How to stop GSP growth???


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I added a small frag of encrusting Green Star Polyps and gave it its own rock island. Fast forward a year, and it's grown so much that it stretched over the sand and finally found my main rock work. I was too slow in stopping it, and it's now growing up towards my other corals.

Last night I tried to remove it, but man is it on there! I love the look of GSP, but it's about to collide with my zoas, rainbow monti, and other precious corals that need room to grow. Anyone know how to create a border, or remove it from rocks after it's taken hold??

I wish I'd heeded the warnings about GSP, but it's just so cool looking. I thought an island would be enough to keep it in check...


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I was going to suggest adding a butterflyfish, or something that might eat the GSP but you have other corals so that might not be a good idea.

Otherwise, I'd probably try this:
First, trim the island.
Second, scrape the mainland rocks with a metal tool to remove GSP
Three, repeat.
Some people use Kalkwasser paste or superglue to cover invaders. I'm not certain how either of these might work in your situation? Size and access to work inside the tank will impact how you can move forward.

:cool: Some folk would just let the corals battle it out for real estate. HTH- GL.


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Lol I like the "battle it out" idea. I'm just so pleased with the growth of my rainbow monti nearby, hesitate to move it.

I just had an idea! It's only theoretical, but let me know what you think!

So I already trimmed around the island, but the GSP on the rock work is now growing on its own, of course. Photo attached to show you what I mean. What if I took some black plastic and wrapped it around the GSP, leaving it for 2 weeks. Do you think the lack of light will be enough for it to melt away, or will it just sort of hibernate? (GSP doesn't die easily!)

IMG_3897 copy.jpg


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Glad you posted a picture, it is easier to see a solution now!

I don't know how easy it will be to plastic wrap the GSP, but I think that could work. Epoxy putty might be another option for the same application? It looks like it has grown well where it is at so getting active now is probably a good decision, how ever you go.

You might add carbon or PolyFilter to keep water quality high as the GSP dies, if you don't already have those in your filtration set up?

Beautiful tank, btw!

Anthony Scholfield

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I have some out of control GSP too. Ive been searching for a good way to remove it but all my searching has come up with two options. Manually remove with tools and repeat until eliminated or covering with kalk paste/epoxy/super glue idea.

Neither option has been to enticing so I’ve yet to get after it, haha. Ive done some super glue in the past with it which helped for a time but it eventually just grew over the super glue. I haven’t tried the kalk paste for fear of messing with tank Params and effecting near by corals. I’m thinking I’m just going to have to get my hands wet and start picking away at it manually. It just seems like such a job :p

Ugh! Dangerously beautiful haha


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I have some out of control GSP too. Ive been searching for a good way to remove it but all my searching has come up with two options. Manually remove with tools and repeat until eliminated or covering with kalk paste/epoxy/super glue idea.

Neither option has been to enticing so I’ve yet to get after it, haha. Ive done some super glue in the past with it which helped for a time but it eventually just grew over the super glue. I haven’t tried the kalk paste for fear of messing with tank Params and effecting near by corals. I’m thinking I’m just going to have to get my hands wet and start picking away at it manually. It just seems like such a job :p

Ugh! Dangerously beautiful haha

Actually, upon reflection, I am wondering if the OP could not just pile gravel on top of the GSP to smother it?
It might survive (sending out shoots from below ) but if it was then attached to the burial rubble it could be more easily extracted and moved to someone else's tank?
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I added a small frag of encrusting Green Star Polyps and gave it its own rock island. Fast forward a year, and it's grown so much that it stretched over the sand and finally found my main rock work. I was too slow in stopping it, and it's now growing up towards my other corals.

Last night I tried to remove it, but man is it on there! I love the look of GSP, but it's about to collide with my zoas, rainbow monti, and other precious corals that need room to grow. Anyone know how to create a border, or remove it from rocks after it's taken hold??

I wish I'd heeded the warnings about GSP, but it's just so cool looking. I thought an island would be enough to keep it in check...
My next project is to create a ring of Galaxea since I have alot of them at my disposal and put a frag of gsp in the middle. Just an experiment if its possible to use corals to keep other corals in check.
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I've dealt with purple clove invasion in my reef. The Kalk paste is the best solution. The parameter concern is understandable. In order to eliminate the worry. Do it before a water change.
1. 1 tablespoon Kalk powder 20 mls tank. water.(nice and thick)
2. Turn all flow off in tank.
3. Cover all visible tissue with paste using a. 10 ml plunger style syringe.
4. Sit back drink a beer (or other preferred. beverage) ( Beer works best in this. situation.) wait about 20 minutes
5. Suck out all the kalk paste with water. change hose. You will still see the GSP mat but the damage will be done. It will die off
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Glad I found this post , our gsp has been moving into unwanted areas. Our lfs suggested Kalk paste around edges to rein in , but eventually it'll find another route . I'm gonna add some rocks around the mass hoping it will grow onto them making easier to remove.


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So - I've tried peeling it off the rocks, and it's near impossible. It gets a real hold. I may try the kalk paste, I've been unsure about it. I've never used the stuff, so not very familiar. Worried about impacting my acros up top.

If I could do it again, I'd try pouring some sand on the rock around the growth edges of the GSP. It can't encrust on sand, so you can just lift it off eventually, then add more sand. Something to try for those of you that have the chance still.

What makes it such a nightmare is that it grows UP and OVER things when it hits resistance. It hit a zoa frag, created like a bubble over the top of of them, and then kept going. I need to rip it off and free the zoas, but it's becomes pretty exhausting.
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I ended up letting it just take over some areas, but elsewhere created an epoxy border. Globs of epoxy right on the edge of new growth, smothering it. So far so good.

it’s the white stuff in the middle, lights just came on now so everything’s waking up still.

, but also need to stay on top of trimming any vertical growth.

Frizzy reefnewb

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I ended up letting it just take over some areas, but elsewhere created an epoxy border. Globs of epoxy right on the edge of new growth, smothering it. So far so good.

it’s the white stuff in the middle, lights just came on now so everything’s waking up still.

View attachment 2239266, but also need to stay on top of trimming any vertical growth.
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Bringing up an old thread. Has anyone tried chilling off rock with a small chisel under water?

I really have to address the GSP coming for my main rock work.
Thats a risky route to go for, there's a lot of room for error and you might up causing more damage to surrounding corals. The path that worked pretty well for me was to put euphyllia or other stinging corals right next to the GSP, and within a week the GSP would die, and then I would keep moving the euphyllia until all the GSP I wanted to die would be gone. This method does have its setbacks, that being euphyllia are not the cheapest corals at the moment, and if you have a lot of GSP and only a small frag of euphyllia it might lose. But for me it has worked every time.
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Thats a risky route to go for, there's a lot of room for error and you might up causing more damage to surrounding corals. The path that worked pretty well for me was to put euphyllia or other stinging corals right next to the GSP, and within a week the GSP would die, and then I would keep moving the euphyllia until all the GSP I wanted to die would be gone. This method does have its setbacks, that being euphyllia are not the cheapest corals at the moment, and if you have a lot of GSP and only a small frag of euphyllia it might lose. But for me it has worked every time.
That’s an awesome idea that never crossed my mind. I actually put a Pectinia coral in front of it with the same idea hearing it was agressive.

I have 4 torches but 3 of the 4 are single head torches. I may use my triple head and move that one so it has a stronger shot of winning?

what are your thoughts?


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I added a small frag of encrusting Green Star Polyps and gave it its own rock island. Fast forward a year, and it's grown so much that it stretched over the sand and finally found my main rock work. I was too slow in stopping it, and it's now growing up towards my other corals.

Last night I tried to remove it, but man is it on there! I love the look of GSP, but it's about to collide with my zoas, rainbow monti, and other precious corals that need room to grow. Anyone know how to create a border, or remove it from rocks after it's taken hold??

I wish I'd heeded the warnings about GSP, but it's just so cool looking. I thought an island would be enough to keep it in check...
I've had some limited success covering it with epoxy. It's a delay tactic and not very pretty but it's better than killing the rock. I've seen a uvc device advertised that says it'll kill it. Good luck.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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