Milbemax (Kittens) - Display Tank Treatment Dosage?



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Who has used milbemax in their displaytank and had succesfull results?
I've been battling white bugs for a while now and i have come to a point i want to treat the whole tank and get rid of them once and for all..
They left my euphyllia alone and switched to my goniopora..

I already have got my hands on milbemax, kitten dosage 4mg Mylbe 10mg prazi , with less prazi ratio compared to Interceptor (which is not available in Belgium)

I am in the process of catching my shrimps and hermits.
Anyone know if a tube nem would be affected? It does kinda pass as a tube dwelling worm imo?
Anything else i need to catch?

I dosed 3mg/100l ish in my QT and saw no i'll effects, all bristleworms, snails and serpent urchins were still alive and kicking.
all pods were gone though. This is a very minimal tank with no corals, only 2 clownfish.

Any experiences on what dies by dosing milbemax? Got a lot of mixed info.
For one eveything lives, for another it killed all their shrimp and crabs..

I would dose milbemax without any reactors running, socks removed, air tube off skimmer, uv light off. Afterwards a good WC, run carbon and add extra bacteria for the spikes and live pods for my mandarin.

I think, since the prazi ratio is so low, it would not give big issues, but i like to know before i start ;)
Any other questions, feel free to ask me, getting kinda desperate

Thanks in advance !!
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Hi Steve,
Did you go through with the treatment?
How did it turn out and what dosage did you use?
Sorry for the late reply. Thought nobody was going to opt in..

I'm actually planning on doing it this weekend.
Caught all my shrimps, took out my tube nem just to be sure..
There is a calculator for the interceptor and there is a recommended dosage of 0.084mg/gallon. For me thats around 4ish mg for 250 litres. 1 tab of milbemax kittens holds 4mg of mylbe so im going to mix and pound to dust with ro water. Its hard to get it dissolved imo..
Doing it tommorow morning, so i´m close if something would go downhill in those 24hrs. After that, lots of carbon, big water change and hope they f*cking die!

I thought i got rid of them as they were on the aussie gold torch, :( , and tossed it in the bin.. many months later i always felt my gonio never expanded like they used to..
I dipped one frag for an hour or 6, did get rid of a lot it seems, extends amazingly, BUT. When they dont die, they try to relocate it seems.. 1 day later, trachy not far down the sandbed, fully closed and ticked.. exact same thing happened the first time, so if you plan on doing it, keep all of this in mind.
I set up a qt for the shrimps as i dont know if i have to treat again.

I read that repeating treatment would be overkill, as they are life breeders and don't lay eggs. That is, if you get them the first time.

I treated my qt before with no real ill effects, except all pods i saw, died. After carbon, and a few weeks, little hydroids showed up on the glass so something did bounce back. All bristleworms were happy and all snails kept going. No feather dusters in there so not sure what happens to them.. thats why i took out the tube nem.

Are you having issues with white bugs yourself?


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Sorry this is such a late response. I had great results using milbemax on my acro dominated display tank, took a couple dosages but worked a charm. I’m back here because I now have it again a year later, must have come in on other corals.

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