Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?


How do you plan to keep your New Year's aquarium resolutions?

  • Make a list

    Votes: 36 17.4%
  • Stay consistent

    Votes: 103 49.8%
  • Be accountable

    Votes: 45 21.7%
  • Set a goal with a reward

    Votes: 27 13.0%
  • There is little chance of staying on track

    Votes: 21 10.1%
  • Not going to happen, I don’t do resolutions

    Votes: 55 26.6%

  • Total voters

Peace River

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Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?

It’s the New Year and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions. Do you have a plan to stay on track? Did you make a list? Did you find someone to hold you accountable? Did you set a goal for yourself with a reward? Maybe you don’t do resolutions or you already know that there is little chance that you will stay on track with the resolutions that you have made. Wherever you are with your resolutions and whatever your plans are to keep them, please tell us about it in the conversation that follows.


Image by @ReeferDoc

Miami Reef

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If anything, my New Year’s resolution is to start getting away from the tank. I enjoy it too much, and each week I wait for the water change day. I also pray that the algae on the glass grow faster so I can scrape the glass. :p


Corals Admittedly Goni and Torch/Frogspawn nut
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1: start a journal to keep track of when I things since I do it manually
2: Keep up with cleaning and add some more CUC , especially sand sifters like cukes
3: keep taking daily photos for a photographic record
4: keep an SPS other than Stylo or Poci alive
5: I voted make a list, well several actually. I’ve already made a list of corals that were in the tank last fall and it’s time to amend it. Also, keep consistent with daily tasks as already mentioned and third I’m going to treat myself to either a centerpiece fish or coral , maybe both.


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Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?

It’s the New Year and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions. Do you have a plan to stay on track? Did you make a list? Did you find someone to hold you accountable? Did you set a goal for yourself with a reward? Maybe you don’t do resolutions or you already know that there is little chance that you will stay on track with the resolutions that you have made. Wherever you are with your resolutions and whatever your plans are to keep them, please tell us about it in the conversation that follows.

View attachment 2957079
Image by @ReeferDoc
Im the guy who does not change water and I have made a point of doing so now and may be as soon as twice per week with AWC unit and manual 1-2 times per month. I acquired a tank full of gorgeous coral and I plan to preserve them all the way


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If anything, my New Year’s resolution is to start getting away from the tank. I enjoy it too much, and each week I wait for the water change day. I also pray that the algae on the glass grow faster so I can scrape the glass. :p
This should be Einstein's new definition of insanity lol

Reefer Matt

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I surround myself with my tanks in my Reef Cave (Fish Room), and go in there everyday for a few hours. I make tank maintenance and operation convenient for myself, so I will keep up on the tanks. (6 + now) No other hobbies or addictions, so they get a lot of focus from me.


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I voted that I don't make resolutions BUT I am already very faithful about water changes and tank maintenance. My tank is 6 years old and has never looked better.

Victor Guyton

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Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?

It’s the New Year and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions. Do you have a plan to stay on track? Did you make a list? Did you find someone to hold you accountable? Did you set a goal for yourself with a reward? Maybe you don’t do resolutions or you already know that there is little chance that you will stay on track with the resolutions that you have made. Wherever you are with your resolutions and whatever your plans are to keep them, please tell us about it in the conversation that follows.

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Image by @ReeferDoc
I need another Achilles for my 240gl. I want to get a rehome. I will travel.

Victor Guyton

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Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?

It’s the New Year and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions. Do you have a plan to stay on track? Did you make a list? Did you find someone to hold you accountable? Did you set a goal for yourself with a reward? Maybe you don’t do resolutions or you already know that there is little chance that you will stay on track with the resolutions that you have made. Wherever you are with your resolutions and whatever your plans are to keep them, please tell us about it in the conversation that follows.

View attachment 2957079
Image by @ReeferDoc
I want another Achilles for my 240gl. I need someone to rehome one. I will travel. I need something established in a tank.


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Keeping aquarium resolutions: How do you plan to stay on track?

It’s the New Year and maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions. Do you have a plan to stay on track? Did you make a list? Did you find someone to hold you accountable? Did you set a goal for yourself with a reward? Maybe you don’t do resolutions or you already know that there is little chance that you will stay on track with the resolutions that you have made. Wherever you are with your resolutions and whatever your plans are to keep them, please tell us about it in the conversation that follows.

View attachment 2957079
Image by @ReeferDoc
That is a massive Engineer Goby in the stocking list! I find it helps to set realistic goals!


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Too late for any of these, but it was a thought. :)
ghostbusters GIF
No one has replied to my Ghost Busters "Get em" plan. I have worked many years as a public employee and sadly that plan is the first one we pull off the shelf as a society, but anyway:

Your list of answers seems helpful:
The Question was


  • Make a list​

    I think lists are important but without a time for completion, and a priority for an orderly completion of the dream list that folks hope to employ can quickly overwhelm a normal, busy person when they see the amount of work they have cut out for themselves in the next year. Never-the-less, a plan that itemizes a list of simple step by step efforts can help keep a person on track if they are ok with not getting to the last step before they move onto the next task. Confusion and complications may quickly destroy a list of plans that lacks realistic goals and detailed steps to get there.
  • Stay consistent​

  • This "consistency" isn't the magic bullet for most folk who already live in a pattern of reef keeping that is presumably different than the one they want to move into, hence the "resolution."

  • Be accountable​

    Same basic issue as "Staying Consistent." Also, if you don't want to be "accountable*" for your reef then not keeping tabs on expenses, time, money, and that sort of thing is how you want to operate normally.
  • Set a goal with a reward​

    Most people consistently do this, but not according to the original plan and being accountable. Example: Goal 1 is to get the cycle finished and the tank stable for delicate live stock. Execution: New Reefer sets up a dry rock tank and add's a bottle of Dr. Tim's One and Only. The next day the reefer goes to a LFS and finds a perfect pair of cuddly Star Spangled HalfBreed Clownfishes which they purchase along with the Elegance coral that the fishes were "Hosting." One week later they open a dialogue on the best website on the internet, (Reef2Reef- you may have heard of it) and after they read the responses to their questions they go back to the LFS and buy an API test kit. We don't have problems with goal and reward execution, it's the planning where the reefer needs assistance, ime.
  • There is little chance of staying on track​

    As a reminder, the original question was, " How do you plan to keep your New Years Resolutions?" I voted "For" this option since I think most people don't have a plan, and I certainly don't have one either at this point. Maybe I'll make one. I'm gonna consider it, thank you.
  • And on staying on track, I believe you can't stay on track unless you have a track plan. I've never seen a RailRoad that didn't have any track for a train to ride on. Staying consistent, being accountable, and goal setting are the backward steps for making a plan. The First step is Goals and Objectives, then being consistent and accountable
  • Not going to happen, I don’t do resolutions​

    Not much to say about this except that some people are very successful executing life without a plan. It works fine but the destination is uncertain since there isn't any track to ride on.
*Accountable and accountablility seems to have lost all meaning for society lately. I think that was planned to take us on a ride upon the RailRoad that we are moving down as a society. That's another thread.

I have a simple plan to quit smoking that I have used many times to stop. Don't buy anymore. Happy New Year folks!

Susan Edwards

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I use my build threads as a way to be accountable and to list what I want or don't want or need to do or not do. Sort of a mind dump. I'm also implementing a digital planner and working to set up a fish section. I also plan to set some goals.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Torch SALE