Nassarius Snail out ouf Shell, any chance?


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Dec 14, 2021
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One of my Nassarius snails has come out of his shell! Tank is almost 1 year old.
I'm posting this for the non-believers.
Although I did not see how this happened, it has been 24 hours since I noticed the empty shell. My reaction was thinking that my 6-year old dropped one of her empty shell in there. Now I noticed the **** Nassarius halfway buried in the sand. I dug it up a bit and now it is cruising arround the tank like this. It buries and then comes back out of the sand again. It is not behaving normal. The other Nassarius in the tank is circling around near by. I assume it is waiting for this one to die soon. :loudly-crying-face:
I have some hermits in the tank, but they have enough food and none of them need a new shell. Normally these Nassarius Snails know how to defend themselves and I am usually more concerned that they eat my small hermits.
Anyone have an idea if they can re-generate some kind of shell or is this just a myth?

nassarius.jpg nassarius1.jpg


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I know this happens on occasion with freshwater snails, but this is the first I've heard of it with saltwater snails. In freshwater this can happen due to injury or disease, and it seems it's fatal to the snail.
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