Looking into getting a toby puffer


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Aug 9, 2022
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Hello, I have a 45 gallon tank that I set up last year. I've had two clownfish for nearly 5 months now. I am looking into getting a leopard puffer or a blue spotted puffer but I have some questions first.

1. Is my tank size appropriate for a leopard or toby puffer? I do not have a sump. I see mostly 30 gallon recommendations for leopard puffers and blue spotted ranging from 30 to 50 gallons minimum. I don't have nutrient issues yet, have a skimmer and some macroalgae in the tank

2. Are puffers extremely susceptible to algae/cyano/etc? My tank is still in the ugly phase. (not sure if this is a thing that generally bothers fish, my clowns have been fine, but it is worth asking)

3. Any information I would need to know before getting one? I know not to use a net to transfer them, feeding them meaty and shelled foods, avoid keeping them with inverts etc

4. I have a few corals, mostly soft corals. I am aware that puffers can nibble on coral. Is there any way to prevent the behavior? I just really love puffers but I also love coral. Ideally I could have both in the same tank

I am asking as I want to make sure I know everything I need before I try to take the plunge, I want to have happy fish


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Tank size should be adequate they’re not super active swimmers. Just keep in mind they can messy eaters and require meaty foods and shell fish to keep their ever growing beaks worn down so ensure you have the filtration to deal with that. A large skimmer and or water changes help. They can be nippy with tank mates. I have an orange shoulder tang with two circular scars on his face from one I had. They could care less about algae in the tank from my experience. As far as corals the one I had was fine but I’ve read accounts of them being nippy just depends on the individual fish. Something else that should be mentioned is some puffers won’t take to eating she’ll fish enough to keep their beaks work down and it can lead to overgrowth of the beak which will require you to manually do it with cuticle cutters. Maybe you’re ok having to do that but some people aren’t just something to keep in mind. Anyhow they have a ton of personality and really stand out in a tank they make cool pets if you meet their requirements. Hope this helps you in your decision.
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I love them. I buy them. My favorites are valentini and solandri. Valentini seems to be more docile and less prone to coral nipping.

Whichever way you go, keep him/her fat and happy and the propensity to eat coral can be minimized. Minimized, not erased.
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