Hey guys and very excited about undertaking a bit of a dream journey into the world of Marine breeding. I have been an avid freshwater fish breeder in the past breeding fish from the African Lakes, Fancy Goldfish varieties, Bettas and a variety of Cichlids from all over the Americas (including genetic oddballs like electric blue Jack Dempsey) and now I'm excited to learn about the breeding side of marine fish and the challenges involved. I have been involved in the aquarium industry over the the last 15 years and have noticed the difference in approach to both sides of the hobby. I really feel avid and keen freshwater breeders can offer valuable assistance in helping with techniques and discoveries in the world of saltwater. Yes raising fish is obviously a whole new ball game but the fun part to me is the challenge of this and so my thoughts have already led me to learning the arduous task of maintaining a few certain healthy microalgae strains and inturn the certain copepod strains required for larvae rearing that feed on these algaes. It appears in the marine world we are going to have to master the art of keeping the much smaller lifeforms alive and healthy firstly. Even having a solid understanding of the fish involved is not as common because rarely do people keep pairs or species only tank where the focus is on the fishes behaviour with more marine hobbyists opting for a "mini reef" approach. Sorry I'm super passionate about the hobby and my new chapter in fishbreeding and yep can talk fish all day so will take a breath and just say a huge hello and thanks for adding me guys.
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