Maroon Clownfish - Flukes or Velvet?


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Dec 25, 2022
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Can I ask what you think my Maroon Clownfish is suffering from, I've lost an algea blenny so far and believe it's either flukes or the dreaded marine velvet.

I dosed an aggressive dose of Parzipro last night and my Lionfish have regained all their colour from being very washed out, the Maroon Clown has laboured breathing and is twitching today - I'm wondering if it's flukes die off? 20230218_094449.jpg


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Jay Hemdal

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What is an "aggressive dose" of Prazipro? You should dose it for the actual water volume of your tank and add good aeration (not just circulation).

Fish with a high fluke infestation can have troubles when you dose Prazi - all the flukes drop off at once and the fish starts to bleed out. No way around that though because if you don't dose them they will die.

That all said, I'd like to hear more history on this problem - just looking at the video, the clownfish has marine ich, Cryptocaryon. It is possible for fish to have multiple problems.


Edit: You should keep the same issue in the same thread - it makes it almost impossible for us to track between threads on the same issue.


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Agree, fish has ich and was improperly treated. Understand that Praziquantel reduce both oxygen and appetite. Extra strong dose will further reduce oxygen, cause cloudy eyes, and more not to mention spots of bleeding as mentioned by Jay
You will need to reset the quarantine tank, changing water, adding carbon temporarily and removing carbon and switching to coppersafe.
Is fish eating?
Hard to see in video, but how is its breathing rate - normal or labored?


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Dec 25, 2022
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What is an "aggressive dose" of Prazipro? You should dose it for the actual water volume of your tank and add good aeration (not just circulation).

Fish with a high fluke infestation can have troubles when you dose Prazi - all the flukes drop off at once and the fish starts to bleed out. No way around that though because if you don't dose them they will die.

That all said, I'd like to hear more history on this problem - just looking at the video, the clownfish has marine ich, Cryptocaryon. It is possible for fish to have multiple problems.

I guess I meant to say the dose
Agree, fish has ich and was improperly treated. Understand that Praziquantel reduce both oxygen and appetite. Extra strong dose will further reduce oxygen, cause cloudy eyes, and more not to mention spots of bleeding as mentioned by Jay
You will need to reset the quarantine tank, changing water, adding carbon temporarily and removing carbon and switching to coppersafe.
Is fish eating?
Hard to see in video, but how is its breathing rate - normal or labored?
Thanks for the reply, I've run an airpump in before I dosed and will keep it in for the next few weeks.

Carbon is now running in the reactor, I only overdosed by 0.5mil as it failed to eradicate them last time - novice mistake and hold my hands up to that.

Fish is eating just not the rate she previously was, currently twitching and slightly labored breathing.

The tank is a fowlr so I have gone down the hyposalinity route this afternoon thanks to everyone's diagnosis. I have eels and lionfish and feel this is the safest for everything, currently at 1.015 and will drop tomorrow to 1.009. Refractometer has been calibrated and Apex probe to monitor level. I am also going to purchase a buffer in case we have a pH / alk swing.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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