SLEEK AND DAPPER STAND OUT. BE DIFFERENT. A spectrum array like never before. Silicone lenses that come with a lifetime warranty. 24/7 reef realism, all powered by the DALUA ECOSYSYTEM app. Designed for versatility. The perfect square, sized at 9.6" and paper thin at 1,49", allows you to add...
Brand new , I have 3 never even out of the box. I have run illumagic lights for the last 5 to 6 years and have never had a problem and they have been the best Lights I’ve ever used. This X4 is the best light specifically that I have ever used to grow coral and has made the color and growth exceptional. I ran Radion’s before these, and they blow the Radion’s out of the water. These have par, better spectrum, no disco ball, hardly any shadowing, more real spread and there app is second to none . Many of you have bought Coral from me over the past 10 years and these lights ran all my farm tubs and 220 display. I had these three that I had not installed yet, and was saving them if I got back in the hobby, but it doesn’t look like I will be anytime soon, so I have some things I’m gonna be posting on here.
I have a bunch of pumps and T5 also
These are brand new in the box and cost 800 new. Best bang for your buck honestly! These lights are all about performance, and not Marketing hype.
3 of them at 600 each obo shipped with insurance
I HAVE 3 of them that were going to go over my second tub that was 7’ long.