I bought some new reagent for my ULR Phosphorous checker a two weeks ago. I've been battling low PO4, so multiple tests coming back as 0 didn't raise much of an alarm at first. I've been dosing NeoPhos and retesting daily. Every time it would read 0. Today I tested and got a 0, then dosed enough NeoPhos to raise it to 0.05ppm. After about 4-5 hours I tested again. I should have been somewhere around 13ppb on the checker, but sure enough it was 0 again? I'm thinking I have some bad reagent? I reached out to Hanna and they are going to send me some different lots of reagents to try. I don't think it's the checker, since the old reagent was giving me readings.
Is this a common thing for the Hanna reagents to go bad? This box was bought from a LFS and the expiration date is good?
Is this a common thing for the Hanna reagents to go bad? This box was bought from a LFS and the expiration date is good?