Need a little breather from rapid-fire vendor sales down here lol, let’s talk about Who is the typical lurker. SEE POST #53 FOR COUPON CODE!

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I promise I'll join the fray and have a sale soon too, but taking a page from Feldman's brief stay as a sponsor but larger contribution as far as writings and thoughts go, I remember him saying once in response to why he doesn't post any coral like everyone else, just musings and thoughts about whatever was in his mind that day. His response was, I have website for that. This is more place of comfort, learning and expression. And I never really forgot that sentiment. In fact it was Scott that really inspired me to start reflecting on topics and writing more myself back then...

But anyway, with that in mind, as a rather long time, member and contributor and sponsor of this site, I have seen a lot of members come and go. It kind of comes in waves really. I think there’s a lot of turnover in this hobby in and I’ve seen large groups of people get really excited about things and then, well then they kind of go away for lack of a better word. And then another group of people find new things to be excited about, and this cycle has continued here for as long as I’ve been paying attention. Whether it's about a certain type or coral or chasing a certain vendor or method. People genuinely get the most excited by something newer to them.

I have observed over the years that when people are new in the hobby everything‘s exciting. You’re connecting with other people who are just as excited, camaraderie is established and nurtured that's kind of hard to beat really. But as time goes on that excitement, kind of fades to an extent, nothing's quite as new, no matter how “new”. Excitement plateaus, people, leave the hobby, and so on. This kind of forms this hierarchy of forum members who have essentially “been there done that” all the way down to, ”I have no idea what I’m doing.” And you get a vast, symbiotic assortment of questions and knowledge all living harmoniously off/with each other.

All this is to say, what sparks an initial drive to post a question on here or post pictures of your stuff, or seek out solutions to problems you’re having as opposed to just lurking and pecking? And furthermore how many lurkers out there right now are just waiting or looking for an excuse to to join? Well, this would be a great thread to post in so there's your excuse!

Oh, and if you are looking for coral, I do have a website for that as well:) As Scott (founder of Unique corals) used to say, "stay wet" my friends.

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I mostly just lurk. I remember when forums became a thing and I could spend hours reading and learning. Sometimes I think I lurk hoping to find something 'new' that sparks my excitement and hope I can learn something.


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Mainly lurk and I really only post when I'm looking for input on others experiences or to try and learn from others. I guess it's safe to say that if I'm quiet things are going generally ok and if I'm posting I'm probably trying to solve an issue or I'm trying to change something up and learn.

The goal is that once my coral grow more and get pretty colors other than either brown, green, pale, or dead... And once the dinos are gone... I'll probably post pride photos showing off what I've accomplished and probably before/afters... But I'm not much for posting in progress work


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I mostly just lurk. I remember when forums became a thing and I could spend hours reading and learning. Sometimes I think I lurk hoping to find something 'new' that sparks my excitement and hope I can learn something.
I hear you, but even with that post to me makes you not a lurker at all but an active member:). And thanks for chiming in.


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Total lurker here, my 2nd post ever! Newer reefer and I come for advice and inspiration. Since you mention them, I can't figure out the rapid fire sales. Been trying to figure out how each one works but by the time I even click on something it's gone. Love the site and appreciate everyone's contributions.


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I've been in this hobby for probably close to 20 years, although I've only been on this forum for about 8. My first aquarium was fairly simple and I wasn't at a point in my life where I could attempt the more challenging stuff. I also took advice from the LFS. I lurked mainly to see the amazing things people were attempting and/or succeeding in doing and to look at different advice than that of the LFS.

Fast forward. When I finally got my current set up I changed from lurking to posting as I had the time/resources to attempt the more challenging corals/fish. With the harder challenges it's nice to get some feedback particularly from some top notch people on these forums (Randy, Jay, Dana). I also thought it might be nice to document my success/failures. I feel like when people succeed they'll post their aquarium pictures, but when the tank fails miserably and they exit the hobby there will be no post of that. My hope is that my posts of successes and failures would help the next person and also serve as "You're not alone, this hobby is difficult" sort of reminder.


Living the Reef Life
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I'm a longtime lurker... :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:


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I think there is a large group of people that are primarily fringe forum cyber stalkers punctuated with excitement and active engagement. It gives that tiny dopamine surge to contribute but intimidating because it doesn't feel like a true conversation with your neighbor. I don't think they necessarily leave the hobby but just don't engage on forums much when they are on cruise control and feel they don't have much to contribute.
Others, like me, have spurts of energy to add a little but life balance requires focus elsewhere most of the time.
I know I'm thankful for this site living where it's not easy to have "shop talk" locally.

Whew, now for my 2 week nap before posting again.


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I'm a longtime lurker... :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Total lurker here, my 2nd post ever! Newer reefer and I come for advice and inspiration. Since you mention them, I can't figure out the rapid fire sales. Been trying to figure out how each one works but by the time I even click on something it's gone. Love the site and appreciate everyone's contributions.
right on! Well spoken. I do think there is a confidence curve too. Once people engage more it becomes much easier to chime in and get involved.

love it. Thanks for making this one #2

Daniel! Professional lurker!!


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On larger forums such as this I am mostly a lurker. Have started a few tale of the tank threads, but generally they fall off for various reasons. What I did contribute heavily to was my local reef club, both online and in person events. That is something I feel has died out with the move to Facebook groups - at least in my area.

I genuinely enjoy reading your threads however. It's nice to see posts from vendors outside of the super duper end of the full moon ultra live sales. Love your contributions!


It's just me
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I lurk. Totally lurk. I'm here for the camaraderie and just generally enjoy meeting people with the same excitement and same failures as me. Some I can help as I've been there, some can help me, and others are just happy to have someone that "gets it"! I'm definitely a live sale stalker, usually just there to have fun and hang out but I also have several people's build threads that I stalk and engage with on a regular basis. I enjoy being here and hanging out with the seasoned veterans and I love watching them train up the younguns! It's a great hobby.


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Did someone say BATTLECORAL SALE??

I kid I kid lol.
I think most people’s hobby’s wax and wane. I know I’ve been in and out of the hobby with the birth of my boys and the amount of free time I’ve got. At this point if I see something interesting I may post it, otherwise I’ll mostly lurk.


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I lurk. Totally lurk. I'm here for the camaraderie and just generally enjoy meeting people with the same excitement and same failures as me. Some I can help as I've been there, some can help me, and others are just happy to have someone that "gets it"! I'm definitely a live sale stalker, usually just there to have fun and hang out but I also have several people's build threads that I stalk and engage with on a regular basis. I enjoy being here and hanging out with the seasoned veterans and I love watching them train up the younguns! It's a great hobby.
Uhm.... the term LURK, means passive non-poster... 28,000 post... not the silent type...
Oh... you were being sarcastic....


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I respond, I post. Mostly because I would like to contribute my experience and knowledge. But there is many whom tend to repeat hearsay on this forum, good intentions or not. That bothers me a bit... But that comes along with the package of a open forum.


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But there is many whom tend to repeat hearsay on this forum, good intentions or not. That bothers me a bit...
Spend 10 minutes on some of the FB groups, the quickest replies are often the worst. Also, all of the endless everyday arguments over the same non-issue topics. No wonder so many people are out of the hobby within a year or two.


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I live in northwest North Dakota. I needed somewhere to ask questions or see other people's similar questions (lurking). That was my problem with Facebook, it's unorganized and lacks search functions so people just keep asking the same things every couple hours and the same angry people have the same arguments all day long.

FB can provide you with the dopamine rush of reactions and comments. But this forum has so much documented experience on it, and it always amazes me when knowledgeable people like Randy Holmes-Farley, Jay Hemdal, Roberto Denadai, Lasse, Paul B. etc take the time to reply to people like me.


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I promise I'll join the fray and have a sale soon too, but taking a page from Feldman's brief stay as a sponsor but larger contribution as far as writings and thoughts go, I remember him saying once in response to why he doesn't post any coral like everyone else, just musings and thoughts about whatever was in his mind that day. His response was, I have website for that. This is more place of comfort, learning and expression. And I never really forgot that sentiment. In fact it was Scott that really inspired me to start reflecting on topics and writing more myself back then...

But anyway, with that in mind, as a rather long time, member and contributor and sponsor of this site, I have seen a lot of members come and go. It kind of comes in waves really. I think there’s a lot of turnover in this hobby in and I’ve seen large groups of people get really excited about things and then, well then they kind of go away for lack of a better word. And then another group of people find new things to be excited about, and this cycle has continued here for as long as I’ve been paying attention. Whether it's about a certain type or coral or chasing a certain vendor or method. People genuinely get the most excited by something newer to them.

I have observed over the years that when people are new in the hobby everything‘s exciting. You’re connecting with other people who are just as excited, camaraderie is established and nurtured that's kind of hard to beat really. But as time goes on that excitement, kind of fades to an extent, nothing's quite as new, no matter how “new”. Excitement plateaus, people, leave the hobby, and so on. This kind of forms this hierarchy of forum members who have essentially “been there done that” all the way down to, ”I have no idea what I’m doing.” And you get a vast, symbiotic assortment of questions and knowledge all living harmoniously off/with each other.

All this is to say, what sparks an initial drive to post a question on here or post pictures of your stuff, or seek out solutions to problems you’re having as opposed to just lurking and pecking? And furthermore how many lurkers out there right now are just waiting or looking for an excuse to to join? Well, this would be a great thread to post in so there's your excuse!

Oh, and if you are looking for coral, I do have a website for that as well:) As Scott (founder of Unique corals) used to say, "stay wet" my friends.

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Nice observation. I went through a very similar wave. I came here and was able to find new and cool things, new and cool people. It actually was not anything 'getting old' that slowed me down...but the core reason of why Reef2Reef exists. Originally I liked the interaction between myself and new people and it drew me in like a drug. But once this started becoming trolling battles and various levels of censorship of posts for whatever reason (not just to stop the trolling..but defending of sponsors, etc), I realized why i dont like interaction with people in person is the same reason I dont really like interacting with people online.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

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