Hey fellow reefers! I’ve had a green slimer in my tank about 2 months and it’s growing at a good clip (3/4” per month). It had 3 axial polyps when I got it but one was shaped strangely and pointed down and was subsequently shaded. It never did start growing in my tank. So I decided to frag the non-growing arm to see if 1) The arm will form a new axial polyp and grow now that it gets direct light and 2) the frag will regrow the axial polyp in the same place or base out and start growing from the base.
It’ll be a fun little experiment. Here are some starting photos so you can see the progress as we go. I’ll post pictures weekly, if not more.
It’ll be a fun little experiment. Here are some starting photos so you can see the progress as we go. I’ll post pictures weekly, if not more.