I am looking for a fish to replace my dwarf angel. I have a 35 gallon tank. Inhabitants are valentini puffer, 2 blackstorm clownfish, snails, hermit crabs, emerald crabs, & orchid dotty back. My orchid dotty back killed my angel. All fish had a semi aggressive temperament. I never had to clean my pump from hair algae because my angel kept it clean as well as other spots. I am not a fan on Nopox and try to use it as little as possible. But now that the angel is gone I have to remove algae myself. I thought about a Lawnmower Blenny but Im unsure about it. Its the back wall and pump thats place up high I need kept clean. Its a flow swing. I get a little bit of hair algae now that the angels gone he kept my tank almost completely free of it so I never removed or treated for it. If possible I would like a fish that looks nice and is an active swimmer. My dotty back only comes out at night. I never feed it & it was put in to control bristle worms which is all it eats at the moment. I just hope it does not eat all the bristle worms I only wanted to reduce the population.