IM 25G Lagoon Build


Nominated Cronie Intern - Might be failing?
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Nov 22, 2019
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Peoria, AZ
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I'd use it as is. When I plumbed my 125 I took the middle return and ran it down to the bottom glass, teed it off and split it for multiple returns. One thing to keep in mind, if there's no check valve on the return you'll want to drill a hole under the running water level but above the bottom of the weirs.


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Mar 27, 2023
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Nice project you have here. Doesnt look like a standard 90g. What are the dimensions? Any idea of the size of the drain in your overflow? I like to run a herbie or beananimal style of overflow but those require 2 or 3 holes. They are quite and safer then just a durso. But with only the one hole durso is fine too. It would be a lot more work and expense to change out the weir and drill more holes if the bottom is even drillable, could have been tempered after that hole was drilled. You would want to check that out before you even thought about changing it. There is also the option of going with an external overflow, again check to see if the glass can be drilled first. You could then patch the bottom hole. Durso style work fine just tend to be a little noisy once you have one of the other two its hard to go back.

I’m looking for lights that are easy to use, have preset lighting schedules, are modern in design, and won’t break the bank account!
I was not sure if you were replying to the question of the day or asking me my opinion by replying to my
I use a single Reefi uno 2.0 pro on my 80ish cube it does a great job and I absolutely love the light. Depending on the dimensions of the tank you would probably need 2 but that would be about the same price as a single xr30 with double the power. Thats of course if you dont win the Orphek. That Natura looks great and I did originally want to go with the OR3 bars but after a lot of research they just dont work well in a canopy and really need to be mounted 15"+ off the water surface to better spread the light. The natura says it can be mounted 8" off the water. If that is true then it would be a great light for your tank, which looks to me like it may be 36" long.