Movin' On Up! Tank Upgrade!



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Just to wrap up the ol' 55 gallon build thread, here is where things were before tear down!



Some lessons learned and things I would tell myself if I was a beginner reefer again:
  • PATIENCE!!!!!!! All things patience!!!!!!!
    • Patience with nutrient issues!
      • High or Low you just got to give your first tank time to change. What you are seeing now is a result of things you have been doing in the past couple of weeks/months. Unless you are just adding nitrate and phosphate to the system, you are
    • Patience when you have a solution!
      • Try solving the issue but give it time to work. Everyone including myself always wants a quick solution but when you are trying to change a variable in an "ecosystem", you have got to give it time to respond. So many times I made a change, got impatient, made another change, then something went wrong or went right and I couldn't trace it back to which change it was.
    • Patience with building your tank and your ongoing projects!
      • You are NEVER going to order or buy everything you need the first time. Don't rush the project and settle for cheaper alternatives because one item is out of stock or won't get here when you want it to, because YOU WILL REGRET IT LATER!
    • Patience with buying the luxury/convenience gear.
      • Don't go for the cheap one because you think you need it now, save up and get the nicer model! It will save you money in the long run because the cheap one will break and you will have to get another shortly after! (I'm thinking of YOU cheap amazon pumps!!)
  • SAND!
    • The Hawaiian Black sand sounds cool, looks cool at first, but not for beginners! One thing I didn't appreciate as much having black sand is not having the visual indicator that your nutrients are high. Algae, diatoms, and detritus are just so much more difficult to see on the black sand unless of course they are white. I feel like I would have benefited as a beginner in the hobby from being able to see the "dirtiness" of my water reflected in the surface of the sand.
  • Stand/Sump
    • A sump is the way to go! But don't forget you have to put it somewhere! Buy a stand with enough space for the sump you want to fit underneath and some for storage!
  • Skimmer
    • Don't be stubborn! Get a skimmer! Nothing ensures good gas exchange like a skimmer....not even your little airstones in the sump..... Even if you don't need the nutrient export, the benefit you will get with the pH increase is well worth it!
  • Corals
    • Don't buy the expensive ones until you can prove to yourself you can make the cheap ones thrive!
    • Don't freak out about the hitchhikers! They live in the same ocean you are trying to emulate! They aren't all going to ruin your tank.
    • Listen to the forums when they talk about soft corals! XENIA!!!! They are literal weeds! They will grow all over everything and don't think they won't drop polyps and float to the opposite side of the tank and grow there too. They are cool but listen to the warnings!
  • Clean up Crew
    • Mexican turbo snails......they are the lawnmowers you never knew you needed!
    • Lawnmower blennies.......they are not lawnmowers, but they will leave kiss prints all over your glass
    • Nassarius snails are the coolest little zombie snails
    • Don't get the tiny crabs because you think they are cute...after the first 2 days you will think they are dead and then you will think you found their dead body but really it's just their molt. You will never get used to seeing your invertebrate molts and thinking you have a dead shrimp/crab. The next time you will your little emerald or pompom crab will be 2am one night when the moonlight LEDs are on and you're half asleep....and he will gaslight you pretending like he has been in the tank whole time.
Some many other lessons I have learned in this hobby after only a year and a half, I could probably write a book! Goodbye 55 gallon petco tank with the HOB overflow! You will be remembered but not missed!

Link to old build:

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Nutramar Foods


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So the reason for the tank upgrade was because I was moving and figured if I had to break it all down then I might as well upgrade! (Always an excuse to upgrade!)

I'll start with a list of the upgrades thus far and then go through the build process.

  • Tank
    • Fiji Cube 142 gallon with External Overflow
  • Sump
    • Same sump no upgrade, going to see if I can get by with this Trigger System Platinum 26 sump.
    • Removed refugium section and converted into Tunze macroalgae reactor
    • Removed bubbler I used to have in sump and added Aquamaxx DFC 180 Skimmer
    • Connected skimmer air line to CO2 scrubber -- awaiting custom recirculating co2 scrubber attachment for skimmer lid.
    • Went from the Sicce Syncra 3.0 to 7.0
  • Stand
    • Alufab - T-slot Aluminum 60x24x36 stand with leveling casters
    • HDPE board for tank to sit on and sump area
  • Plumbing
    • Hard plumbed everything with the exception of braided tubing transitioning to the return pump to help with vibrations
    • Added unions galore!
  • In-tank upgrades
    • Went with 80lbs of Original Grade Ocean Direct Live Reef Sand
    • Got a Caribsea LifeRock Reef Tree Kit
    • Added Gyre XF330 Cloud Edition
This was everyone on moving day!
-2 Ocellaris clownfish
-1 Royal Gramma
-1 Lawnmower Blenny
-1 Biota Yellow Tang
-1 Biota Lyretail Damselfish
-2 Biota Court Jester Gobies
-1 Biota Blue Mandarin
-1 Cleaner shrimp
-1 Peppermint shrimp


Everyone including all corals went into a Rubbermaid 125 gallon trough:

Not pictured, because I put them in a separate 10 gallon tank to manage more easily:
-1 Yellow Watchman Goby and Tiger Pistol Shrimp Pair
-1 pompom crab
-1 sexy shrimp
-and some misc cleanup crew
Nutramar Foods


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On to the fun/stressful/expensive part.....

The tank!

I swear the crate it was in weighed another 200lbs....we were not prepared but somehow got it inside!

Sorry didn't get any pics of the stand build but here is tank+stand:

This stand was definitely easy to put together and extremely sturdy! The leveling casters (wheels) are the best investment I ever made!

Then BOOM........ sand.......


Then BOOM...... water....





Then Boom.... plumbing+sump



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All the rock that was in the original tank went into this one plus I added some more. Decided to do a quick cycling with some bottled bacteria and ammonium chloride just to seed the sand and new rocks, before I transferred the livestock. This took about 7 days, it probably cycled quicker but I was too busy to transfer everyone.

Ammonia still reading on API tests but I didn't really trust since I had a ton of established rock in there and had 0 nitrites and a good 15ppm Nitrates. I put one of the seachem alert badges in there just in case and it was reading 0. So I did a large water change and added the fishies!

I didn't realize until later that this haziness was due to an abundance of bacteria in the water column still, I assumed it was from the new sand and decided to transfer the fish anyways. Probably could have waited for that to clear up some first.

Did some night checks and found Mr. Pip my mandarin goby hiding in the rocks snuggled next to my gramma!


The clowns being weird as usual, hugging the wall.



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Current state of things:

-waiting on reds DIY mesh top which will sit flush with the rim
-diatoms on sand because phosphates are way too high (explanation to come)
-might get an AI blade to get some better coverage
-need to figure out what to do with several of the rocks as I just kind of threw some in there
-especially need to figure out what to do with the kenya tree/ xenia that has taken over the arch in the back and explanted itself on other rocks
-need to work on sump area and get controller board mounted down there
-might need to add GFO reactor if phosphates won't come down with water changes.







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Nutramar Foods


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Anyone got any ideas for some more fish stock? I like fish with quirky personalities (as I'm sure we all do) and I'm also interested in some shoaling fish. I heard chromis often bully each other to death and I'm not a fan of cardinal fish (they look like freshwater fish to offense to freshwater people or those who like cardinal fish lol). I like the idea of anthias, anyone have any suggestions on which anthias species they like the best? Firefish are not my favorite either. Any others?

Also, think i want 2 more tangs, I like the idea of getting 2 more Biota yellow tangs but also like the idea of some more variety. Like maybe a purple tang and some kind of acanthurus tang. The non-Biota tangs honestly scare me, and make me hesitant that they will bring in ich.

Any thoughts, suggestions, pictures of what you have is much appreciated!!

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%