How often to add new fish?


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Mar 18, 2017
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Hello all,
So this would be added to a newly cycled 90 gallon aquarium. With two small fish be appropriate to add after cycling? With three fish be OK? Or should I just add one? After adding the fish, when would be appropriate to add another fish or two? After two weeks? After a month? With my freshwater aquarium, I was able to add a fish or two spacing them out by a week or so without issues to my bio filter. With that be OK, or should I spaced it out more?


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Jul 21, 2019
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Hello all,
So this would be added to a newly cycled 90 gallon aquarium. With two small fish be appropriate to add after cycling? With three fish be OK? Or should I just add one? After adding the fish, when would be appropriate to add another fish or two? After two weeks? After a month? With my freshwater aquarium, I was able to add a fish or two spacing them out by a week or so without issues to my bio filter. With that be OK, or should I spaced it out more?
It would probably be best to keep up the ammonia somehow if you plan on quarantining then do that first. If you do not (I do not suggest this) then you can do that, what kind of fish are these?


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Jan 29, 2019
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Sounds like you're on the right track. A lot depends on the type and size of the fish.

If you're talking like two juvenile clowns, I think you'd be more than good to go, once you've confirmed you're fully cycled.
I haven't found any hard and fast rule, but peeps generally try to never go beyond doubling their bio-load.

The bacteria grow to consume the ammonia available and have to reproduce to process more. Just like you saw with your cycle, it takes some time. Even a years-old tank is pretty similar in that regard. Best judgement and common sense kinda thing IMHO.
World Wide Corals

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  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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Aquarium Specialty