Mr. Bubbles the 1 Gallon Pico Jar (NOW 2 GALLON!!!) [[now 10 g!!]]


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New member to the site and also new to the reef hobby! My cute gf agreed to start the journey with me and we have pulled together our very first mini ocean.

We named him Mr. Bubbles. He has had quite the rocky start, evolving from a jar of icky water to a super adorable little tank. We started him up at the beginning of April with dry rock, live sand, and instant ocean mixed at home with DI. To kick off the cycle, a few days with a fresh shrimp from the grocery store that was way too large (we didn't know that at the time, but we learned a lot, also, his name was Greg). Our cycle took foooooorrrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeeerrrrrr. Probably due to spiking way to high of ammonia at the onset (got well above 8 ppm, unreadable true value on our API test kit). For the longest time (like 2 months), we didn't know that was a problem.

Here is how it all started:


Went through the first bloom of yellow water, then it got so clear... Then nothing, just ammonia forever. Finally learned that we were riding too high, so we did a 90% water change at then end of May and started pseudo fresh. We picked up some Seachem Pristine from the LFS, began light dosing daily, and that seemed to help keep our ammonia spikes in check. Again, the cycle just lingered, though we were watching and keeping the ammonia around 2-4 ppm. Few weeks later, picked up some Seachem Stability and transitioned to dosing with that instead of Pristine. Few more weeks went by, saw another light bloom, got some diatoms... And then... nothing.

Along the way while waiting for cycling to finish, we made lots of improvements to the hardware and setup. Got a buddy to hook me up with 3d printed parts for a lid, hole covers, bubbler lines, and a mini magnet glass cleaner. Upgraded our initial heater as it was swinging way too much. Built a custom pumping action live rock canister filter and added a bit of LR to the tank as well. Hooked in a reefpi thermometer built with a Raspberry Pi. Built a small LED ring light. Picked up a PAR bulb as readiness for cycle completion. Built a mini fuge with a custom pump action and got some chaeto in it (still separate from the tank, for now). We named the cute little chaeto Mr. Moss Ball. Lots of attempts at patience and improvements.

Both the LR canister and fuge use an external aquarium pump and clever hosing to create a venturi effect. It works surprisingly well as a very low flow canister. There are three lines in it: one for air bubbling which runs into a larger tube for the second line (outlet, where mini pumping action happens as water rises and is swept out via venturi effects), with the last line being an inlet siphon. The mini pumping action in the canister tubing is just enough to keep the siphon fed. Probably a couple drops a second. They do stall on rare occasions, but really only if the inlet siphon gets gunked up, so regularly cleaning helps.

Here is my design and prototype when I was first testing it.

Canister Filter Challenge.png


Finally got too impatient and bought some BioSpira. Dumped half a 3.38 fl oz bottle in and continued to try to be patient. That night, we finally had nitrites. A day later 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 20 ppm nitrates. CELEBRATION!! Booze was had. We let the tank linger a few days and then did a large water change (probably 50%) and vacuum. Got what we could of gunkies out of the bottom and kept a watch for things staying stable. This dropped our nitrates down to 10 ppm. Which dwindled over the next few days.

The Bio was dropped on July 10th and today after feeling the tank was safe and stable enough, we finally got our first CUC critters. Ran to the LFS right when they opened, got the owners advice, and picked up a very tiny Blue Legged Hermit Crab and an Astrea Snail. Thanks Southwest Reef Co, you guys are awesome! We named the crab Hellspawn and the snail Little Nicky. Been a few hours and so far they both seem really happy in their new home. ;Cat

Tank Gear:
  • Mr. Bubbles is a 1 gallon jar, obtained from a friend as a gift to dive into the fun.
  • Mr. Moss Ball is living in his own little canister, prepped with custom pump design (5 gallon aquarium pump as bubbler), but not yet linked into the system.
  • Live rock filter canister, also with custom pump (10 gallon aquarium pump as bubbler).
  • 25 W Hydor Theo heater.
  • ABI 12 W Tuna Blue LED Bulb as main light.
  • Custom built LED ring light.
  • 3d printed lid, hole covers, and bubbler tubes.
  • Reefpi setup with thermometer.
  • Custom mini magnet glass cleaner.
  • Lots of testing gear (API master kit, refractometer, thermometers).
  • Currently running InstantOcean Salt mixed with DI. We also have a box of Reef Crystals, but waiting until corals for that.
  • Occasional dosing boosters with Seachem Pristine, Seachem Stability, and/or BioSpira.
  • Diatoms.
  • Mr. Moss Ball the Chaetomorpha hanging out on its own (gotta let this tank get nutrient soaked first).
  • Some sort of worms on the LR (looks like really tiny thin spaghetti that is white-ish)?
  • Hellspawn the Blue Legged Hermit Crab.
  • Little Nicky the Astrea Snail.
Now the part that everyone really cares about, latest pics. ;Cat

Here is Mr. Bubbles with the LED ring on for pretty, think this was last week around cycle completion.


View of most the gear, with the LR canister off to the left.

130726 (1).jpeg

Mr. Moss Ball catching some sunshine. He will probably live by himself for a few more weeks if not longer until we get the tank further established.


Close up of the front LR, there are so many things that might be alive on it, but more importantly it is real pretty.

20200715_222035 (1).jpg

Newest inhabitants, just got here today. Little Nicky is off to the left perched on one of the rocks, hasn't moved too far but definitely seems active. Hellspawn, right in the middle, has been roaming everywhere. So stoked to have them seem to be off to a happy start.


One last pic taken today as well, with a pencil for scale.


The journey has been really exciting so far. Stoked to finally have some critters roaming. The current plan is to wait a week or so and make sure nothing explodes. After that, probably get our first coral. Give it a few more weeks before hopefully getting a little shrimp (small pistol? peppermint? sexy? saron?). Want to make sure the algae has bloomed more and the tank has become more nutrient rich before we get any other CUC members for this tiny little ocean.

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to all the feedback in this awesome community. ;Joyful


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Couple days in and we have seen a few changes. First off, Hellspawn is an animal. Always running all over the place, he is a little active monster that goes on a feasting spree and then gets lazy for a little while. We have also found him to really like to be the king of the rock. He perches at the top like a boss. Soooo cute.


Little Nicky had a bit more of a struggle. Seemed okay at the start, but then fell and got stuck upside down a few times. We tried to keep an eye on him and right him every time we saw him flipped (maybe 4 ish times?). Last night we checked on him and he unfortunately didn't survive his journey into Mr. Bubbles. When we pulled him out to check him he was stiff and didn't move at all. We also saw a small spike in nitrites (thankfully no ammonia), so dropped a little Biospira to help buffer things. Poor little snail was cute while we got to spend time with him.

We are thinking the acclimation or maybe stress was too rough? Or maybe one fall too many? Either way, we might look at another smaller snail or another little Blue Legged. Can always scrub the glass with the magnet for now.

RIP Little Nicky. :(

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Great little tank and fun thread to read...thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the compliments MERKEY. And thanks for visiting too! Keep a watch on it, as I plan to keep the build updated. Figure this is my best spot for good feedback and learning as we explore growing a tiny ocean. ;Cat
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@diverjm and @Chrisfish, thanks for the interest! Hopefully our first few critters can help ride it out through things stabilize. After that, reaaaallllly excited for the first coral and to see all the little tiny things start appearing and growing in. ;Cat


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HA very cool thread and little tank!


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@DeniseAndy, thank you! The pico is so fun, but we still have a ton to learn.

@revhtree, thank you for visiting and the compliment! We have been blessed to have our tank admired by the overlord!

@Picasso Clown, it is quite the challenge as everything is so tiny and tough to fit. It swings a lot in stability, so we have a lot more to learn to help it be stable. A little jar would make quite the great zoa shrimp garden! And no big story behind Hellspawn. It sounded strong and valiant so we stuck with it.

@Kehy, all the small details are what make it so beautiful. The challenge of keeping it all together and moving with it as it grows.
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Also. Sad sad news. The spike of chemistry from the loss of Little Nicky ultimately led to the loss of Hellspawn too. We had a major rise in nitrites after the loss of Nicky and then we also made a mistake of forgetting to plug the heater back in for many hours after a water change. All that undoubtedly was too much stress on our blue legged friend.

Our poor little monsters didn't make it. But we will keep their shells for our next blue legged, to always remember what we learned from their loss, and how we can do better.

RIP Hellspawn, you were quite the King of the Rock. :(;Drowning:(


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A lot has happened. Our first critters didn't make it and we spent a few days debating how we wanted to move forward... Many thoughts, lots of sadness.

After deliberation, we decided to upgrade Mr. Bubbles. We believe our unfortunate loss of Hellspawn as well was due to the tank being slightly too volatile from being so small; so we have since sourced a 2 gallon jar, done a full water change and vacuum, added a bit of extra sand to the new jar, and migrated all components over to the new evolution of Mr. Bubbles. A fresh lid is in the works and we will re-mount the light above it eventually. So far it looks like a lot of the bacteria culture survived the move and Mr. Bubbles seems to be chugging along healthily.. We did see some strange blackness under one of the rocks though when we transferred to the new tank, but have not done a scrub yet.

I will try to get some pictures posted tomorrow. We could use feedback on any concerns, especially the weird dark black gunkies on the bottom of our main rock.

We plan to track water parameters this week and hopefully be stable enough to try another blue legged in the near future, if we don't see any secondary spikes of ammonia or nitrites. Potentially as early as this weekend. Also, if the nitrates are rising real fast, we will link in Mr. Moss Ball the chaeto to help out.

On that note, what is "too high" of a nitrates reading for our little ocean?


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Pics of the latest happenings. So as I mentioned before, we upgraded for a bit more stability, we also cleaned up the space and put it on a table. ;Cat

Hopefully double the volume helps us with stability.


So far it is seeming to be happily shifting and settling, again we added more sand before we did the transfer, but besides that, same happy ocean with more space.





This last picture shows some of the black gunkies, which is growing on that bottom left corner of the bottom of the rock. If need be, I can get more pics of it. Any clues to what it could be? Should we get an old toothbrush and scrub it off with some DI? Do we just let it ride?? ANY THOUGHTS PLZZZZZ?!

Also, I had mentioned it in the last post, anyone have advice on how high of nitrates is TOO HIGH?? If we get too worried about it, we will add Mr. Moss Ball to help keep it in check, but kinda want to give the tank a while to settle more before we put a nutrient leaching chaeto into it...
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@Kehy, thanks for the response and insight, we will target that!

@ReefJCB, thanks for the response! We love our little ocean, it has been a lovely journey and is just beginning.

Got some more details on the black gunkies too. Called the LFS that specializes in saltwater tanks and talked with the owner, sounds like we have a case of grossness that is a result of a low flow anaerobic zone. Gonna scrub it on our water change tonight.

If all parameters are looking good, we plan to potentially link in Mr. Moss Ball tonight if the nitrates are still on the high range... and then tomorrow, we will hit the local shop to hopefully find a new blue legged to settle into Mr. Bubbles. Just the one instead of being too ambitious. Slow and steady. ;Cat
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Meet Starphire, ze little light of the pico ocean. The newest little cutie on the Mr. Bubbles team. We also added some bonus shells, so hopefully that helps with the adjustment to the new home.

Tank seems real stable since we upgraded, so we are gonna let this little critter get comfy for a while, get a new lid in place, link in Mr. Moss Ball, maybe get another blue legged friend so the tank isn't too lonely, and then after a few weeks... the first coral. <3




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Been a while since I posted anything. Mr. Bubbles is still cruising and keeping us happy! Starphire has become quite comfortable in the tank, but began to become finicky and only live on the big rock. Though ze little monster kept the big rock clean, we decided to get some friends in there and add to the hermit army.

A week ago we went to the LFS and picked out two more little blue legs. One of the ones the keeper pulled out and she was like, "There's no one in here, but if there is you get a bonus." By the time we got back home, there were 3 little monsters crawling around. Acclimation and in they went.

One has a shell similar in shape, but with more grey, whom we named Raven. Then there is a big instigator in a larger round grey shell. We named that one Cyborg. The last one is a tiny little guy in a little round white shell, who became Beastboy. And then, all the Teen Titan hermits united. ;Cat

We were lucky to catch them all in one shot, as they are all over the place. In this picture, Starphire is on top, Cyborg down on the bottom in front, Raven in the back behind the rock, and Beastboy is just to the right of it. It is so nice to see that once we put some friends in there, Starphire regained energy and has also even been socializing. HERMIT FRIENDS!


On other notes, unfortunately Mr. Moss Ball hasn't been doing too well. We think it is because we still do not have it linked into the tank. It experienced a lot of bleaching, which could have been from the small jar it is in having too rapid of salt changes or temps. Pulled as much of the ickies out as we could, so there are some small pieces rolling around now. We might upgrade the fuge jar size before we try again.

Also, the main tank has been showing higher salinity readings and we have been needing to add what seems like more DI to keep it in check. Maybe it is just the tail of summer or a slight change in the chemistry? The hermits seem okay and there are still all kinds of random stuff growing. Looks like we have little live rock worms of some sort and the algae continues to grow despite the hermit cleaners.

Another few weeks to make sure the hermit army is happy and stable, then we are going to try our first coral. ;Cat

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%