Not "new" but coming back after ~6 years... Royal Gramma question

Dr Jimmy

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So in the last month, we've decided to come back into saltwater keeping. We have a 40 gallon breeder and had started with a HOB filter. We have a 3 year old and 7 year old and they are really enjoying it. So far, we have a small pair of clowns (Orange Storm and Black and White... both ~1.5") and a Royal Gramma (2.5"). After completing our cycle, we added a cleaner shrimp. Initially, things seemed fine. The RG was hiding a fair bit but started coming out more. The kids loved the shrimp and how the fish would eat from a dropper. After a couple days, I noticed the shrimp was pretty reclusive and hanging out at the back of the tank. It also seemed like the RG would run over to it with its mouth open as if it wanted cleaned. Within 3-4 days from the onset of that behavior... the shrimp was dead... laying on its side near the rock it hung out on. While we never observed the RG go after the shrimp, I now believe this is what killed the shrimp. I had assumed that something with the water was the culprit. Maybe someone put something in the tank that killed the shrimp (kids and hands). Tests were stable during this time (ammonia and nitrite = 0 ppm, nitrate 5-10). We test daily as my 3 year old really likes that part. Temp is at 79.

Later that week, the RG broke out in ick. I hadn't set up a QT system... but I never did this the first time I kept a reef (5 years). I now have a small QT setup that all the fish are in. When we started the QT (doing tank transfer with 2x10 gallon tanks), we added a tangaroa goby. The RG almost immediately went after it. I have now built an acclimation box and the goby is sitting in there. I'm not posting for judgement on the QT setup... it is what it is at this point. The big tank is being drilled for a sump setup right now as well, which makes it harder to just ignore the QT and put them back (granted, I'm working on getting ick out of the main system as well). I'm testing QT for ammonia and transferring to a freshly cleaned 10 gallon tank at most 60 hours after they switched tanks (TTM). I will be gluing the PVC for the plumbing in the main tank today on a brand new 40 gallon tank so no ick (I had suspected possible copper in the main tank and didn't want to deal with leaching issues later). I am planning to do Dr. Tim's cycling on the new tank, which had resulted in a ~1 week cycling time last time.

Back to the original question/intent of posting. I had always heard RG were peaceful fish that are mostly compatible with everything. This RG has been a headache and very likely serial murderer if I let him at the goby. While I intend to involve the kids/wife in the decision making, I'm interested in hearing stories or advice from others here. He's a very colorful fish with lots of personality. Unfortunately, some of that personality includes intent to kill others that might look at his rock. Tangaroa Goby don't get very big, so I don't see him every growing large enough to stop the bullying.

1) Give it time, maybe the RG will realize he's a jerk and should chill... empathy towards fellow fish doesn't seem to be a strong suit at this point. This would assume heavier use of the acclimation box, but I have concerns he'll limit other fish additions.
2) Return/give away the Tangaroa Goby realizing the RG is literally waiting for a chance to kill him. Plan to add larger fish that can deal with RG.
3) Return/give away the RG as he may be a problem for the life of the tank.

I am expecting by this time next year, we'll be planning on a big tank (120-180 gallons). Other stocking I'm looking at down the line: Melanurus Wrasse, maybe a Fairy Wrasse, blue/green Chromis, maybe a Coral Beauty/Flame Angel. We are interested in a Goby/Pistol pair, a RBTA for the clowns, possibly cleaner shrimp/fire shrimp (I realize they and wrasses may not be a good idea).
Top Shelf Aquatics


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My Royal Gramma is super peaceful so I'm not sure what the deal with your little guy is. I have an aggressive clownfish that would go after my goby, but I just rearranged the rock structure so they would have to re-establish territory and that seemed to work to curb the aggression. Might give it a try when you reintroduce them all.

Nathan Milender

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My RG is medium aggressive. I have a busy tank but he definitely claimed an area and is aggressive in that area. Was hostile towards dartfish but rarely leaves his turf. Damsels will likely be fine, I cannot think why it went after a shrimp. Sometimes things do just die for no apparent reason. I have had inverts have problems after shipping and suddenly die. If they go 1-2 months they are usually good for a long time. If the gramma kept it in the corner it probably just starved, I doubt it actually killed it. Shrimp are pretty bold. I constantly have to chase mine around to feed the coral. You may want to wait to get another shrimp until your larger tank is ready and try again.

Peace River

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[HASH=75]#WelcometoR2R[/HASH] and welcome back to the hobby!

Let's see if we can get some additional input:

Dr Jimmy

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I'll let you all help me with that

To me, the gradual "gradient" change of colors would strongly imply Royal Gramma. I have seen a Dottyback at another LFS and it has a very clean demarcation between colors that this doesn't have.


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My RG is a jerk. He was in the tank first before I added two Wyoming clowns. He established on side of the tank and would rush the clowns with his mouth open when the clowns went to that side of the tanks. No big deal. However, lately he’s been going to the other side of the tank and randomly charges the clowns. Sometimes he just hangs out, other times he charges them mouth open. Rarely does he ever bite and oddly enough my larger clown does the submissive shake. If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t have added a RG. Maybe he will chill out but doubt it.


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Sometimes you just have to put new fish in an acclimation box while putting a bird mirror on the bottom of the display for everyone to intimidate. I had to do this for a few days with my blue tang due to a flame angel that wasn’t having it. Now the blue tang follows a far more tolerant flame angel around like a puppy dog.


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Yeah. Mine is a jerk that has stressed fish to death. 2 clowns and bullied a tangaroa goby into a cave never to be seen again. Right now he is my only fish in my 25 lagoon, but we will try again when i get my RSR 350 set up. He won't be the biggest fish in a little tank in there. Love his personality and color though.


It Takes Less Energy to be Nice
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My RG is the most mild-mannered fish in the tank. It's interesting how different a specimen from the same species can be, including we


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Royal Gramma and their cousins Black Cap Basslets are usually mild mannered. However, I've kept both and they both are chill EXCEPT they defend their hidey hole aggressively. They have never chased other fish more than a few inches and then retreat to their territory. Prolonged chasing or physical contact would be surprising. Unfortunately as David said, individuals can be....well...individuals.

Dr Jimmy

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After discussing with the kids and wife, I think they are more in the camp of "let's see how it works out" in the bigger tank (again, 40 breeder). In the meantime, the Goby seems reasonably happy in the acclimation box I built. I've not observed him eating since the LFS (2 days). The box does allow me to drop some food in there and have it mostly stick around the box. I put two small shrimp in there for him to eat so we'll see if that helps. He has a box that's 4"x7.5"x4" (DxWxH).
Nutramar Foods

Dr Jimmy

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Does anyone anticipate aggression issues with the Melanurus Wrasse? That's probably my favorite fish. I've never kept one. I'm pretty sure I'd be willing to fillet the RG if it went after the Melanurus.


It Takes Less Energy to be Nice
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Does anyone anticipate aggression issues with the Melanurus Wrasse? That's probably my favorite fish. I've never kept one. I'm pretty sure I'd be willing to fillet the RG if it went after the Melanurus.

Loved my Mel...model citizen and a terrific fish to help keep things tidy and clean. It used to follow me around while I cleaned the glass. In the process of replacing the one I lost to old age a few months ago.
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Dr Jimmy

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I'm not sure how concerned I should be. We already lost one shrimp in this tank mysteriously. We think we observed RG aggression toward him (mouth open) but thought it might be requesting cleaning services. These are on the opposite side of the tank as the RG claims. The shrimp are new tank additions. If these shrimp end up dead, this RG will be leaving the tank. I have no idea how I'll catch him but I'm over it if he's going to act this way

Top Shelf Aquatics


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So in the last month, we've decided to come back into saltwater keeping. We have a 40 gallon breeder and had started with a HOB filter. We have a 3 year old and 7 year old and they are really enjoying it. So far, we have a small pair of clowns (Orange Storm and Black and White... both ~1.5") and a Royal Gramma (2.5"). After completing our cycle, we added a cleaner shrimp. Initially, things seemed fine. The RG was hiding a fair bit but started coming out more. The kids loved the shrimp and how the fish would eat from a dropper. After a couple days, I noticed the shrimp was pretty reclusive and hanging out at the back of the tank. It also seemed like the RG would run over to it with its mouth open as if it wanted cleaned. Within 3-4 days from the onset of that behavior... the shrimp was dead... laying on its side near the rock it hung out on. While we never observed the RG go after the shrimp, I now believe this is what killed the shrimp. I had assumed that something with the water was the culprit. Maybe someone put something in the tank that killed the shrimp (kids and hands). Tests were stable during this time (ammonia and nitrite = 0 ppm, nitrate 5-10). We test daily as my 3 year old really likes that part. Temp is at 79.

Later that week, the RG broke out in ick. I hadn't set up a QT system... but I never did this the first time I kept a reef (5 years). I now have a small QT setup that all the fish are in. When we started the QT (doing tank transfer with 2x10 gallon tanks), we added a tangaroa goby. The RG almost immediately went after it. I have now built an acclimation box and the goby is sitting in there. I'm not posting for judgement on the QT setup... it is what it is at this point. The big tank is being drilled for a sump setup right now as well, which makes it harder to just ignore the QT and put them back (granted, I'm working on getting ick out of the main system as well). I'm testing QT for ammonia and transferring to a freshly cleaned 10 gallon tank at most 60 hours after they switched tanks (TTM). I will be gluing the PVC for the plumbing in the main tank today on a brand new 40 gallon tank so no ick (I had suspected possible copper in the main tank and didn't want to deal with leaching issues later). I am planning to do Dr. Tim's cycling on the new tank, which had resulted in a ~1 week cycling time last time.

Back to the original question/intent of posting. I had always heard RG were peaceful fish that are mostly compatible with everything. This RG has been a headache and very likely serial murderer if I let him at the goby. While I intend to involve the kids/wife in the decision making, I'm interested in hearing stories or advice from others here. He's a very colorful fish with lots of personality. Unfortunately, some of that personality includes intent to kill others that might look at his rock. Tangaroa Goby don't get very big, so I don't see him every growing large enough to stop the bullying.

1) Give it time, maybe the RG will realize he's a jerk and should chill... empathy towards fellow fish doesn't seem to be a strong suit at this point. This would assume heavier use of the acclimation box, but I have concerns he'll limit other fish additions.
2) Return/give away the Tangaroa Goby realizing the RG is literally waiting for a chance to kill him. Plan to add larger fish that can deal with RG.
3) Return/give away the RG as he may be a problem for the life of the tank.

I am expecting by this time next year, we'll be planning on a big tank (120-180 gallons). Other stocking I'm looking at down the line: Melanurus Wrasse, maybe a Fairy Wrasse, blue/green Chromis, maybe a Coral Beauty/Flame Angel. We are interested in a Goby/Pistol pair, a RBTA for the clowns, possibly cleaner shrimp/fire shrimp (I realize they and wrasses may not be a good idea).

My RG is not as peaceful as they seem. He (or she) likes to pick on one of my clowns. I think its trying to protect its area of the tank. I also have a watchman one Fs with Goby...i think he runs the

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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