Ick- fukes - yellow Tang and Fox Face.


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Jan 28, 2020
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Good morning fellow reefers.
I recently purchased a yellow tang and a fox face from a fellow reefer. I have a new tank set up that’s been cycling for a few months- no other fish. Bad mistake- I decided to add them here without QT or Observation After a few days I noticed little black dots on the fox face. Last night I noticed what appears to be ICK also on both fish. It’s hard to see against the yellow color- but if you get a look down the side of the fish you can see a lot of little bumps-

no corals, only a few inverts ( one hermits, two snails)

I have treated tank with Prazipro, and I’m considering doing hyposalinity to the main tanks. It’s 120gal + sump. I’m guessing 150 gal total volume.

other option is to remove fish and treat in QT and go fallow. Tang and fox face are full Grown- all I have are ten gallon tanks for qt.

Would the ten gallon be way too small for a 8” fox face or a 6” yellow tang?

I have never done hypo. In the main tank I don’t have a ATO yet, so trying to pick one up this weekend so if I do do hypo I think I’ll need this for sure to keep salinity stable.

any thoughts in large fish in small 10 gal qt?
Seems very small to me, should I find a larger tank? Would a 29 gal Petco tank work?

here’s a photo for size. Can’t see the ick or flukes In This photo, but just for size reference.

Jay Hemdal

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I wouldn’t try to hold those in a ten gallon. What all is in your DT? All your fish have the potential to have ich now. You can’t run hypo with any invertebrates of course.


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I only have the yellow tang and a fox face. It’s 120 gallon tank.

I can remove inverts- only one hermit and two snails. It’s a new tank. Been set up a few months, but haven’t transferred anything g from my old tank yet.

Do you think a 29 gallon from Petco be large enough for these guys? It will be for at least the 76 days for fallow period.
Top Shelf Aquatics

Jay Hemdal

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The 29 would be borderline - the big issue would be managing the ammonia. I've just seen too many people set up a QT and then not control the ammonia, losing their fish in the process. You'll need plenty of live bacteria and test the ammonia daily. You can raise the tempeature of your QT and get the fallow period down to around 45 days....



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I treated prazi on Saturday. No signs of flukes after one treatment. Will do a follow up treatment tomorrow just to be sure.
I have been feeding food with metroplex and focus. I don’t think it helps ick, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. Plus garlic soaked nori daily

both fish no longer have visible signs of ick. I’m considering more of a ick management situation instead of a ick eradication... hopefully this doesn’t come to bite me later.

in my other tank (which eventually will all be moved to this tank) my hipo tang does get a spot or two of ick when she gets stressed. So I feel I’m already doing “ick management” in that tank. I could go thru all the qt process and probably still end up in the same boat.
Here’s my old tank that’s going to the new tank:

Here’s the new tank: (old photo from when I added sand from a few months ago)


New tank has been cycling for a few months. Started with some dry sand and some live sand. Live rocks, microbacter7 daily, cured marine pure block in sump. Ammonia/nitrite been at 0 for a while now. Tank already has a good pod population I see on the glass.

im not 100% sure on my methods going forward- but at this point I think I’m leaning towards the management side of “the ick debate”..

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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