"No April Fools" Monday FlashSale on R2R, April 1st 10am-6pm pst

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April is here! No April fools here, only incredible discerning smart coral shoppers. Amazing deals in healthy, colorful, aquacultured specimens of all kinds.

800+ corals at up to 80%+ off ! 10am-6pm PST, join us Monday, 3/18/24, for the R2R FlashSale extravaganza! HOT LPS, SPS, Softies, UC Signature, frags, colonies, $5 corals and more lined up in this sale! You won’t want to miss out! All backed by our UC Guarantee! Earn UC Rewards while you shop. The thread on R2R will announce the drops with example photos, and a batch of 50 corals will become available every 30 minutes. Huge selection of healthy colorful corals at prices you'll love!

Prizes: 3 winners total (each purchase is an automatic entry to our raffle). 1st place: UC Signature coral pack, Triton ICP, Swag Pack ($350 value). 2nd place: UC mixed frag pack, Triton ICP, Swag pack ($200 value). 3rd place: UC gift card, Triton ICP, Swag Pack ($100 value)​

The items are not yours until you completely checkout. We automatically combine shipping. Please select "Add-On Order" at checkout. You MUST purchase a shipping module to participate in the sale. Max two $5 items per person, for every $5 item you must also purchase a non-$5 item. All corals will have the UniqueCorals LiveStock guarantee, & UC reward points too!

All FlashSale items are final, no exchanges no refunds. You must purchase a shipping module to participate in the FlashSale, unless you have purchased $225 or more livestock in the main store. (select "Add-On" shipping at checkout) Please pick arrival date. Robust guarantee. We combine shipping. Sales are final, no substitutions, due to discounted FlashSale pricing.

Shipping policy Guarantee
