DOA Policy: Must be reported within 1 hour of delivery (When it is dropped off). Picture of perished coral MUST still be in the bag (not opened).
*Every order will have freebies*
Vibrant Pink Cynaria - $180
Stratospheres - 3x 1P ($155)
Exospheres - $25 PP (price decreases depending on the amount of polyps)
White Zombie & Pot of Gold Mix - $25
Queen Krakatoa - $15 - $30 per frag
Blue Lagoons - $15 - $30 per frag
OG Nightmare - 1P ($35)
Bloody Krak - 1P ($20)
Random frags near the bottom are $15-$30 Ea.
PM me if you have any questions.
Multicolor Acanthophyllia - $420 (4+ inches when fully open)
Multicolor Acanthophyllia - $465 (4+ inches when fully open)
4-5 Splitting Head Avalanche - $2000 (PM for VID)
3 Splitting Heads Drama Queen (They're big heads) - SOLD (PM for Vid)
Pinching Head WILD Holy Grail - SOLD
Green Torch - $100
5-7 Heads Hellfire - SOLD (PM for Vid)
3-4 Heads NY Knick - SOLD (PM for Vid)
4-5 Heads Joker - SOLD (PM for Vid)
4 Splitting Heads Jester - SOLD (PM for Vid)
*Every order will have freebies*
- $45 for in-state and $60 out-state
- Not responsible for delays.
- Orders must be $150+ for shipping.
- Orders will be PACKED with care.
Vibrant Pink Cynaria - $180
Stratospheres - 3x 1P ($155)
Exospheres - $25 PP (price decreases depending on the amount of polyps)
White Zombie & Pot of Gold Mix - $25
Queen Krakatoa - $15 - $30 per frag
Blue Lagoons - $15 - $30 per frag
OG Nightmare - 1P ($35)
Bloody Krak - 1P ($20)
Random frags near the bottom are $15-$30 Ea.
PM me if you have any questions.
Multicolor Acanthophyllia - $420 (4+ inches when fully open)
Multicolor Acanthophyllia - $465 (4+ inches when fully open)
4-5 Splitting Head Avalanche - $2000 (PM for VID)
3 Splitting Heads Drama Queen (They're big heads) - SOLD (PM for Vid)
Pinching Head WILD Holy Grail - SOLD
Green Torch - $100
5-7 Heads Hellfire - SOLD (PM for Vid)
3-4 Heads NY Knick - SOLD (PM for Vid)
4-5 Heads Joker - SOLD (PM for Vid)
4 Splitting Heads Jester - SOLD (PM for Vid)
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