Need help getting flow right in my 24” cube.
Please share your thoughts on placement of pumps for mixed reef cube tanks. Starting to grow acros and to create a wave ;bank & forth) variable flow.
I have 2 Tunze 6040 Nano Streams (100% on wave mode) on both sides of back wall (8” below surface/ facing up). back corners and bottom-sides are getting detritus / cyano build up. Return pump nozzles are on top surface (both sides)
I just bought Nero 5 to install on back wall (center). And will point the Tunze’s pointing down to flush out the back and sides. Trying to avoid anything on the side walls for aesthetics
Please share your thoughts on placement of pumps for mixed reef cube tanks. Starting to grow acros and to create a wave ;bank & forth) variable flow.
I have 2 Tunze 6040 Nano Streams (100% on wave mode) on both sides of back wall (8” below surface/ facing up). back corners and bottom-sides are getting detritus / cyano build up. Return pump nozzles are on top surface (both sides)
I just bought Nero 5 to install on back wall (center). And will point the Tunze’s pointing down to flush out the back and sides. Trying to avoid anything on the side walls for aesthetics