Moving a new tank



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Hello there,

I've got a 45 gallons tank with sand, rocks, 2 hang on back filters (Fluval c4 and Fluval c3) with a small skimmer at home.

I just bought a 4 years old 90 gallons from a friend that have a sump with filter socks and a good skimmer with all its rocks in it.

So the idea is that I shut down the 45 and move everything into the 90.

As I'm moving the rocks in water containers, adding the 45's rocks and sand into the new one, must I run my HOB with media too for some time or will it be all fine without so the tank do not cycle?

I approach this as if I move my tank in a new home and add live rock and sand to it...

Thanks for any advice!


why did you put a reef in that
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Dec 9, 2014
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Here’s how to avoid a cycle

take apart both systems completely not partially

rinse the sand in tap water of both systems until it’s 100% clean no clouding filthy waste in either tank. Final rinse is saltwater so the sand is now perfectly clean.

combine the two tanks, add in only totally cleaned sand, fill with water done. No, this doesn’t harm the bac it prevents cycling. If you skip rinse trying to preserve bac we dont need you risk killing either of them. rinsing safety, forty pages of proof:



why did you put a reef in that
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Dec 9, 2014
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This is a no bottle bac job, don’t buy any, that’s forty pages above where we just followed directions no fanfare no bacteria needed. When the new tank is built, re ramp the lights back down low don’t start off full strength. Dont customize any portion of the job.

when you are removing live rocks from the tanks, swish those in saltwater to eject their waste. This means cloudless new tank since all sources have been rinsed: sandbed gets tap water rinsed, rocks get saltwater twist- swished rinsed.

take a bunch of pics so we can use the example as we approach fifty pages

At no time would we skip rinsing either of these sandbeds, we don’t mix new and old sand for a reason.

if you want the safest job the method with fifty pages beats the ones that have no pages and are just someone who once moved a tank without rinsing. Notice in our first post the fish loss wipeouts we collect occasionally from customizers. Then all future pages after that have no wipeouts, it’s the tap water ironically that prevents recycling. Greatest irony in reefing.

notice in our works what you do with your media doesn’t matter, reefs don’t need bio media it is neutral in your tank. Move it, don’t move it, rinse it, or don’t rinse it, reef tanks don’t need extra surface area it doesn’t matter. How you handle the sand and the light re ramping is the hidden sauce. You can remove the bio media instantly, from any reef on this board, and nothing changes because of the live rock constant.

the only thing that matters is that you move a cloudless tank and that you assemble a cloudless tank, so clear we can’t even tell there’s water in it, that well rinsed
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