I’ve had pump running for a month and wasn’t that impressed with flow. Loved all the features. I called premium aquatics and spoke with a lady (forgot her name) after having pumps running in tank for 3 weeks. She said she’s happily exchange them for me, but encouraged me to give them more time and that she was sure I’d be happy with them. Set them at 100 percent with controller... blah..... set 100 percent with syna app.... blah. Played with a setting that said pump model setting and noticed it was on xf350..... I switched it to xf330 and WHAMMMM..... my 130 gallon tank almost flew off its stand. Lol. Jk. But it was crazy flow. I quickly switched it back to xf350 cause I’m scared. Lol. Anyways for whoever has the SYNA-G app play with that setting ...... you will get either lot more flow or lower flow through the ramp ups.