Old toadstool really sad. Shedding?


Grumpy old man
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Feb 11, 2019
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Ashland Ohio
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I've had this toadstool for several years and it always looks really bad for a long time when it sheds. I don't remember it ever getting this much black on it. It's even on the stalk which has me concerned. I normally blow it off with a baster to help it along but this stuff isn't blowing of. I scraped it a little and it's nice and white underneath shown on the video. I've thought about pulling it and using a soft brush to remove it but am not sure. What say you? Leave it be or pull it and brush it? I normal don't fret much over coral and wing it but this is one of my oldest pieces so I thought I would seek advice. I did notice it curls up at night and does open a bit with lights on. Also I do have some pumpkin flatworms but my melanurus is working on them and I inspect daily. They seem prefer the sinularia and orange shrooms.

This is it happy.

