Issue with Bristletooth ID Please


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Mar 27, 2022
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Hi All,

My bristle tooth tang has recently completed 8 weeks of quarantine. During the last 2 weeks of quarantine I adopted a hybrid approach that employed several different techniques I've read about online. This included a formalin dip of 45mins, tank transfers every 36 hours (with new sterile filter/heater/airstone/tank) that also had copper for the first 4 days (hanna 0.25pmm) followed by an in tank formalin treatment in a new tank for 60 hours and another 60 hours unmedicated.

I realise this approach may have stressed the fish out, but throughout the whole time all fish were eating well twice a day, swimming fine and were given plenty of PVC hiding spots. I also made sure not to overdose any medications and that water quality was good.

I took the fish out of the last tank ready to go into my DT. For background - (I'm not sure how relevant)His tank mate, a Red Corris wrasse, jumped out of the water and seems to have killed himself from the fall. While he was alive for a brief moment, by time I added him to the DT he had died and so I immediately removed him. I could not see any signs of disease on either of the fish when I removed them. I checked the wrasse for flukes, any spots or films and could not see anything

This morning, I checked on the fish. I noticed the Bristletooth had fuzzy white spots/film on his pectoral fins (no marks on the body of the fish) the worse fin is clamped. He wasnt eating as well this morning as he was in QT (he has been in the tank approx. 12 hours)

Could this be an injury from netting/ transfers, Lympho, or something bacterial/contagious that I should be more worried about?

Images attached


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Hi All,

My bristle tooth tang has recently completed 8 weeks of quarantine. During the last 2 weeks of quarantine I adopted a hybrid approach that employed several different techniques I've read about online. This included a formalin dip of 45mins, tank transfers every 36 hours (with new sterile filter/heater/airstone/tank) that also had copper for the first 4 days (hanna 0.25pmm) followed by an in tank formalin treatment in a new tank for 60 hours and another 60 hours unmedicated.

I realise this approach may have stressed the fish out, but throughout the whole time all fish were eating well twice a day, swimming fine and were given plenty of PVC hiding spots. I also made sure not to overdose any medications and that water quality was good.

I took the fish out of the last tank ready to go into my DT. For background - (I'm not sure how relevant)His tank mate, a Red Corris wrasse, jumped out of the water and seems to have killed himself from the fall. While he was alive for a brief moment, by time I added him to the DT he had died and so I immediately removed him. I could not see any signs of disease on either of the fish when I removed them. I checked the wrasse for flukes, any spots or films and could not see anything

This morning, I checked on the fish. I noticed the Bristletooth had fuzzy white spots/film on his pectoral fins (no marks on the body of the fish) the worse fin is clamped. He wasnt eating as well this morning as he was in QT (he has been in the tank approx. 12 hours)

Could this be an injury from netting/ transfers, Lympho, or something bacterial/contagious that I should be more worried about?

Images attachedView attachment 2704392
Looks like fin ray splittling or bacterial issue
What is your ammonia-nitrate-ph- salinity levels and what tests are you using?

Jay Hemdal

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Hi All,

My bristle tooth tang has recently completed 8 weeks of quarantine. During the last 2 weeks of quarantine I adopted a hybrid approach that employed several different techniques I've read about online. This included a formalin dip of 45mins, tank transfers every 36 hours (with new sterile filter/heater/airstone/tank) that also had copper for the first 4 days (hanna 0.25pmm) followed by an in tank formalin treatment in a new tank for 60 hours and another 60 hours unmedicated.

I realise this approach may have stressed the fish out, but throughout the whole time all fish were eating well twice a day, swimming fine and were given plenty of PVC hiding spots. I also made sure not to overdose any medications and that water quality was good.

I took the fish out of the last tank ready to go into my DT. For background - (I'm not sure how relevant)His tank mate, a Red Corris wrasse, jumped out of the water and seems to have killed himself from the fall. While he was alive for a brief moment, by time I added him to the DT he had died and so I immediately removed him. I could not see any signs of disease on either of the fish when I removed them. I checked the wrasse for flukes, any spots or films and could not see anything

This morning, I checked on the fish. I noticed the Bristletooth had fuzzy white spots/film on his pectoral fins (no marks on the body of the fish) the worse fin is clamped. He wasnt eating as well this morning as he was in QT (he has been in the tank approx. 12 hours)

Could this be an injury from netting/ transfers, Lympho, or something bacterial/contagious that I should be more worried about?

Images attachedView attachment 2704392
Agreed - looks like fin damage due to handling, with some secondary bacterial infection. If it spreads, you’ll likely want to treat it with antibiotics.
As a side note, you might consider adding praziquantel to your regimen for fluke control.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thanks Guys, apologies for the delayed response. Fin has healed nicely in the display and no other fish are displaying any issues. I will assume it was from handling in the tank transfer process.

All water parameters in the display are within range: 0 nitrite/ammonia <10PPM nitrate.

there may have been an accumulation of nitrogen in the quarantine tank as I pushed to 71 hours on the last transfer.

thanks for the prazi recommendation Jay. It was the first thing I treated with however I Can only get tablet praziquantel in Aus that doesn’t seem to dissolve too well so may not have worked too well

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%