped tons (literally, in some cases) of rock into them! Even though water capacity, swimming area, and flow were often compromised with this configuration, it was a widely held that the benefits were far greater than any potential downside.

Over the years, however, it was discovered that we really don’t need all that rock for biological filtration, and that you could utilize other techniques (use of refugia, protein skimming, macroalgae) to help efficiently process nutrients in our aquaria. Hobbyists began to experiment by creating systems with less rock. With the better understanding of biological processes and their affect on husbandry that we developed over the years, water volume and movement have taken on greater significance, and hobbyists began to utilize far less rock in their aquascapes, unless their design called for it. The “rock wall” was no longer considered the “only way” to run a reef system, and the concept of reef aquascaping has evolved dramatically, experiencing a real renaissance of sorts.

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Oh, and there’s pretty cool artificial live rock now, too. Another “evolution!”

Inspiration is an “open source”, and innovation is for anyone to embrace. It can come from anywhere, at any time. Some aquarium technologies, such as lighting, borrow from other industries or fields of endeavor, whereas others, such as the development of new food products, arise out of knowledge and experience gained within the fields of marine science and aquaculture-and good old hobbyist experience as well. Ideas, technologies, and technique “cross-pollinate” between fields, and the changes benefit us all. Looking to change the hobby? Look at the world around you!

There is no great “hobby conspiracy” that seeks to keep ideas and progression in the hands of some chosen few. These days, anyone with an idea and determination can forge a new path for the hobby. Think about this for a while: As a fan of the high-biodiversity reef aquarium “idea”, you’re actually a participant in the progression in the hobby! You’ve got a front row seat to the revolution, and your comments, questions, and ideas do not go unnoticed by manufacturers, fellow hobbyists, and industry people. You can make the change happen! You are doing it now!

If I can do it with "leaves and twigs", we can definitely do a lot with mud, seagrasses, macroalage, and sponges!

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Re-thinking the application of mud substrates, refugiums, and macro algae and figuring out ways to incorporate them into our “postmodern” reef systems is not some form of nostalgia…It’s recognizing that the idea works. It worked “back then”, too, but was cast aside in the rush for new discoveries and the application of the latest gadgets. We’ve sort of come full circle, realizing that what got us to this point all worked to a certain extent, at least. It’s up to us to figure out how to “hack” this stuff into the “latest and greatest”, right?

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So, the next time you might be tempted to criticize someone’s new hobby idea or product because it seemingly ”borrows” from something already in existence, realize that you’re merely seeing the evolution of the hobby at its flash point. It’s easy for me to question the “necessity” of stuff like the lighted algae reactors that are so hot, but the reality is they take an old idea and make it work in a new environment. I'll admit that I was too hard on this newfound love for using them to grow alage…However, I guess it’s like using iTunes in a dock in your 1990’s era-SUV- it works. So the takeaway from grumpy old me is, Don’t just chide the development because part of it seems derived from something familiar. Embrace it, enjoy it, and utilize it…. improve it, if you think you can- or if you think it is needed!

Stay creative. Stay progressive. Stay forward-thinking.

And Stay Wet.
Scott Fellman
Tannin Aquatics
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Nutramar Foods

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When talking to someone who has been in this hobby a long while, the phrase 'What is old is new again' will often come up. I believe this is in reference to the hobby being cyclical in nature going from low tech, to high tech, back to low tech again, etc. Really old salt reefers have been around long enough to see this (as well as many fads come and go), but I wouldn't say they are 'pessimistic', per se, but perhaps 'skeptical'.

IMO, the biggest revolution in our hobby has been the increase in knowledge. For example, back in the day who knew that a coral was much more than just an animal and its symbiotic zooxanthellae? Who knew that coral could harbor more than one species of zooxanthellae (we didn't even know there was more than one species!) or expel one species in preference for another. Who knew that the processes of nitrification and denitrification can be performed by many different species of bacteria (not just the well known nitrobacter and nitrosoma). Who knew how to keep Goniopora alive for more than 6 months to a year?

Due to the intensive study of now (unfortunately) threatened coral reefs, we can benefit from the knowledge gained and apply it to our systems.

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Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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When talking to someone who has been in this hobby a long while, the phrase 'What is old is new again' will often come up. I believe this is in reference to the hobby being cyclical in nature going from low tech, to high tech, back to low tech again, etc. Really old salt reefers have been around long enough to see this (as well as many fads come and go), but I wouldn't say they are 'pessimistic', per se, but perhaps 'skeptical'.

IMO, the biggest revolution in our hobby has been the increase in knowledge. For example, back in the day who knew that a coral was much more than just an animal and its symbiotic zooxanthellae? Who knew that coral could harbor more than one species of zooxanthellae (we didn't even know there was more than one species!) or expel one species in preference for another. Who knew that the processes of nitrification and denitrification can be performed by many different species of bacteria (not just the well known nitrobacter and nitrosoma). Who knew how to keep Goniopora alive for more than 6 months to a year?

Due to the intensive study of now (unfortunately) threatened coral reefs, we can benefit from the knowledge gained and apply it to our systems.


Absolutely...And hopefully, our knowledge and experience can one day make taking anything fro the wild necessary....;Shamefullyembarrased


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As an old salty I call it "new old" and having been in this hobby around 36 years I have seen changes and progression more than most. I recall back in the day skimmers being poo pooed that didn't really do anything for your water quality. I grew caulerpa in my tank then in a sump and now I grow GHA and Ulva in m Atlantis 2 waterfall ATS, that is evolution for you and I embrace it at least up to a point. I can't be doing with these fancy do all aquarium controllers and just have an ATU and programmable LED's as far as controllable technology goes. I mix the old with the new and get the best of both worlds IMO.
Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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As an old salty I call it "new old" and having been in this hobby around 36 years I have seen changes and progression more than most. I recall back in the day skimmers being poo pooed that didn't really do anything for your water quality. I grew caulerpa in my tank then in a sump and now I grow GHA and Ulva in m Atlantis 2 waterfall ATS, that is evolution for you and I embrace it at least up to a point. I can't be doing with these fancy do all aquarium controllers and just have an ATU and programmable LED's as far as controllable technology goes. I mix the old with the new and get the best of both worlds IMO.
So funny how it all comes back, huh?


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So funny how it all comes back, huh?
Not so much back but evolved and improved but basically doing the same thing but perhaps more efficiently

Paul B

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Hello Atoll and Scott. I love this thread as I have seen every aquarium technology come and go right from the beginning because I was there, I think it was on Tuesday about 2 or 2:15 in the afternoon. :rolleyes:
Bob Goemans is a friend of mine and he came to my home 30 years ago to discuss live sand among other things.
I have seen Jaubert, wet dry, Berlin systems being developed and fall out of favor.

The beginnings of this hobby started with fresh water and virtually all of our equipment was for fresh water including the only pumps available and they were not submersible. At least not on purpose. They were made out of aluminum and sat (with their 110 volt motors in plain sight) right on top of the UG filter tube an inch from the water. Between those and the aluminum, incandescent light fixtures we quickly learned to un plug everything if we wanted to put our hand in the water. We also learned to turn on that aluminum light fixture with a stick. Remember, GFCIs were not invented until many years later.
Our air pumps were run with a leather piston which had to be oiled weekly causing an oil slick in the tank which we removed with a paper towel (after we un plugged everything)
Besides the air stone we had a HOB filter filled with fiberglass floss, the ones of us that didn't get cancer from that lived long enough to fill the thing with nylon floss or just sand.

All the food available was for fresh water and was dry. (the first foods were dried insects, mostly ants) Then Tetra Min started selling flakes.
There were no plastic bags when I started in the hobby so fish were taken home in those cardboard boxes Chinese food comes in. (Yes I am old and started keeping fish around 1953 or so when the only thing anything was made out was wood or Bakelite, Google it) :D

The hobby has come a very long way but I fear the methods us Geezers discovered through accidents, mistakes and law suits are disappearing as technology improves. The hobby went through a very long phase which it is still in that claims a clean, sterile, tank with no algae is the way to go. That is slowly changing as we realize that no matter how much technology we utilize, it's bacteria, not electronics that run our tanks. Most bacteria don't even know how to text. :rolleyes:


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Paul, I recall most of minus the oil and leather lol, ant eggs as you say and even bits of bread for food then along came dried flake mainly for goldfish. We made lots of our own equipment as well as you say. I recall Bod Goemans articles in the likes of F.A.M.A. My first UG filter was run by a large 4 outlet pump that vibrated the nails out of the floorboards and drove m wife potty, come to think of it that explains a lot. Lighting was rudimentary, to say the least. However, we made lots of discoveries with the fish we kept and spawned. Happy days indeed.

Paul B

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The first UG filters used that piston air pump for power before powerheads were invented, (Or we could afford them)
The piston pumps were very badly designed and after a few months overheated. My house always smelled like burnt oil. I always had to make a large fan for it and mount it on the motor shaft. Then I had to put the entire thing in a closet because it was to noisy and sounded like a vintage steam locomotive. Every time I stuck my hand in there, I would get cut by the fan. But the things lasted a long time with a fan.
I made an automatic (kind of ) feeder because I would get shocked if I tried to open the tank by lifting that aluminum cover attached to the light.
I put a can of flake food inside the light fixture with a small air hose extending out of the top of the fixture through a hole I drilled in it. When I wanted to feed the fish, I would blow into that tube and flakes would fly out into the tank through a hole I had in the cap of the food container.
Of course I also used to feed my fish earthworms so I could keep them spawning.

This blue devil was one of the first imported into New York City. I had 7 of them. He is hanging around on top of his nest of eggs in that barnacle shell circa 1972.

Here are the eggs which hatched. I could not raise them at that time because the only food available was scrambled eggs, Spam and bologna.

This fish is the reason I came upon my theory that fish must be fed live foods with live bacteria in them to remain healthy and in spawning mode. They would not spawn until I gave them blackworms.

I also had a Sanders protein skimmer which worked well but I wanted something bigger so I built it. I also built my first ozonizer out of a Neon transformer but it had a habit of dimming the lights in the neighborhood and starting on fire when I turned it on so I ended up buying one. :eek:

Atoll, I had a few articles published about my tank in FAMMA with pictures of my tank. I still have it someplace.


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Paul. My first UG filter was made with lots of those green Hagen link together UG plates but before that, I had a tank with a crude HOB filter
My first skimmer was a sander 250 after a while I modified it using a Hagen Aquaclear 200 blasting water and bubbles into it which to coin a phrase from today turbocharged it. I was one f the first in the UK to build a sump with a turnover of once every 3 hours. I also had a few articles published in the UK mag Practical Fishkeeping and won a few things with my DIY tips etc.
Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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Hello Atoll and Scott. I love this thread as I have seen every aquarium technology come and go right from the beginning because I was there, I think it was on Tuesday about 2 or 2:15 in the afternoon. :rolleyes:
Bob Goemans is a friend of mine and he came to my home 30 years ago to discuss live sand among other things.
I have seen Jaubert, wet dry, Berlin systems being developed and fall out of favor.

The beginnings of this hobby started with fresh water and virtually all of our equipment was for fresh water including the only pumps available and they were not submersible. At least not on purpose. They were made out of aluminum and sat (with their 110 volt motors in plain sight) right on top of the UG filter tube an inch from the water. Between those and the aluminum, incandescent light fixtures we quickly learned to un plug everything if we wanted to put our hand in the water. We also learned to turn on that aluminum light fixture with a stick. Remember, GFCIs were not invented until many years later.
Our air pumps were run with a leather piston which had to be oiled weekly causing an oil slick in the tank which we removed with a paper towel (after we un plugged everything)
Besides the air stone we had a HOB filter filled with fiberglass floss, the ones of us that didn't get cancer from that lived long enough to fill the thing with nylon floss or just sand.

All the food available was for fresh water and was dry. (the first foods were dried insects, mostly ants) Then Tetra Min started selling flakes.
There were no plastic bags when I started in the hobby so fish were taken home in those cardboard boxes Chinese food comes in. (Yes I am old and started keeping fish around 1953 or so when the only thing anything was made out was wood or Bakelite, Google it) :D

The hobby has come a very long way but I fear the methods us Geezers discovered through accidents, mistakes and law suits are disappearing as technology improves. The hobby went through a very long phase which it is still in that claims a clean, sterile, tank with no algae is the way to go. That is slowly changing as we realize that no matter how much technology we utilize, it's bacteria, not electronics that run our tanks. Most bacteria don't even know how to text. :rolleyes:

So well stated... And you really CAN see a direct lien from those technologies and methods from the 50's right up to the latest developments...As stated eloquently by you and others- the conceptual stuff is very similar, but the execution and equipment have significantly changed for the better! I absolutely 100% believe there will be a palpable shift "back" (LOL) to the more diverse systems that we're discussing here. I think we're getting out of the "coral collection phase" and back into the "reef microcosm management phase" of the hobby...Got a little sidetracked there in the last decade, but I think the compass heading points to this old/new "approach" as a legitimate way to evolve the hobby...again!

Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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The first UG filters used that piston air pump for power before powerheads were invented, (Or we could afford them)
The piston pumps were very badly designed and after a few months overheated. My house always smelled like burnt oil. I always had to make a large fan for it and mount it on the motor shaft. Then I had to put the entire thing in a closet because it was to noisy and sounded like a vintage steam locomotive. Every time I stuck my hand in there, I would get cut by the fan. But the things lasted a long time with a fan.
I made an automatic (kind of ) feeder because I would get shocked if I tried to open the tank by lifting that aluminum cover attached to the light.
I put a can of flake food inside the light fixture with a small air hose extending out of the top of the fixture through a hole I drilled in it. When I wanted to feed the fish, I would blow into that tube and flakes would fly out into the tank through a hole I had in the cap of the food container.
Of course I also used to feed my fish earthworms so I could keep them spawning.

This blue devil was one of the first imported into New York City. I had 7 of them. He is hanging around on top of his nest of eggs in that barnacle shell circa 1972.

Here are the eggs which hatched. I could not raise them at that time because the only food available was scrambled eggs, Spam and bologna.

This fish is the reason I came upon my theory that fish must be fed live foods with live bacteria in them to remain healthy and in spawning mode. They would not spawn until I gave them blackworms.

I also had a Sanders protein skimmer which worked well but I wanted something bigger so I built it. I also built my first ozonizer out of a Neon transformer but it had a habit of dimming the lights in the neighborhood and starting on fire when I turned it on so I ended up buying one. :eek:

Atoll, I had a few articles published about my tank in FAMMA with pictures of my tank. I still have it someplace.
It's funny, when you look back on it, Paul- what we all though was the BIGGEST hurdle at the time was just getting the fish to spawn. Wh would have thought it would be decades before we could raise the larvae...Technology (or the science ) had to catch up with technique!
Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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Paul. My first UG filter was made with lots of those green Hagen link together UG plates but before that, I had a tank with a crude HOB filter
My first skimmer was a sander 250 after a while I modified it using a Hagen Aquaclear 200 blasting water and bubbles into it which to coin a phrase from today turbocharged it. I was one f the first in the UK to build a sump with a turnover of once every 3 hours. I also had a few articles published in the UK mag Practical Fishkeeping and won a few things with my DIY tips etc.

Would love to see pics of that first sump. It would be interesting to compare it with the sumps we have now, in terms of configuration and see what a few decades has taught us! :)


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Would love to see pics of that first sump. It would be interesting to compare it with the sumps we have now, in terms of configuration and see what a few decades has taught us! :)
Well, I wish I had a digital camera back then and few of us thought about taking photos of our equipment. However I think I have a photograph of me looking into my tank that the interviewer from PFK took in my home back in the 80s while doing a piece on my tank and methods, I will see if I can dig it out and produce it on here although I don't own a scanner.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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I've seen the changes since 93. I wouldn't say anything new is earth shattering.........Okay, maybe the LED revolution is a leap forward in a big way and KH monitor/ dosing units and DC pumps. Controllers were just beginning to arrive back in the early 90's, as was wave controllers. Things are and have been improving since I started.

The biggest advancement in the hobby, in my book, is the free and open sharing of information. Web pages, forums, blogs, videos, clubs, conferences, frag swaps, aquaculture and industry shows...... ACROSS THE WORLD! Blows my mind! The reefing community is world wide, where it was very limited when I started.

Paul and atoll, I would think of all you have witnessed from the beginning, you must think the hobby now is from a different planet. Lol

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Hello Atoll and Scott. I love this thread as I have seen every aquarium technology come and go right from the beginning because I was there, I think it was on Tuesday about 2 or 2:15 in the afternoon. :rolleyes:
Bob Goemans is a friend of mine and he came to my home 30 years ago to discuss live sand among other things.
I have seen Jaubert, wet dry, Berlin systems being developed and fall out of favor.

The beginnings of this hobby started with fresh water and virtually all of our equipment was for fresh water including the only pumps available and they were not submersible. At least not on purpose. They were made out of aluminum and sat (with their 110 volt motors in plain sight) right on top of the UG filter tube an inch from the water. Between those and the aluminum, incandescent light fixtures we quickly learned to un plug everything if we wanted to put our hand in the water. We also learned to turn on that aluminum light fixture with a stick. Remember, GFCIs were not invented until many years later.
Our air pumps were run with a leather piston which had to be oiled weekly causing an oil slick in the tank which we removed with a paper towel (after we un plugged everything)
Besides the air stone we had a HOB filter filled with fiberglass floss, the ones of us that didn't get cancer from that lived long enough to fill the thing with nylon floss or just sand.

All the food available was for fresh water and was dry. (the first foods were dried insects, mostly ants) Then Tetra Min started selling flakes.
There were no plastic bags when I started in the hobby so fish were taken home in those cardboard boxes Chinese food comes in. (Yes I am old and started keeping fish around 1953 or so when the only thing anything was made out was wood or Bakelite, Google it) :D

The hobby has come a very long way but I fear the methods us Geezers discovered through accidents, mistakes and law suits are disappearing as technology improves. The hobby went through a very long phase which it is still in that claims a clean, sterile, tank with no algae is the way to go. That is slowly changing as we realize that no matter how much technology we utilize, it's bacteria, not electronics that run our tanks. Most bacteria don't even know how to text. :rolleyes:
I remember the leather piston air pumps and the first HOB filters were operated by an air stone. I modified one of the HOB filters with a little giant water pump. The steel framed tanks that would rust then stainless framed. You did not dare touch anything with the power on. GFI the first tanks I dealt with were my parents and there was not even any grounding in the house.


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Great to find you back here sharing your thoughts and inspiring intellectual conversation.

Everything evolves from something and through evolution things improve with the exception of politics but that's a thread for another day or forum. I'm just shy of 58 yrs young. My father was an engineer on the Apollo program. I remember being about 11 or 12 and my dad came home with a new beast of a thing for the kitchen called a microwave oven made by a company called Litton. It was bulky, noisy and you turned the timer with a dial. When I asked my dad how this would work he answered that the technology comes from the space program. It's all about the evolution of technology. Improvements is what we strive for. I don't long for the technology of yesteryear, i love having corals that aren't only green, orange and brown, I long for the hobbyists and pioneers of yesteryear.

Any of you longtimers remember the old saltwater rooms in our favorite LFS and you could buy a baby sea turtle to go with your Damsel, Sweetlips and clowns. Sorry, reading about UG, shoplight lighting, Little Giant pumps and saltcreep took me back.

Hope your well Scott, you're missed
Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman

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Great to find you back here sharing your thoughts and inspiring intellectual conversation.

Everything evolves from something and through evolution things improve with the exception of politics but that's a thread for another day or forum. I'm just shy of 58 yrs young. My father was an engineer on the Apollo program. I remember being about 11 or 12 and my dad came home with a new beast of a thing for the kitchen called a microwave oven made by a company called Litton. It was bulky, noisy and you turned the timer with a dial. When I asked my dad how this would work he answered that the technology comes from the space program. It's all about the evolution of technology. Improvements is what we strive for. I don't long for the technology of yesteryear, i love having corals that aren't only green, orange and brown, I long for the hobbyists and pioneers of yesteryear.

Any of you longtimers remember the old saltwater rooms in our favorite LFS and you could buy a baby sea turtle to go with your Damsel, Sweetlips and clowns. Sorry, reading about UG, shoplight lighting, Little Giant pumps and saltcreep took me back.

Hope your well Scott, you're missed

I'm still here! ;Joyful (But I think you meant at Unique Corals, lol). I miss the camaraderie, but just love what I]m working on now...and let's see how we pivot towards 2019... :D

I actually remember the "saltwater rooms" at the LFS back when I was a kid...was like a very real different world!

I think you actually hit it on the head...and I think it's actually the mindset of the hobbyists that is something I miss. Don't get me wrong, we have amazing people in the hobby- and as Flippers mentions- the ability to exchange ideas is better than ever. I think what we had back in the early reef days (I jumped on in '86), was the large amount of truly unknown "basic stuff"- like figuring out water chemistry parameters, nutrient export, etc. Took us a while to get it down, perfect it...and search for new ways to achieve things that we now take for granted. And here we are in 2017, taking a serious look at some of the more basic ideas of the past and trying to apply them to our current and future projects...Love it!


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Paul and atoll, I would think of all you have witnessed from the beginning, you must think the hobby now is from a different planet. Lol

We didn't notice anything dramatic happening in the hobby through those years because our tanks were evolving right along with it. It's like new cars, my first "real" car was a 1962 Pontiac Bonneville. It had real metal chrome and real wood on the dashboard. But it didn't have air conditioning, FM radio, GPS, fuel injection, padded dash, air bags, seat belts or just about anything else and it probably got 3 miles to the gallon. (luckily gas was 27 cents a gallon) It was the best car I ever had. But as cars added more things it wasn't a big deal because that happened gradually.
I think the biggest leap was rock. Live rock, dead rock, acid rock it was not here in the beginning as we used dead coral skeletons that we had to buy in furniture shops because they put them on furniture they wanted to sell and no one knew what coral was, much less live coral. If you wanted reef rock, you had to fly to a tropical location, collect rock, bleach it in a hotel room (because it stunk when it dried out) and put it on your lap on the plane. That is how I got all of my rock as I never bought any, but that came much later as I couldn't afford to fly until maybe 1974 or so when I went on my Honeymoon to Hawaii where I carried, on my lap probably 10lbs of rock home for my tank.
The dead coral we used would turn green quickly and we didn't want that so we took it out every couple of weeks and soaked it in bleach or acid then it was pure white and we put it back in our tanks because that was a salt water tank then. There was no corals for sale.
You can see some of those white bleached corals here in my tank in about 1979. I just installed this tank in my wall and was building the basement around it. It looks like I didn't get to bleach all the corals yet in this picture.

This was one of my old HOB filters that I converted into something else. I
used it for many years as the manifold for my reverse UG filter. This was actually a much newer HOB filter as the older ones were glass and had metal sides which I also had. Remember in the fifties we had no plastic to speak of as it was just becoming available.

Of course when I took movies of my tank at the beginning, I showed them on this "cell phone" of the day. (I still have it)

They sold those sea turtles here in Manhattan and I think they were fifty bucks. It's a good thing I never had that much money or today I may have a 400lb leatherback in my reef. :eek:

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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