Neptune Apex Programming Tutorials Part 1

AI Nero 5


That Apex guy
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Seawitch submitted a new Article:

Apex Neptune Programming Tutorials Part 1

Note From the Editor:

This article and several future ones by the same author were originally part of several presentations made to a local aquarium club on programming your Neptune Apex Controller. The article is reprinted with permission from the author.

Because this topic will be of great interest to some readers but no interest to others who have not automated their systems, R2R will run these programming articles every Friday until we come to the end of the series.

Photos, images, and diagrams included in this article below are all courtesy of the author, @SuncrestReef ©2019, All Rights Reserved.



I first learned of the Neptune Apex in January 2018 while I was researching how to set up an aquarium. I was a complete novice to reefing and aquariums in general. However, with my 30+ year career in IT systems and my love of all things automation, I realized I could leverage my technical background and the Apex to automate most functions on the aquarium.

When I received my Apex, I quickly discovered it was a bit different than other automation devices I have used. Neptune’s online documentation was a bit scattered and disjointed, and the programming language was different than all the widely used standards I was familiar with. I stumbled my way through the basic setup and learned a lot about advanced programming through trial and error while my tank was still cycling. Once I discovered the official Neptune Community Forums I found several examples of programming that helped me achieve what I wanted to build.

Over the past year I’ve become much more comfortable and proficient in Apex programming, and I've become a frequent contributor on the Neptune Community Forums and Neptune’s Apex Community Facebook group where I do my best to help answer questions posted by other confused users. From my observations of these forums the most common problems are with the ATK, timers, feed mode, and alerts.

I decided to write some tutorials which will hopefully fill in the blanks that Neptune’s documentation doesn’t fully spell out. All of the information I’ll provide is already publicly available, but hopefully the way I’ll present it will explain things more clearly and in a single location.

I’d like to thank Zombie and RussM, two of the most frequent contributors on the Neptune Community Forums. Most of the things I've learned were due to their replies to others or directly to my questions.

Here are some invaluable resources for Apex programming:
I believe the Apex has been a big contributing factor in the success of my reef. For more details about my setup, feel free to check out my Reefer XL 425 build thread.

View attachment 1094812

View attachment 1094813


Before I get into specific tutorials, I’d like to explain the basics of Apex programming. An Apex system consists of Modules, Inputs, Outputs, and Profiles:
  • Modules: The Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and a variety of add-on modules. Modules are physically connected to the Apex or each other by AquaBus or 1Link cables. Each module is automatically assigned an AquaBus address, from 1 to 49.
  • Inputs: Temperature probes, pH probes, ORP probes, Conductivity (Salinity) probes, optical water level sensors, leak sensors, flow sensors, PAR sensors, Energy Bar watts and amps, Trident measurement readings. All Inputs are connected to ports on the Apex or add-on modules.
  • Outputs: 120v (or 240v international) outlets, 24v DC outlets, 0-10v variable outputs, DOS pumps, WAVs, COR pumps, lights, auto feeders, virtual outputs. Outputs exist on the Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and add-on modules.
  • Profiles: Pump profiles, dose profiles, lighting profiles, WAV profiles, ramp profiles, weather profiles. Profiles are used to apply pre-defined settings to an Output.
All programming is applied exclusively to Outputs. The programming can be based on values of Inputs, on the state of Outputs, or can apply settings defined by Profiles.

The Apex evaluates each Output programming once per second, so when a condition changes it should react to that change within 2 seconds. It reads the list of program statements for each Output from top to bottom, and determines the state of the Output based on the last line of programming that evaluates as True. For example, if a heater has the following programming, and the water temperature is 77.9 F, here’s how the Apex will decide what to do:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF

  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
In this example, the Apex turns on the heater output because the last line that evaluated as True was the first line.

However, in this next example the water temperature is still 77.9 F, but there is an additional condition to be evaluated:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF
If Output Maintenance = ON Then OFF

In this example, we have a virtual output named Maintenance that we turned on while performing routine maintenance on the tank. This could include water changes, cleaning out the sump, making plumbing repairs, or anything where you might not want the heater to come on since it may not be submerged in water.
  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
  • The third line evaluates True because we turned on the Maintenance output.
In this example, the heater is turned off. The last line in the programming that evaluates as True will decide the state of the output. The state of an output is not changed until all lines of programming are evaluated. Once we turn off the Maintenance output, the Apex will turn the heater on because only the first condition is True. Again, it evaluates the programming once per second.

In general, it’s always best to list the conditions that would turn ON and output first, then one by one list conditions that might turn it off.

You can rename each module, input, output, and profile. Using meaningful names will make programming and troubleshooting much easier, so I highly recommend renaming each component as the first step before you do any programming. However, if you decide to rename a component later, any existing programming will be automatically updated to reflect the new name.

For example, I have 3 FMM modules, so I named each one based on its function:
  • FMM_LEAK = leak detectors
  • FMM_FLOW = flow monitors
  • FMM_ ATO = auto top off
This becomes even more useful if you are monitoring multiple aquariums or frag tanks with a single Apex and multiple modules and probes:
  • Tmp200 = temperature probe in your 200 gallon tank
  • TmpFrg = temperature probe in your frag tank
  • TmpMix = temperature probe in your mixing station
(unfortunately Inputs are limited to 6 characters in the name)

Inputs and Outputs can be displayed on the Apex or Fusion dashboard as “tiles”. Inputs display as a read-only item, meaning you cannot change its value. It only shows what the sensor or probe is measuring:

Outputs can be manually turned ON or OFF, or can be set to AUTO. If you manually set an output to ON or OFF, it will remain in that state until you manually change it. The output programming is only active when the output is set to AUTO, and the state of the output will be displayed above the tile:

This brief introduction only touches on the main points of Apex programming. For complete details including how to initially set up the Apex, modules, and configuring Fusion, see Neptune’s official documentation:

This series of articles will contain detailed tutorials on specific Apex programming topics, which I promise will be more entertaining than this dry introductory topic.
  • Timers: OSC, If Time, DOW, Defer, When, and Min Time
  • ATK programming and troubleshooting
  • Power Monitoring
  • Virtual Outlets
  • Alerts
  • Feed Modes
  • Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles
Stay tuned. This concludes Part 1.


We encourage all our readers to join the Reef2Reef forum. It’s easy to register, free, and reefkeeping is much easier and more fun in a community of fellow aquarists. We pride ourselves on a warm and family-friendly forum where everyone is welcome. You will also find lots of contests and giveaways with our sponsors.


Author Profile: @SuncrestReef

John Halsey is a reefing hobbyist who keeps a Red Sea Reefer XL 425 in his living room. He is new to reefing with just over one year of experience, but has been successful in keeping a healthy mixed reef by following best practices learned here on R2R as well as actively participating in his local aquarist club -- PNWMAS -- in Portland, Oregon. John retired from his 30-year career in IT support, and put that technical expertise to good use by automating much of his aquarium equipment with an extensive Neptune Apex system.

Top Shelf Aquatics


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It needs to be noted that the Apex Comprehensive Reference Manual is dated. Apex now prefers to put out documentation on a hardware piece-by-piece basis.


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Great write up and setup


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I have been keeping reefs since the late 90 s amazing how far its come ,but im not a computer person and i dont own a computer i do have a iphone lol so im not a computer savy person Will I be able to set up a neptune system I really would love to but im kind of worried about doing so and do u need a computer to run Neptune ????


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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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I have been keeping reefs since the late 90 s amazing how far its come ,but im not a computer person and i dont own a computer i do have a iphone lol so im not a computer savy person Will I be able to set up a neptune system I really would love to but im kind of worried about doing so and do u need a computer to run Neptune ????
Get the new Apex 2016 or the New Apex EL which is plug and play and super easy to setup. You will want to use Fusion to setup your outlets and on/off times for lights, etc.


Effortless Perfection
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Great explanation, looking forward to more. When I moved to my new location and got plugged into my local community, I was shocked to hear how many reefers don't automate their systems. And from my limited curiosity, I discovered that it was due to the complexity of the set up.

I'm a long time user of Neptune controllers, I still have an ACIII that successfully ran a 120 gallon reef tank for a long time. And to add, @RussM was a life saver when he introduced the "reeftronics" website that made certain things available online. Then I upgraded to the Apex lite that ran my 120 for countless more years. I was extremely pleased with that upgrade and found it to be necessary just for ease of control and access. There were so many things that the Apex did that the AquaController didn't. Along with that line of thinking, I thought naturally the same was true with the 2016 Apex, and discovered that there was no reason to do so. Aside from consolidating everything on fusion and a few novelties that aren't necessary, I instantly had buyers remorse. Once the lite was set up, everything could be done on fusion.

One of the biggest problems I had setting up the 2016 Apex was that there was a lot of information on Neptune website for legacy equipment and it was hard to discern what was relevant to the 2016 model. So, I do understand the concern for simplicity and why people shy away from a controller.

Your articles will definitely help the folks that are struggling with wrapping their minds around how to navigate the Apex and make it work for them. Thanks for taking the time to write it up!!!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thank you for helping to clarify some of the language, terms and operations used concerning the Apex. I purchased the new Apex and so far, sad to say, I’ve only been able to set up the probes and my heater. All the other modules remain in their boxes because I have no computer or programming background that appears to be necessary to setup and use it. I felt capable of following a set of instructions but without a few visuals and having a lack of “common” knowledge of this hobby, I quickly became confused. Also, when purchasing add ons you can’t tell what else is needed to be able to use the item.

You have renewed my hope in being able to understand adding the other modules.

I live in a rural area and know of only two others that have reef tanks. I’m 3 hours from a minimal LFS and 5 hours from a city. There is no reefing community. R2R and videos produced by BRS are what I rely on to learn what it takes to be successful. Without that help I would have packed up the Apex and sold it and also my Red Sea 650 peninsula long ago.

I do want to be able to understand the basics to set things up. I’m looking forward to reading more of your tutorials.

Thanks again for renewing my hope!
Nutramar Foods

Gary Ellis

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I'm trying to program my UV sterilizer to come on at 6:00 in the afternoon and turn off at 6:00 in the morning. I just can't figure out how to do it. Can someone please help me and post here exactly what I need to type in? I know how to get there I just don't know what to put there. Thanks... I have the ApexEL.


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Seawitch submitted a new Article:

Apex Neptune Programming Tutorials Part 1

Note From the Editor:

This article and several future ones by the same author were originally part of several presentations made to a local aquarium club on programming your Neptune Apex Controller. The article is reprinted with permission from the author.

Because this topic will be of great interest to some readers but no interest to others who have not automated their systems, R2R will run these programming articles every Friday until we come to the end of the series.

Photos, images, and diagrams included in this article below are all courtesy of the author, @SuncrestReef ©2019, All Rights Reserved.



I first learned of the Neptune Apex in January 2018 while I was researching how to set up an aquarium. I was a complete novice to reefing and aquariums in general. However, with my 30+ year career in IT systems and my love of all things automation, I realized I could leverage my technical background and the Apex to automate most functions on the aquarium.

When I received my Apex, I quickly discovered it was a bit different than other automation devices I have used. Neptune’s online documentation was a bit scattered and disjointed, and the programming language was different than all the widely used standards I was familiar with. I stumbled my way through the basic setup and learned a lot about advanced programming through trial and error while my tank was still cycling. Once I discovered the official Neptune Community Forums I found several examples of programming that helped me achieve what I wanted to build.

Over the past year I’ve become much more comfortable and proficient in Apex programming, and I've become a frequent contributor on the Neptune Community Forums and Neptune’s Apex Community Facebook group where I do my best to help answer questions posted by other confused users. From my observations of these forums the most common problems are with the ATK, timers, feed mode, and alerts.

I decided to write some tutorials which will hopefully fill in the blanks that Neptune’s documentation doesn’t fully spell out. All of the information I’ll provide is already publicly available, but hopefully the way I’ll present it will explain things more clearly and in a single location.

I’d like to thank Zombie and RussM, two of the most frequent contributors on the Neptune Community Forums. Most of the things I've learned were due to their replies to others or directly to my questions.

Here are some invaluable resources for Apex programming:
I believe the Apex has been a big contributing factor in the success of my reef. For more details about my setup, feel free to check out my Reefer XL 425 build thread.

View attachment 1094812

View attachment 1094813


Before I get into specific tutorials, I’d like to explain the basics of Apex programming. An Apex system consists of Modules, Inputs, Outputs, and Profiles:
  • Modules: The Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and a variety of add-on modules. Modules are physically connected to the Apex or each other by AquaBus or 1Link cables. Each module is automatically assigned an AquaBus address, from 1 to 49.
  • Inputs: Temperature probes, pH probes, ORP probes, Conductivity (Salinity) probes, optical water level sensors, leak sensors, flow sensors, PAR sensors, Energy Bar watts and amps, Trident measurement readings. All Inputs are connected to ports on the Apex or add-on modules.
  • Outputs: 120v (or 240v international) outlets, 24v DC outlets, 0-10v variable outputs, DOS pumps, WAVs, COR pumps, lights, auto feeders, virtual outputs. Outputs exist on the Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and add-on modules.
  • Profiles: Pump profiles, dose profiles, lighting profiles, WAV profiles, ramp profiles, weather profiles. Profiles are used to apply pre-defined settings to an Output.
All programming is applied exclusively to Outputs. The programming can be based on values of Inputs, on the state of Outputs, or can apply settings defined by Profiles.

The Apex evaluates each Output programming once per second, so when a condition changes it should react to that change within 2 seconds. It reads the list of program statements for each Output from top to bottom, and determines the state of the Output based on the last line of programming that evaluates as True. For example, if a heater has the following programming, and the water temperature is 77.9 F, here’s how the Apex will decide what to do:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF

  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
In this example, the Apex turns on the heater output because the last line that evaluated as True was the first line.

However, in this next example the water temperature is still 77.9 F, but there is an additional condition to be evaluated:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF
If Output Maintenance = ON Then OFF

In this example, we have a virtual output named Maintenance that we turned on while performing routine maintenance on the tank. This could include water changes, cleaning out the sump, making plumbing repairs, or anything where you might not want the heater to come on since it may not be submerged in water.
  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
  • The third line evaluates True because we turned on the Maintenance output.
In this example, the heater is turned off. The last line in the programming that evaluates as True will decide the state of the output. The state of an output is not changed until all lines of programming are evaluated. Once we turn off the Maintenance output, the Apex will turn the heater on because only the first condition is True. Again, it evaluates the programming once per second.

In general, it’s always best to list the conditions that would turn ON and output first, then one by one list conditions that might turn it off.

You can rename each module, input, output, and profile. Using meaningful names will make programming and troubleshooting much easier, so I highly recommend renaming each component as the first step before you do any programming. However, if you decide to rename a component later, any existing programming will be automatically updated to reflect the new name.

For example, I have 3 FMM modules, so I named each one based on its function:
  • FMM_LEAK = leak detectors
  • FMM_FLOW = flow monitors
  • FMM_ ATO = auto top off
This becomes even more useful if you are monitoring multiple aquariums or frag tanks with a single Apex and multiple modules and probes:
  • Tmp200 = temperature probe in your 200 gallon tank
  • TmpFrg = temperature probe in your frag tank
  • TmpMix = temperature probe in your mixing station
(unfortunately Inputs are limited to 6 characters in the name)

Inputs and Outputs can be displayed on the Apex or Fusion dashboard as “tiles”. Inputs display as a read-only item, meaning you cannot change its value. It only shows what the sensor or probe is measuring:

Outputs can be manually turned ON or OFF, or can be set to AUTO. If you manually set an output to ON or OFF, it will remain in that state until you manually change it. The output programming is only active when the output is set to AUTO, and the state of the output will be displayed above the tile:

This brief introduction only touches on the main points of Apex programming. For complete details including how to initially set up the Apex, modules, and configuring Fusion, see Neptune’s official documentation:

This series of articles will contain detailed tutorials on specific Apex programming topics, which I promise will be more entertaining than this dry introductory topic.
  • Timers: OSC, If Time, DOW, Defer, When, and Min Time
  • ATK programming and troubleshooting
  • Power Monitoring
  • Virtual Outlets
  • Alerts
  • Feed Modes
  • Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles
Stay tuned. This concludes Part 1.


We encourage all our readers to join the Reef2Reef forum. It’s easy to register, free, and reefkeeping is much easier and more fun in a community of fellow aquarists. We pride ourselves on a warm and family-friendly forum where everyone is welcome. You will also find lots of contests and giveaways with our sponsors.


Author Profile: @SuncrestReef

John Halsey is a reefing hobbyist who keeps a Red Sea Reefer XL 425 in his living room. He is new to reefing with just over one year of experience, but has been successful in keeping a healthy mixed reef by following best practices learned here on R2R as well as actively participating in his local aquarist club -- PNWMAS -- in Portland, Oregon. John retired from his 30-year career in IT support, and put that technical expertise to good use by automating much of his aquarium equipment with an extensive Neptune Apex system.

Is there a print version of all the articles?


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Seawitch submitted a new Article:

Apex Neptune Programming Tutorials Part 1

Note From the Editor:

This article and several future ones by the same author were originally part of several presentations made to a local aquarium club on programming your Neptune Apex Controller. The article is reprinted with permission from the author.

Because this topic will be of great interest to some readers but no interest to others who have not automated their systems, R2R will run these programming articles every Friday until we come to the end of the series.

Photos, images, and diagrams included in this article below are all courtesy of the author, @SuncrestReef ©2019, All Rights Reserved.



I first learned of the Neptune Apex in January 2018 while I was researching how to set up an aquarium. I was a complete novice to reefing and aquariums in general. However, with my 30+ year career in IT systems and my love of all things automation, I realized I could leverage my technical background and the Apex to automate most functions on the aquarium.

When I received my Apex, I quickly discovered it was a bit different than other automation devices I have used. Neptune’s online documentation was a bit scattered and disjointed, and the programming language was different than all the widely used standards I was familiar with. I stumbled my way through the basic setup and learned a lot about advanced programming through trial and error while my tank was still cycling. Once I discovered the official Neptune Community Forums I found several examples of programming that helped me achieve what I wanted to build.

Over the past year I’ve become much more comfortable and proficient in Apex programming, and I've become a frequent contributor on the Neptune Community Forums and Neptune’s Apex Community Facebook group where I do my best to help answer questions posted by other confused users. From my observations of these forums the most common problems are with the ATK, timers, feed mode, and alerts.

I decided to write some tutorials which will hopefully fill in the blanks that Neptune’s documentation doesn’t fully spell out. All of the information I’ll provide is already publicly available, but hopefully the way I’ll present it will explain things more clearly and in a single location.

I’d like to thank Zombie and RussM, two of the most frequent contributors on the Neptune Community Forums. Most of the things I've learned were due to their replies to others or directly to my questions.

Here are some invaluable resources for Apex programming:
I believe the Apex has been a big contributing factor in the success of my reef. For more details about my setup, feel free to check out my Reefer XL 425 build thread.

View attachment 1094812

View attachment 1094813


Before I get into specific tutorials, I’d like to explain the basics of Apex programming. An Apex system consists of Modules, Inputs, Outputs, and Profiles:
  • Modules: The Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and a variety of add-on modules. Modules are physically connected to the Apex or each other by AquaBus or 1Link cables. Each module is automatically assigned an AquaBus address, from 1 to 49.
  • Inputs: Temperature probes, pH probes, ORP probes, Conductivity (Salinity) probes, optical water level sensors, leak sensors, flow sensors, PAR sensors, Energy Bar watts and amps, Trident measurement readings. All Inputs are connected to ports on the Apex or add-on modules.
  • Outputs: 120v (or 240v international) outlets, 24v DC outlets, 0-10v variable outputs, DOS pumps, WAVs, COR pumps, lights, auto feeders, virtual outputs. Outputs exist on the Apex base unit, Energy Bars, and add-on modules.
  • Profiles: Pump profiles, dose profiles, lighting profiles, WAV profiles, ramp profiles, weather profiles. Profiles are used to apply pre-defined settings to an Output.
All programming is applied exclusively to Outputs. The programming can be based on values of Inputs, on the state of Outputs, or can apply settings defined by Profiles.

The Apex evaluates each Output programming once per second, so when a condition changes it should react to that change within 2 seconds. It reads the list of program statements for each Output from top to bottom, and determines the state of the Output based on the last line of programming that evaluates as True. For example, if a heater has the following programming, and the water temperature is 77.9 F, here’s how the Apex will decide what to do:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF

  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
In this example, the Apex turns on the heater output because the last line that evaluated as True was the first line.

However, in this next example the water temperature is still 77.9 F, but there is an additional condition to be evaluated:

If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON
If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF
If Output Maintenance = ON Then OFF

In this example, we have a virtual output named Maintenance that we turned on while performing routine maintenance on the tank. This could include water changes, cleaning out the sump, making plumbing repairs, or anything where you might not want the heater to come on since it may not be submerged in water.
  • The first line evaluates True since the temperature is less than 78.0.
  • The second line evaluates False since the temperature is not greater than 78.2.
  • The third line evaluates True because we turned on the Maintenance output.
In this example, the heater is turned off. The last line in the programming that evaluates as True will decide the state of the output. The state of an output is not changed until all lines of programming are evaluated. Once we turn off the Maintenance output, the Apex will turn the heater on because only the first condition is True. Again, it evaluates the programming once per second.

In general, it’s always best to list the conditions that would turn ON and output first, then one by one list conditions that might turn it off.

You can rename each module, input, output, and profile. Using meaningful names will make programming and troubleshooting much easier, so I highly recommend renaming each component as the first step before you do any programming. However, if you decide to rename a component later, any existing programming will be automatically updated to reflect the new name.

For example, I have 3 FMM modules, so I named each one based on its function:
  • FMM_LEAK = leak detectors
  • FMM_FLOW = flow monitors
  • FMM_ ATO = auto top off
This becomes even more useful if you are monitoring multiple aquariums or frag tanks with a single Apex and multiple modules and probes:
  • Tmp200 = temperature probe in your 200 gallon tank
  • TmpFrg = temperature probe in your frag tank
  • TmpMix = temperature probe in your mixing station
(unfortunately Inputs are limited to 6 characters in the name)

Inputs and Outputs can be displayed on the Apex or Fusion dashboard as “tiles”. Inputs display as a read-only item, meaning you cannot change its value. It only shows what the sensor or probe is measuring:

Outputs can be manually turned ON or OFF, or can be set to AUTO. If you manually set an output to ON or OFF, it will remain in that state until you manually change it. The output programming is only active when the output is set to AUTO, and the state of the output will be displayed above the tile:

This brief introduction only touches on the main points of Apex programming. For complete details including how to initially set up the Apex, modules, and configuring Fusion, see Neptune’s official documentation:

This series of articles will contain detailed tutorials on specific Apex programming topics, which I promise will be more entertaining than this dry introductory topic.
  • Timers: OSC, If Time, DOW, Defer, When, and Min Time
  • ATK programming and troubleshooting
  • Power Monitoring
  • Virtual Outlets
  • Alerts
  • Feed Modes
  • Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles
Stay tuned. This concludes Part 1.


We encourage all our readers to join the Reef2Reef forum. It’s easy to register, free, and reefkeeping is much easier and more fun in a community of fellow aquarists. We pride ourselves on a warm and family-friendly forum where everyone is welcome. You will also find lots of contests and giveaways with our sponsors.


Author Profile: @SuncrestReef

John Halsey is a reefing hobbyist who keeps a Red Sea Reefer XL 425 in his living room. He is new to reefing with just over one year of experience, but has been successful in keeping a healthy mixed reef by following best practices learned here on R2R as well as actively participating in his local aquarist club -- PNWMAS -- in Portland, Oregon. John retired from his 30-year career in IT support, and put that technical expertise to good use by automating much of his aquarium equipment with an extensive Neptune Apex system.

Is there a print version of all the articles?


That Apex guy
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I'm trying to program my UV sterilizer to come on at 6:00 in the afternoon and turn off at 6:00 in the morning. I just can't figure out how to do it. Can someone please help me and post here exactly what I need to type in? I know how to get there I just don't know what to put there. Thanks... I have the ApexEL.
Did you ever figure this out? I’m in the same boat
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AI Hydra

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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