Macro algea and coraline happiness- New light choice


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Mar 16, 2024
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I have had this tank going in one way or another for over 10 years. Ups and downs , mistakes were made. It is a 30 gallon with 20 pounds maybe of live rock and some newish dry rock at the bottom. It has been in the New used tank for 5 months and coraline is growing well. I consider this the main focus of the tank and encourage it to grow. I do have this unidentified macro algea that I love but sadly it has been not doing well since the change. I used to run t5, just zoomed reef ones and it was doing beautifully. But last tank had a canister on and was a bit of a nitrate factory. I bottomed out nitrate and phos for a few months by cleaning too much. Nitrates are at 10 now and phos 0.07. But only stabilized in the last month or so. Current light is a fluval marine 3.0. Everything is doing great ( no corals other than a gsp and that is not doing great) Sponges and coraline are booming. But macro algea not so much. I fear loosing it.( it has a special place in my heart because my mother bought me the rock it came on long ago) Should I just stay the course and hope that improved nutrients and stability make it come back or start tinkering with lights? I assume it's some sort of Gracilia? So high light? If I turn the fluval light up the coraline starts going white and I get algea isssues. I mesured Kelvins on the t5 and they were much much less than the fluval. So I need more power but less kelvins? Does that make sense? Fluval on max is like 28000k and the t5 are about 9000k. I'm trying to make both the coraline and macro algea happy. I do not have the biggest budget in the world. I was looking at the noopsyche light but there is not much info on their selling page. Could this be suitably adjusted for my purposes? Macro and coraline and some mushrooms. Any other suggestion or advice would be appreciated. THe macro has been there for like 8 years and used to be beautiful. Should I purchase chaeto gro? I have put on the t5 tubes in a very jury rigged fashion the last week and gsp is much happier, maybe a new petal on macro but coraline going white closest to top. Although it does this anyways once in a while..goes white in round circular patches? Not sure. THanks for deciphering my ramblings and giving me some help. A bit confused on how to proceed. Sorry for over purply color... New phone does not like taking pictures of tank.
Nitrate 10
phos 0.07
cal 440
ph 8.2
alk 10

macro then2.jpg macro now.jpg macro then.jpg tank now.jpg tanks now2.jpg