Moving 60 gallon reef tank 30 miles up the street


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Hey guys, fairly new to the hobby and wanted to get some different opinions on tips and tricks you guys might have picked up on when moving your tanks.
From my understanding I will need to get new sand because the old sand will contain dangerous gasses. If I am totally off by saying this please let me know lol
I have a sand sifting starfish and don't want it to die if I need to get new sand with out as many nutrients. What do you guys think??


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Hey guys, fairly new to the hobby and wanted to get some different opinions on tips and tricks you guys might have picked up on when moving your tanks.
From my understanding I will need to get new sand because the old sand will contain dangerous gasses. If I am totally off by saying this please let me know lol
I have a sand sifting starfish and don't want it to die if I need to get new sand with out as many nutrients. What do you guys think??
Gasses, no. Detritus, yes.
Either new sand or completely rinse the old in tap water final rinse in di water and/or saltwater.
But the sand sifting starfish adds a new layer. How old has a tank been set up? Previously before I have moved to tank and left the sand in the tank. When adding the water back in I just put something down so it splashed in and not took a big hole in my sand.
You must be real careful moving a tank with sand in it, use padding where necessary.
It's also possible just to take out half the sand and/or feed the starfish if you take it all out and rinse it. Lots of things to think about here.