Greeting Fellow Reefers! Gruesy here from Cincinnati Ohio. My wife and I are currently running a 90 gallon Mixed Reef tank and a 150 gallon FOWLR tank. However, last week I took delivery of a 180 gallon tank, soon to be a mixed reef tank and a 270 gallon soon to be my FOWLR tank. The two smaller tanks will be shut down after conversion. We're excited about the upgrade and can't wait to get going. I'm currently building my own stands. My wife found a great deal on 2 Icecap 48XL sumps from Coralvue that will deliver tomorrow. I've also ordered a Great White GW-22 skimmer and an Aquamaxx - ConeS DRC-3 Controllable In-Sump Protein Skimmer. I hope we're chosen well on the equipment that we've ordered. There's very little information, reviews and such, out there on the skimmers so I hope they'll work for us. I think that's all for now.