Okay to put fish in display from QT?

When should I put the clown in the DT?

  • Now is fine; don't be paranoid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Restart quarantine for the clown (leave him in QT for another 3 weeks)

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  • Other (please desribe in post)

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B Lo

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Sep 15, 2016
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I have a run-of-the-mill clownfish in QT with a pink margin fairy wrasse. They've been in there for almost three weeks. From the get go, I've had them dosed with ParaGuard despite neither showing any symptoms upon arrival. I've also fed them frozen food soaked with Seachem's Focus, KanaPlex, and Metroplex from day one. I don't want anything in my DT that can be avoided even if it means unnecessarily treating fish in QT.

The wrasse jumped out of the tank about a week ago (while I was feeding him) and has been lying on the base of the tank when not being fed - almost all of the time. He flew a good distance and hit tile really hard; I got him back in the tank within 20 seconds of his jump. But when he's fed, he's been super active. Today, the wrasse was not only on the bottom, but wedged between a piece of PVC and the aquarium's glass at about a 30 degree angle. I'm thinking he's not doing okay and it's been long enough I don't want him to suffer. I'm thinking of euthanizing him as he doesn't look like a happy camper. Thoughts?

I normally wouldn't introduce any fish into the aquarium from QT if any other looks sketchy but with the wrasse's jump, I'm thinking it's not disease but rather injury that caused the issues. The clown looks and acts absolutely perfect. Should I keep the clown in QT for an extra week (or longer) before introducing into the display tank or do you think I'm paranoid? I'd rather get him in the display tank sooner if I'm just being crazy about this.


Update: I feel like a doofus now. Wrasse is acting totally normal with food introduced. Now I don't think I should euthanize him. He's swimming fine and eating fine. What gives?!
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What gives? Fish can act real peculiar at times. Glad he's doing better.

QT protocol and preferences vary IMMENSELY. Everyone will tell you something different. I follow @Humblefish recommendations primarily, only because as I've read, he makes sense to me, and the science he uses can be validated. There are clearly other methods that work as well.

I can tell you (and I'm not right OR wrong) that I don't quarantine as long as some people do. Some quarantine for 76-90 days (some might even longer). My personal thoughts (being a physician), is if you QT an organism for 90 days, and then they get a disease, that organism acquired the disease in your care, not at the fish store or wholesaler. I'm not an expert at fish diseases perse, but unless there is a latent fish disease that you can carry for 4 months, then get it, despite QT methods to remove it that I don't know about, I will place my fish into my display. If that makes sense. Best of luck.
B Lo

B Lo

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Sep 15, 2016
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Thanks for the advice. I've seen a ton of posts from Humblefish and I agree that he (or she) makes a lot of sense.

This wrasse is just so finicky. I just ordered some Tricaine-S with expedited shipping in case I have to put him down. Even though it's pricey, I'd rather do it as humanely as possible if it needs to be done. The manufacturer just mixed the batch last week so it will be good for 7 months - way longer than the wrasse will be in QT.

If I don't hear anything super profound in this thread, I will likely keep both fish in QT into next week and reevaluate. As long as the wrasse is swimming well and eating well, it seems he has at least a chance of recovering... at some point. I simply have no idea how long fish take to heal from internal injuries. :-/

What gives? Fish can act real peculiar at times. Glad he's doing better.

QT protocol and preferences vary IMMENSELY. Everyone will tell you something different. I follow @Humblefish recommendations primarily, only because as I've read, he makes sense to me, and the science he uses can be validated. There are clearly other methods that work as well.

I can tell you (and I'm not right OR wrong) that I don't quarantine as long as some people do. Some quarantine for 76-90 days (some might even longer). My personal thoughts (being a physician), is if you QT an organism for 90 days, and then they get a disease, that organism acquired the disease in your care, not at the fish store or wholesaler. I'm not an expert at fish diseases perse, but unless there is a latent fish disease that you can carry for 4 months, then get it, despite QT methods to remove it that I don't know about, I will place my fish into my display. If that makes sense. Best of luck.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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