Ok. Linckia laevigata should be very rarely imported. I'd go so far as to say at this point in time they should be difficult to find and I'd even support having to request for a shop to order one. So why am I keeping one? No, I'm not being a hypocrite, just think it's pretty, or believe I have the "special" 1 in a million tank that they don't die when 98% or more die (few make it that long). This is for research purposes only. The aim is to observe the behavior very closely and take notes every day to compare to the behavior of Fromia indica starfish. You can learn a great deal from paying close attention to behavior characteristics and how they differ as long as you ask yourself why that may be and try to figure out why their behavior should vary greatly for example if their food source is the same? That's just one example of many. Yes, I will weigh him today to assess health and continue to weigh him periodically while attempting to offer a variety of foods. Perhaps he will eat, perhaps not. Maybe he will eat but obtain insufficient nutrients. That's not a successful feeding regimen then.
This is research to try to learn as much as possible and perhaps the information gathered will lead to insight and help develop a way to maintain them. Don't go buy one with the expectation you'll be an outlier or because of anything you heard that has no scientific support (having a big tank comes to mind). So many wives tales are passed around about this species it would be better to assume none of it is true and google anything supported by real research. Uncle Joe at the fish shop probably knows very little about some of what he sells tbh.
This is research to try to learn as much as possible and perhaps the information gathered will lead to insight and help develop a way to maintain them. Don't go buy one with the expectation you'll be an outlier or because of anything you heard that has no scientific support (having a big tank comes to mind). So many wives tales are passed around about this species it would be better to assume none of it is true and google anything supported by real research. Uncle Joe at the fish shop probably knows very little about some of what he sells tbh.