Multiple pairs of clownfish

NE reefer

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I’ve got two clown fish currently in my 50 gallon tank. They were not added as a bonded pair and don’t behave like one currently. They are Maine mochas. Can I add two more smaller clownfish in hopes that with increased numbers the larger original fish will be less aggressive? I read this is not possible but I’m curious why not. I read that in order to decrease aggressive behavior with damsel fish you add multiple. Aren’t clownfish and damsels related?
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Unless kept in groups of 12+ with multiple anemones, clownfish will slowly whittle the population down until there are just a pair. On the reef, there is lots of flow and lots of bigger fish, so they are too busy trying to stay alive to kill one another. That's why most anemones on the reef have about half a dozen clowns, while it is very uncommon for people to keep more than two successfully in a mixed reef. I would avoid attempting more of them.
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Thank larger I’m assuming female is not physically harming the other clownfish but they definitely don’t seem to be in a loving relationship. Guess we’ll just wait this one out. Thank you

If clownfish aren't actively killing each other, they are a pair. I imagine that they will start getting along in time.


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I’ve got two clown fish currently in my 50 gallon tank. They were not added as a bonded pair and don’t behave like one currently. They are Maine mochas. Can I add two more smaller clownfish in hopes that with increased numbers the larger original fish will be less aggressive? I read this is not possible but I’m curious why not. I read that in order to decrease aggressive behavior with damsel fish you add multiple. Aren’t clownfish and damsels related?
You should be ok. As I just did, I added them at night at lights out and current clowns were confused and they are hanging out. I had 4 breeder pairs in tank and now have 10 as these two came with a tank buyout I did a month ago.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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In a 50 gallon tank...?
My current is a 400 gallon
I started with a dozen small in my 50 gallon drop off tank- all percula


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Wisconsin - Florida delayed due 2 hurricane damage
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In a 50 gallon tank...?
I had my computer off last night but I made mention of my 50g drop off with a dozen clowns:



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I had a pair of black ice clowns as my first few fish.

One died when I was still learning what I was doing.

In time my interest in clowns kind of faded. I liked the little black ice, but never really felt the need to get more.

Any time you add a new fish you run the risk of aggression, it's probably a bit higher with 2 pairs of clowns in a 50 gallon tank though. Probably be ok, but hard to say.
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I had my computer off last night but I made mention of my 50g drop off with a dozen clowns:

View attachment 2993424View attachment 2993425View attachment 2993426
I don't think I would be encouraging this, lol...

If memory serves me... BRS did a video on a clown harem...

If you add a lot of them - then the aggression is spread out and not concentrated on any one...

But you have to add a lot of them.

I believe 4, 6, 8... might be too few...

But again, not sure I would be encouraging this...


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I don't think I would be encouraging this, lol...

If memory serves me... BRS did a video on a clown harem...

If you add a lot of them - then the aggression is spread out and not concentrated on any one...

But you have to add a lot of them.

I believe 4, 6, 8... might be too few...

But again, not sure I would be encouraging this...
I can come up with at least 15 people who have done the same and allowed the clowns to pair off. Ive never had an issue with them. They squabble but dont beat each other up. This guy wants to add a pair making them four- Dont see an issue with this.
Not sure how often you are on here but so many tanks in the 75g range with multiple clowns and noticeably more with breeder pairs.

NE reefer

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I’m really tempted to either toss in another pair of clowns or just remove one, for the sake of my male clownfish. I had a single clownfish in a 20 gallon tank for about a year. Six months ago I upgraded to a 50 gallon corner tank and added a smaller clownfish, hoping they would bond. She hasn’t killed him and truthfully I don’t even see any injuries on him but she’s just nasty towards him randomly and he doesn’t seem to have full range of the tank. I also have a royal gramma, an adorned wrasse and a watchman goby. Not sure if adding two more fish would stress my bio load. I’ve got a large sump tank (around 40 gallons) in the basement with a skimmer and refugium. Should I just ride this out and hopefully the clownfish will grow to get along?
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if there is a relationship problem with a current pair, you will know. the female will be actively tormenting the male, and many times kill it. so, unless you recognize the female actually attacking the male, i would just leave it as is. and when i say attack, the male will have damage.

i have a pair of clowns that bonded immediately after putting them in the tank. they were good for months, until one day, they werent. it was straight up aggression from the female. chasing the poor male in circles, up and down, and all around the tank. didnt matter how far away he was, she would go to her spot, and come back to find him across the tank, and do it some more. even when he hid under a rock, she would find him under a rock, and chase him away. i eventually seperated them, and took the male from my 65, and put him into my 20. i already have a pair of clowns in my 20, so i had to put in a seperator. i made one out of th egg crate material, but the male found his way to the other side. he was heavily damaged the next morning, but he was alive. i ended up making a better separator, and now the 20 is just split down the middle so i can have 3 clowns in it.


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I can come up with at least 15 people who have done the same and allowed the clowns to pair off. Ive never had an issue with them. They squabble but dont beat each other up. This guy wants to add a pair making them four- Dont see an issue with this.
Not sure how often you are on here but so many tanks in the 75g range with multiple clowns and noticeably more with breeder pairs.
All the same kind or different species? I have a pair of storms and thinking about a pair of some regular percs or something to add orange to my tank.. I have a 275gal display.


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All the same kind or different species? I have a pair of storms and thinking about a pair of some regular percs or something to add orange to my tank.. I have a 275gal display.
same and different. I began with 12, added two more, then added pair of snowflake, then pair of storms.

heres how it began:

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I have four and so far so good. Two black and whites and two snow flakes in a 75 g. They all hang out together at night and kinda do their own thing, sometimes gathering up during the day. I have a blue green chromis in there that hangs out with all of them and seems to think he’s one of em. He mostly follows the female around. I think he probably does a lot to break up and potential aggression that may arise by serving as a distraction.

tank is approaching four months old. Recently started adding chorale and the female seem attracted to the green star polyp. Also likes to swim through my hand when I’m clean out the tank or moving something.

also have three snails and four emerald crabs in there. They really seem into checking those guys out as well. Clowns seem like a curious breed so I think the trick lies in moving things around and keeping them exploring things.

thus far they are not sexually mature but the black and whites seem to be pairing up. So that’s another bridge.

im not to worried though. Setting up another tank, 125 gallons, in the summer. I have an option to move em if I have to.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%