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Hey, I'm going to drop a quick question and hope for some healthy, constructive conversation here.
I know this is a topic that has a general consensus, but after that it is very opinionated.

I am in the middle of my cycle now and looking to prepare for livestock.
I have a 30g AIO display.

I would really like to QT my livestock before going in my display.
But I am having a hard time finding info on QT for first addition of fish to a new tank. Will the first fish I add to the display need to be QT'd?

Also where my tank isn't a large display, I'm not planning on having a huge bioload.
And my apartment isn't huge on extra space, so a permanent QT setup isn't an option for me. So I was thinking about getting a setup that I can take down and setup as needed, using water and filter bio-media (seachem matrix) taken from my display.
So knowing that,

What would be an acceptable size tank for a setup like that?
Is 10gal the norm, or can a 5gal work? Knowing that I will only be QT'ing one fish at a time, outside the first addition of 2 clowns.

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I qt 2 juvenile clows in a 10 gal. I would recommend qt fish. It's easier than it seems and worth it in the long wrong.



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I qt 2 juvenile clows in a 10 gal. I would recommend qt fish. It's easier than it seems and worth it in the long wrong.

Im definitely looking to QT, just wondering if the temp set up and take down with display water will work, or if I have to go through a new cycle in the QT tank.
And if anything less that 10gal will work, or should 10gal be the minimum, knowing its only going to be one fish in there at a time.

Also with adding the first fish to a new tank, should the QT matter.
I know better safe than sorry. Just a curious question on that matter really.


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In my opinion 10 is minimum. Everything I used could be used in a 75 gallon tank. I used a 10 gallon because it was convenient and capable of houseing 2 clowns. You will want to used some sort of bacterial starter befor adding fish in qt. This will allow you to start a qt without a cycling the tank.

I would do both clowns at the same time to make life easier on you.


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You will want to used some sort of bacterial starter befor adding fish in qt. This will allow you to start a qt without a cycling the tank.
If i use water directly from my cycled display, will bac starter still be needed?

I would do both clowns at the same time to make life easier on you.
Yeah I would want to do the pair of clowns as my first addition, together.
But after that, any fish i add at a later date would only be 1 at a time.

RobB'z Reef

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Hi there, while I don't have much experience doing QT I'm going through the process now, learning it myself and doing a lot of reading! I can't quite speak to the tank size and fish too much. You can certainly go smaller like a 5 but in the end I think the fish would be less stressed with a larger size tank. Stress can impact how well they do or don't do in quarantine.
IMO I think running that first fish through it's every bit as important as any subsequent ones as well. You risk introducing any potential parasites that first one might have to your display and allowing them to start their life cycle there and exposing the next additions this is just something I'm postulating. Others with more experience should chime in.

You can certainly break your QT down afterwards but you'll need to recycle it if you bring it back up again. Otherwise you run the risk of stressing the first with no way to process the ammonia they generate from their gills and the food you'll be feeding them. Even more so with the smaller volume of water your dealing with.

Just my two cents! Whichever way you go I wish you success!


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You can certainly break your QT down afterwards but you'll need to recycle it if you bring it back up again.
If i take water directly from my cycled display, and use some biofiltration, also from my display that is already established with beneficial bacteria,
Will that not already be 'cycled' when i set up the tank each time? (Im honestly curious about this and I apologize if I am coming across like a know it all, i can assure you that is not my intention)

Or is there another way to set up a temporary QT system and not having to wait 4-6 weeks for that to cycle each time?

RobB'z Reef

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If you have bio media from your main tank with sufficient surface area to support the bio l load you're miles ahead. I don't think the tank water matters because that nitrifying bacteria doesn't live in the water column but in a film on the surfaces. I'd recommend either using something you're willing to dispose of afterwards or something you can effectively sterilize before you reuse it again to avoid any cross contamination of medications or disease.

It's all good we are after all just sharing out views, opinions and experience. It's all we got right?


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I'd recommend either using something you're willing to dispose of afterwards or something you can effectively sterilize before you reuse it again to avoid any cross contamination of medications or disease.
This is another thing that came to mind. I know if I end up having to medicate, then that bag of bio-media would need to be discarded. But if after observation QT and no issues or meds, I should theoretically be able to place that back with the main display filtration, does that sound right?

It's all good we are after all just sharing out views, opinions and experience. It's all we got right?
Definitely! I appreciate all the info!

RobB'z Reef

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This is another thing that came to mind. I know if I end up having to medicate, then that bag of bio-media would need to be discarded. But if after observation QT and no issues or meds, I should theoretically be able to place that back with the main display filtration, does that sound right?
In theory I guess you could. Like most things in the end you'll make the call to manage risk at your comfort level. I'm currently attempting to use those plastic bio media balls. It's my current belief those won't absorb the bad stuff and can be sterilized and reset in my sump for the next go around. Time will tell but that's my plan at this moment.

Are you going to proactively medicate or just if needed based on observation?


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Are you going to proactively medicate or just if needed based on observation?
Plan was to do observation and medicate if needed

I'm currently attempting to use those plastic bio media balls. It's my current belief those won't absorb the bad stuff
I never thought of those, and if they can be cleaned, thats a good idea.
I was also just reading about using a sponge filter.
Having it in the tank to populate with beneficial bacteria then using that to set up a qt tank. Then when disassembled, to clean and sterilize the sponge, and place back in the display to repopulate with bacteria for the next QT setup.

RobB'z Reef

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Plan was to do observation and medicate if needed

I never thought of those, and if they can be cleaned, thats a good idea.
I was also just reading about using a sponge filter.
Having it in the tank to populate with beneficial bacteria then using that to set up a qt tank. Then when disassembled, to clean and sterilize the sponge, and place back in the display to repopulate with bacteria for the next QT setup.
All good thoughts to consider. I'm still researching different methods used by others and assembling my own protocol that I then hope to document that based on successes and failures lol.
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I then hope to document that based on successes and failures lol.
Im in the same boat is seams, haha

i just read through your build thread as well, so I'll be following your progress and hopefully learn a thing or two!

Hoping to get to start my thread (major budget build in comparison haha) this weekend

Pitter Patter...

RobB'z Reef

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Im in the same boat is seams, haha

i just read through your build thread as well, so I'll be following your progress and hopefully learn a thing or two!

Hoping to get to start my thread (major budget build in comparison haha) this weekend

Pitter Patter...
Git at'r! Let me know one you got it up I'll follow along and learn some things from what you discover as well!
Top Shelf Aquatics

Fish & Coral

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Hey, I'm going to drop a quick question and hope for some healthy, constructive conversation here.
I know this is a topic that has a general consensus, but after that it is very opinionated.

I am in the middle of my cycle now and looking to prepare for livestock.
I have a 30g AIO display.

I would really like to QT my livestock before going in my display.
But I am having a hard time finding info on QT for first addition of fish to a new tank. Will the first fish I add to the display need to be QT'd?

Also where my tank isn't a large display, I'm not planning on having a huge bioload.
And my apartment isn't huge on extra space, so a permanent QT setup isn't an option for me. So I was thinking about getting a setup that I can take down and setup as needed, using water and filter bio-media (seachem matrix) taken from my display.
So knowing that,

What would be an acceptable size tank for a setup like that?
Is 10gal the norm, or can a 5gal work? Knowing that I will only be QT'ing one fish at a time, outside the first addition of 2 clowns.


IMP first fish or any fish thereafter or anything wet going to your display should be qt. As to the size of qt tank if just for small fish like clowns then 5 gal is ok temporarily but if you are getting big fish 5 or 6 inch then definitely go bigger to avoid stressing the fish.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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