Is this anemone healthy? What type is it?


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Feb 9, 2020
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I picked up this anemone from a LFS about 2 weeks ago, I think it's a bubble tip, not sure tho. It looked a lot bigger in the store and it has been sometimes deflating in my tank, it has not lost color and my 2 clown's are hosting it.

Here's the tank that I keep it in
20 gallon tank
Nitrates, nitrites and phosphates are all 0
PH is 8.3
1 sea urchin
2 serpant starfish
2 domini damsels
2 percula clowns
1 gladiator clown
3 blue leg hermit crabs
2 nassarius snails
1 peppermint shrimp
2 Mexican turbo snail (added because of algae problems)
1 starry blenny

I also have a small hang on the back regufium about 2 gallons and it has an emerald crab, I moved the crab into the regufium because it was bothering the anemone. Here is a picture of the anemone



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Feb 12, 2019
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bummer, I really wanted to keep it. I will return it tomorrow or the weekend, when will my tank be mature enough for an anemone?
I usually recommend starting with easy corals and work your way up. Once you have become successful, you know that your parameters, lighting, husbandry are all in line. There’s no real time limit. You’ll hear people say 6 months. But it’s only because a young tank and a new reefer aren’t in tune yet.


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hi looks like philipine bubble tip ,against all ,i would give it a chance are pretty hardy ,come from lagoon type murky water imo you have 80% survival chance just my opinion happy reefing


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It appears to be a bubbletip Nem :)

The Anemone was probably overbloated in the store because of inadequate lighting. The overbloating is nice looking and some shops even use inadequate lighting to force the Anemones to bloat up and look impressive.

Your Nem is adjusting, it will take it anything from 4weeks to three months to turn it's tissue and metabolism to new surroundings and in that time it can easily die - from shock. Do not return a shocked animal to a store, it is this moving back and forth that shockes them in the first place.

I suggest that you buy some kind of Zooplankton, Copepods, rotifers, Salina moina or even amphipods, and flush the system with it, so the anemone "feels" it is in a survivable area.

Your Nem is collapsed and small because it is currently focused on it's foot, and how to best place it's foot and this process will take some time. Do not remove it unless you see signs of the Nem actually dying.

Signs of the Nem dying is that it starts to decompose while still moving. If you see that, it is better to remove it and give up.

But right now, your Nem is simply adjusting it's tissues and metabolism to it's Nem surroundings.

If your Nem does not start to open up and you become concerned, try lowering your lights and slowly bring it back up. That should help you understand how much "bloating" is too much and what is just normal inflation.

But you have to expect any new Anemone to take long time adjusting, they had a yearly calender of water currents, imprinted into its tissues and many nems will act out for months while adjust it's previous yearly movement circles to your tank :) It is not an issues, it is not because your tank is new, and it is normal.

Sellformation and information is not the same.
Sellformation will tell you that you have to spend more cash before you can get what you want. Information is, 50% of everything we try to move from the ocean into a tank will die from the process, it is simply a matter of limiting the impact of Shock on the organism.

The most important thing anybody can do for Anemones is: don't put into a tank with other stingers.


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Feb 9, 2020
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It appears to be a bubbletip Nem :)

The Anemone was probably overbloated in the store because of inadequate lighting. The overbloating is nice looking and some shops even use inadequate lighting to force the Anemones to bloat up and look impressive.

Your Nem is adjusting, it will take it anything from 4weeks to three months to turn it's tissue and metabolism to new surroundings and in that time it can easily die - from shock. Do not return a shocked animal to a store, it is this moving back and forth that shockes them in the first place.

I suggest that you buy some kind of Zooplankton, Copepods, rotifers, Salina moina or even amphipods, and flush the system with it, so the anemone "feels" it is in a survivable area.

Your Nem is collapsed and small because it is currently focused on it's foot, and how to best place it's foot and this process will take some time. Do not remove it unless you see signs of the Nem actually dying.

Signs of the Nem dying is that it starts to decompose while still moving. If you see that, it is better to remove it and give up.

But right now, your Nem is simply adjusting it's tissues and metabolism to it's Nem surroundings.

If your Nem does not start to open up and you become concerned, try lowering your lights and slowly bring it back up. That should help you understand how much "bloating" is too much and what is just normal inflation.

But you have to expect any new Anemone to take long time adjusting, they had a yearly calender of water currents, imprinted into its tissues and many nems will act out for months while adjust it's previous yearly movement circles to your tank :) It is not an issues, it is not because your tank is new, and it is normal.

Sellformation and information is not the same.
Sellformation will tell you that you have to spend more cash before you can get what you want. Information is, 50% of everything we try to move from the ocean into a tank will die from the process, it is simply a matter of limiting the impact of Shock on the organism.

The most important thing anybody can do for Anemones is: don't put into a tank with other stingers.
Thanks for the advice! I will definitely adjust the lighting and I just bought the zooplankton and phytoplankton bottle from amazon. I was really happy that my two clowns were hosting it tho, I didn't wanna take it back to the store caz they were hosting it. Now I will keep it and let it adjust, and should I directly feed it or just feed the tank with zooplankton and phytoplankton?


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My tank finished cycling mid January and I have 3 rock flower nems in now and 1 on the way. Furthermore, I have 7 fish with 6 more on the way and a ton of corals all doing very well and brightening up.

As long as your parameters are stable, the age of the tank does little more than allow coraline algae growth. Your nem looks fine. Keep parameters stable, put it somewhere with adequate lighting about 70-150 par if you can get your hands on a par meter.

Spot feed it frozen mysis, reef roids, or rotifers to keep him stationary and conditioned to being fed in that spot. Gentle flow is probably best. Enough to move nutrients over it and waste away.

Don't stress. It takes time for nems to acclimate.
Most importantly, DO NOT make any major changes just to make it happy. You'll end up ticking it off more.


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I have a rose bubble tip anemone as one point it crawled up behind a rock and into a shadow, not sure looked like yours and thought it was gonna die as well...week or so later it crawled back out and is not growing like a weed ! It sometimes takes a while for it to find it's 'happy place'...shot of mine now on the right !

Nutramar Foods


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Guys what if it shrieked and slimy brown stuff started coming out of it? This happend like 2 or 3 times and it goes back to normal the next day, should I be worried? I'm not experiencing color change

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Other.

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