Hey Guys so I have marinepure biospheres and a Marine pure block. After my recent issue with bacteria loss after the live rock rinse, I got thinking. If marinepure blocks and spheres really held as much bacteria as they claim, shouldn’t my tank have been able to handle the fish bioload despite the live rock removal? Then I heard about marine pure blocks leaching aluminum? I wanted your guys thoughts on that. I was looking at getting brightwell aquatics xport no3 block to hopefully reduce nitrates but I was worried about “too much” bio media. So should I remove the marine pure block and replace with the brightwell brick? I also have 2 boxes of marinepure biospheres (didn’t hear about them leaching?) and 6 new genesis rocks. Thinking to maybe replace the mp block with bw brick to allow for bacteria to colonize before I put fish back into the tank? What do you guys think?