Blennies of all types remain one of the most criminally underrated aquarium fish, perhaps ever. Regardless of the genus you choose, they are all super personality plus, always full of amazing activity, and the majority of them are both hardy and gorgeous. You can either love them, or just be wrong. Among this group of perfect piscine pets, perhaps the most underrated is the Tessellated Blenny, which we're getting as an aquacultured species! In the science world, they go by the name Hypsoblennius invemar, which is your next fish geek meeting tongue twister!
When it comes to algae, these fish are a great choice for controlling it in the home aquarium. Algae is a very important part of their diet but should never be considered to be the only way they get food. They'll need supplemental feeding, and the Nutramar Complete Pellets are our choice for their primary food here, though you could also use the shots as the Tessellated Blennies like to graze and the shots will offer them an opportunity to do so. You can also supplement this diet with some thawed foods but stay away from super high protein stuff like bloodworms and tubifex. Instead utilize things like Gamma's Vegetarian Diet, or their Brine plus Spirulinia. As we've referenced, they'll eat algae in the tank, but if your tank doesn't have much in it, you can also feed your fish some of the Nutramar Nori and Ogo with clips in the tank. If you have a massive algae outbreak, you should get this under control before adding the fish, so their environment is more stable before adding them. Click here to learn more
When it comes to algae, these fish are a great choice for controlling it in the home aquarium. Algae is a very important part of their diet but should never be considered to be the only way they get food. They'll need supplemental feeding, and the Nutramar Complete Pellets are our choice for their primary food here, though you could also use the shots as the Tessellated Blennies like to graze and the shots will offer them an opportunity to do so. You can also supplement this diet with some thawed foods but stay away from super high protein stuff like bloodworms and tubifex. Instead utilize things like Gamma's Vegetarian Diet, or their Brine plus Spirulinia. As we've referenced, they'll eat algae in the tank, but if your tank doesn't have much in it, you can also feed your fish some of the Nutramar Nori and Ogo with clips in the tank. If you have a massive algae outbreak, you should get this under control before adding the fish, so their environment is more stable before adding them. Click here to learn more
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