Ich? Brook? What just happened?


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Hello Brains trust,

looking for some guidance on what to do next...

- Red Sea Reefer 350, no corals. Fish only at the moment.
- 2 Designer clownfish
- 4 reef chromis
- 1 Purple tang

So, the clownfish and chromis were the first fish in to the tank (didn't quarantine these guys). After 4 weeks I got a purple tang and placed him in a quarantine tank for 4 weeks. 1 week observing, 2 weeks in copper at full dose then 1 week coming out of copper. All was well so placed him into the DT.

4 days later... the dreaded spots appear on the Purple tang. WHAT THE ACTUAL F###. So I got some snake oil (Medic) and started doing a full dose. You're probably thinking why
didn't I take the fish out and re-quarantine... well the day after I put the the purple tang in I bought some wrasse and placed them in my quarantine setup.

2 weeks on and the ich got worse. so went to my LFS and they kindly gave me the Australian version of Medic to try (reef revolution parasite remover) and also suggested I drop my salinity which I did (down to about 1.015) and after 5 days the tang was clear of spots. WHOOOOOP! So I continued to dose.

Here's the kicker
About 3 days after the Tang stopped showing signs of Ich, my 2 clownfish started to act a little sluggish and breathing heavily. The next morning they had white spots on them so I obviously thought they had ich, HOWEVER, they were also showing signs of Brooklynella, excessive slime coat production. The next day they were both dead...

5 days now since the Clownfish died and the tang is alive and ich free and the chromis have had nothing happen to them.

My question now is, where did the Brook come from? was it actually Brook? or did my captive bred clowns just get hit hard by the ich and couldn't handle it?
Now do I go fallow? or just leave the tank as is for now and not add anything new for a month or so observing the tang and chromis in the process?

Guidance appreciated!
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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There is no miracle cure in a bottle for ich except copper. If there was it would be on every forum all over the internet.

So whatever you were sold its all snake oil.

Now. Back to your ich issue. Ich isnt gone. One big stress event and it will show up again.. and or it will just show up again regardless.

The chromis dont really get ich or show it at least. The tang and clowns will.

All those fish you have can handle hyposalinity just fine, so i would actually do hypo in the nain tank if you dont have any corals.. and just get rid of ich all together. I did hypo in my main tank for 2 months. Moved my coral to a smaller tank and its been 5 months now and ich is gone. I can stress the tick out of ny tank and nothing will show up because my tabk is actually ich free.

This is just my 2 cents


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There is no miracle cure in a bottle for ich except copper. If there was it would be on every forum all over the internet.

So whatever you were sold its all snake oil.

Now. Back to your ich issue. Ich isnt gone. One big stress event and it will show up again.. and or it will just show up again regardless.

The chromis dont really get ich or show it at least. The tang and clowns will.

All those fish you have can handle hyposalinity just fine, so i would actually do hypo in the nain tank if you dont have any corals.. and just get rid of ich all together. I did hypo in my main tank for 2 months. Moved my coral to a smaller tank and its been 5 months now and ich is gone. I can stress the **** out of ny tank and nothing will show up because my tabk is actually ich free.

This is just my 2 cents
Thanks! I also thought about doing Hypo but the way the clownfish died suggests to me they may have had brook? or was it just a severe reaction to Ich? As I understand hypo wouldn't kill brook. But I think hypo is my only way forward at the moment like you said.
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Pete Hammersley

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There is no miracle cure in a bottle for ich except copper. If there was it would be on every forum all over the internet.

So whatever you were sold its all snake oil.

Now. Back to your ich issue. Ich isnt gone. One big stress event and it will show up again.. and or it will just show up again regardless.

The chromis dont really get ich or show it at least. The tang and clowns will.

All those fish you have can handle hyposalinity just fine, so i would actually do hypo in the nain tank if you dont have any corals.. and just get rid of ich all together. I did hypo in my main tank for 2 months. Moved my coral to a smaller tank and its been 5 months now and ich is gone. I can stress the **** out of ny tank and nothing will show up because my tabk is actually ich free.

This is just my 2 cents
Hi, sorry for the dumb question, but what kind of numbers would you be aiming at to call something hyposalinity?


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