Metro dosing


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Nov 13, 2020
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I am trying to make sense of the dosing recommendations for metronidazole. I have some Metroplex which advises to dose 160mg per 10gal volume. However humblesfish’s directions advise 25mg per gallon. Which one should I follow? Humblefish’s directions result in a 56% overdose according to Seachem’s directions.
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I am trying to make sense of the dosing recommendations for metronidazole. I have some Metroplex which advises to dose 160mg per 10gal volume. However humblesfish’s directions advise 25mg per gallon. Which one should I follow? Humblefish’s directions result in a 56% overdose according to Seachem’s directions.
Why are you on here with humblefish recommendations? Why not Go onto humblefish for that answer.
Cant understand why some go on you tube and other sites and bring it to R2R and then when something goes wrong- The finger pointing begins.
Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
You did not specify with food or added to water either


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Why are you on here with humblefish recommendations? Why not Go onto humblefish for that answer.
Cant understand why some go on you tube and other sites and bring it to R2R and then when something goes wrong- The finger pointing begins.
Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
You did not specify with food or added to water either
Im confused by this response. Are we not to discuss outside sources of information? The reefing community doesn’t start and end with R2R. Apparently this question hit a nerve with you but if the exercise here is to not question conflicting sources of trustworthy information then you’ve made that point.

If humblefish is not to be considered a trustworthy source then please, educate me.


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Im confused by this response. Are we not to discuss outside sources of information? The reefing community doesn’t start and end with R2R. Apparently this question hit a nerve with you but if the exercise here is to not question conflicting sources of trustworthy information then you’ve made that point.

If humblefish is not to be considered a trustworthy source then please, educate me.
The issue IMHO - is if you have a question as to the dosing of a medication - ask the source. Either Seachem or Humblefish. Of course - anyone can ask any question. However - I would phrase it like this: "What is the recommended dose of Metronidazole?". You will quickly have 3 potentially different recommendations - and then where are you? Not meant as a criticism. If I wanted to dose a medication - I wouldn't ask Humblefish or R2R - I would ask the manufacturer.....

Jay Hemdal

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I am trying to make sense of the dosing recommendations for metronidazole. I have some Metroplex which advises to dose 160mg per 10gal volume. However humblesfish’s directions advise 25mg per gallon. Which one should I follow? Humblefish’s directions result in a 56% overdose according to Seachem’s directions.

As they say, it's complicated....but both are correct.

For prolonged immersion, the typical dose for metronidazole is 19 to 25 mg/gallon. In that regard, the information you got from Humble fish is on the high side of correct. That is for the pure drug. Metroplex is 30% excipients (binders and filler). That means that Seachem's dose is even lower than you thought (for active drug). The instructions I have for Metroplex talk about using "one or two measures" in ten gallons of water. Each scoop is about 170 mg. That equates to about 117 mg of active drug. One scoop would therefore be around 12 mg/gallon and two scoops is 24 mg/gallon - so essentially identical to the standard dose if you use two scoops!

Regarding the comments regarding taking your question to Seachem or humblefish - I apologize, it's just that the fish medics here have become a sort of defacto sounding board to mediate some of the inconsistencies seen regarding fish disease issues, and it can put us in an unfair position sometimes.....



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As they say, it's complicated....but both are correct.

For prolonged immersion, the typical dose for metronidazole is 19 to 25 mg/gallon. In that regard, the information you got from Humble fish is on the high side of correct. That is for the pure drug. Metroplex is 30% excipients (binders and filler). That means that Seachem's dose is even lower than you thought (for active drug). The instructions I have for Metroplex talk about using "one or two measures" in ten gallons of water. Each scoop is about 170 mg. That equates to about 117 mg of active drug. One scoop would therefore be around 12 mg/gallon and two scoops is 24 mg/gallon - so essentially identical to the standard dose if you use two scoops!

Regarding the comments regarding taking your question to Seachem or humblefish - I apologize, it's just that the fish medics here have become a sort of defacto sounding board to mediate some of the inconsistencies seen regarding fish disease issues, and it can put us in an unfair position sometimes.....

This is great information Jay and really answers my question. Given this context it makes sense why the two recommendations differ so much and means that Seachem’s recommended dose of 16mg/gal would result in 11mg/gal of active medication (well below the low threshold of 19mg).

I understand what you’re saying about the difficulties of being stewards of fish disease and I could probably have worded my question more effectively.
Thanks again.


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Im confused by this response. Are we not to discuss outside sources of information? The reefing community doesn’t start and end with R2R. Apparently this question hit a nerve with you but if the exercise here is to not question conflicting sources of trustworthy information then you’ve made that point.

If humblefish is not to be considered a trustworthy source then please, educate me.
Its not meant to be attacking or snooty but there has been challenges with us giving information and then being told , well XXXX says to do this or this way and often leads to arguments or disagreements and one of us becomes the middleman in terms of speaking.. Weve had a couple instances where we were blamed for livestock loss to find it was due to recommendation from external source.
I have high regards for Bruce (Humblefish) but agreed, how it was worded may have been the concern but I see Jay clarified this for you.


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As they say, it's complicated....but both are correct.

For prolonged immersion, the typical dose for metronidazole is 19 to 25 mg/gallon. In that regard, the information you got from Humble fish is on the high side of correct. That is for the pure drug. Metroplex is 30% excipients (binders and filler). That means that Seachem's dose is even lower than you thought (for active drug). The instructions I have for Metroplex talk about using "one or two measures" in ten gallons of water. Each scoop is about 170 mg. That equates to about 117 mg of active drug. One scoop would therefore be around 12 mg/gallon and two scoops is 24 mg/gallon - so essentially identical to the standard dose if you use two scoops!

Regarding the comments regarding taking your question to Seachem or humblefish - I apologize, it's just that the fish medics here have become a sort of defacto sounding board to mediate some of the inconsistencies seen regarding fish disease issues, and it can put us in an unfair position sometimes.....

Thanks! One issue is people grinding up metronidazole prescription tablets - which also contain various inert ingredients - or worse yet - say you need 250 mg of xxx - and you have a 750 mg tablet - dividing the tablet into 3 pieces may not give you the correct dose - instead, one needs to mortar and pestle the whole pill and weigh 1/3 of the total etc etc. (that was just an example)

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

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