How to make Alkatronic more quiet?

AI Hydra


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Jul 20, 2020
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I’ve been running an Alkatronic for a few months (great product overall) but the noise has increase 2x over time. I opened it up to see if the peristaltic pumps became louder but everything looks okay. They come mounted on a rubber pad to absorb some of the vibration but it’s still extremely loud.

I can hear it through 2 walls/rooms in my apartment and I’m worried the neighbors will complain as it runs in the middle of the night too. The good thing is it sounds like a printer so at least it’s not a strange noise. That said, my printer is much more quiet.

Any ideas on how to insulate some of the noise? I’m thinking go to Home Depot and get some Great Stuff foam. Thinking of saran wrapping the unit, covering it in foam and cutting a cube out of it once dry. Is there a better solution for sound insulation?
Nutramar Foods


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Great question, and reminded me of a neighbor I once had, every now and again in the early early morning I would hear a crazy indescribably loud crash from his upstairs bathroom, it would wake me up every time. Turns out he was going snorkeling at golf courses at night and collecting lost balls from the water traps. The noise was the buckets of balls getting dumped into the bathtub to be washed before he sold them for a 1$ each. You are very kind to consider what your neighbors think about those mechanical noises at odd hours.

I have a friend who does sound proofing, but I am not him but certainly someone else on hear will help you with a sound solution that won't break the bank,... or perhaps, your neighbors balls. :)

I think this question deserves a real answer!
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Great question, and reminded me of a neighbor I once had, every now and again in the early early morning I would hear a crazy indescribably loud crash from his upstairs bathroom, it would wake me up every time. Turns out he was going snorkeling at golf courses at night and collecting lost balls from the water traps. The noise was the buckets of balls getting dumped into the bathtub to be washed before he sold them for a 1$ each. You are very kind to consider what your neighbors think about those mechanical noises at odd hours.

I have a friend who does sound proofing, but I am not him but certainly someone else on hear will help you with a sound solution that won't break the bank,... or perhaps, your neighbors balls. :)

I think this question deserves a real answer!
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Hopefully someone with soundproofing experience can chime in. I did read on soundproofing for a few hours and I think I have a basic understanding of the materials I need. Will work on building a small cabinet this weekend and if it makes a substantial difference in noise I’ll share it here. I’m sure there are people running different brands of auto testers/WC/dosers that could benefit too.


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ADX Florence
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I got a great idea to make it quiet. Put it back in the box and give it to me.
Hey, ME FIRST,< &*%$(#&*^#(&*Q$* :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:

OP, I do think your spray foam idea may have merit. I just wonder if there is a cleaner, solution from our DYI engineers. Something that allows easy access and near zero decibels to escape through the walls.

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We need an opener that won't wake up the neeighbors!
AI Hydra

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