When I switched from the biocube 14g to the Biocube 29 gallon I used all my sand and rock from the 14g. I did add some washed with RODI sand and another cured piece of base rock. Running floss (new) and the chemipure and puregen out of the 14g. I ran heaters and a pump in the trash can I had everything in while I transitioned it. I added ammonia drops Monday night and got the water to 2ppm just to check the systems ability to absorb it. Tested last night and it was at .25 (API test so not the greatest). Why would my bacteria not be processing? Is it the added water, sand, and chunk of rock? Had 2 fish, three crabs, 2 turbo snails, and a shrimp in the 14g for 6+ weeks and the transition was just a couple hours one night last week. No livestock in the tank now.